Chapter 51

Octavian Karr

An incoming call echoed in the chamber. Dr. Drayson held up a finger to silence the room.

Karr was still standing at attention. Bachus and the two other governors remained seated. Karr was proud to be reporting the progress on torturing Bless. For the first time in a very long time, Dr. Drayson smiled in approval. It took some effort, and a lot of resources, but he had finally captured Bless.

The doctor had been putting the screws to Karr for far too long. Now he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Drayson touched the button on his ear implant to take the call in private. The man's face changed as he listened to the message. Something told Karr that it wasn't good. Drayson sat up straight in his chair, pressed his lips together, then his eyes shot to Karr.

What was it? Something was wrong. Clearly, Dr. Drayson wasn't happy. Karr's mouth went dry.

"I see." Drayson spoke as his eyes drilled into Karr.