Chapter 25

Citizen Hill

Pain jolted Citizen to an alert state.

Her vision grew more and more blurry. She was drained and knew it. She'd gotten them this far and now found herself struggling to remain operational.

Dak and Sid stood ready to defend the attackers.

"Here we go." Bless hit the enter key. "Thanks to you and your anonymous handler, we're in." Bless sat back. He breathed out and ran his hands through his messy hair, then wiped away the dried blood from his cheek.

"And this will be recorded on the net?" Citizen leaned back in the chair, slouching.

"Yes, it will be broadcast live on every stream and tower. But the recorded version will be available on the net. The Feds won't be able to kill the stream for at least four minutes." A smile bloomed on his face. "But the recorded version will take them a couple of days to erase."

"Whenever you're ready." Citizen clasped her right knee to keep it from moving during a spasm.