Chapter 37

Julian Bless

Julian Bless and Dak stood inside of an old railway tunnel station. They were one floor underground. The station was dark and smelled musty.

"This is where she said?" Dak asked.

"Yes, this is station D7." Bless looked at his watch. "And we're right on time too. Starkley will be here any minute."

Dak's expression of annoyance was not hard to miss. Dak was built for kicking down doors and shooting things. He wasn't one to sneak around in the shadows. There would be plenty of fighting and shooting soon, but now they had secret work to do.

The screech of a metal hinge squealed out from the darkness. Bless and Dak moved apart. Dak drew his pulse pistol and held it in a ready position. Bless remained with his arms down.

Footsteps turned into Starkley. Dak lowered his pistol.

"Did they come?" Bless asked.