Chapter 23

Citizen Hill

It should be on your right.Sunflower's text message flashed before her eyes.

"Why are we going to this one?" Dak peeked out a small window. "You said the other one was closer?"

"This is the one we're supposed to be at." Citizen eased the drone down.

It landed with a clang of metal on asphalt, jolting to a stop.

Dak jumped out first, rifle up. Sid was right behind him.

Citizen limped out behind them. Dak was already in the door to the com tower lobby.

Power damper 4: 18%displayed in blinking red letters. An electrical surge buzzed the length of her body. She winced, then stumbled.

"You okay?" Bless took hold of her shoulder, nearly falling himself.

"No, but I'll be fine for a little while. Just get to the coms." She burst through the entry, shoving the door hard enough that it swung off its broken hinges.

Dak already had the elevator standing by. He had shot two security guards to clear their path - their bleeding bodies littered the hallway.