Citizen Hill
"How are you feeling, boss?" Zemira hooked up the second IV bag to Bless.
"I'm fine, almost 100%." Bless was lying on Athan's Tinker's table, his eyes closed. His blood pressure had stabilized, and the color had returned to his face. He was much better than when Citizen found him, but he still had a long way to go to reach 100%. And his heart rate was still over a hundred. He needed help.
Julian's worst injury was the pulse blast he had sustained to the lower leg. That was the same ankle he injured all those weeks ago when they were being hunted in the autonomous zone. So much had happened since then.
"I need to broadcast a video." Bless groaned as he tried to sit up.
Zemira gently placed a hand on his chest to hold him down in the way only a doctor could. "Yes, you can do a video, but you have to be conscious to do that. Less us get you going first."