Chapter 38

Julian Bless

The place was full of people and telescreens. Cameras would be everywhere too.

The game has just gotten increasingly complex.

He found a table and sat on the metal bench. The large-framed Dak stayed a step behind him. They blended in nicely.

There were about fifty people in this large cafeteria, all at different stages of finishing their meals.

Bless looked over his shoulder out of the window to see one of the new facial recognition drones slowly move down the middle of the street at eye level.

That was close.

"I don't like this." Starkley sat down next to them.

"What do we do now?" Damien sat down across from Bless. His face was full of fear.

He had to project calm in situations like this.

"Just relax. We'll let the drones pass," said Bless. "They'll probably make another turn down the street. After that, we walk out. For now, let's just sit here and wait."