Chapter 24

Commander Karr

"There it is." Commander Karr pointed at the windshield. The com tower stood in front of them. "That's where they are."

"Location is already sent to Squads two, six, seven, and 10." The pilot readied the guidance system.

"Pull us up to floor five." Karr rubbed his hands together. "Zoom the camera all the way in." He had waited long enough for this day, and now, he wanted to relish every moment. "I want to see Bless die."

"Copy that, Sir." The pilot moved the giant drone.

"Squad two and six are already in position, Sir." The co-pilot engineer paused. His index finger loomed over the enter key. "On your mark, Sir."

Finally, Bless would be out of his hair. He didn't know what had happened to the Syth-L assassin - didn't really care. He hadn't heard a report from Handler Meechum for quite a while either. But there was a major battle going on. She must've taken care of CH012SYTH-L, or he'd have heard from her by now.