Chapter 57

Octavian Karr

Commander Karr slammed his fist down on the console. "Are you telling me someone ambushed my supply truck and that we not only lost an entire company's worth of supplies, but an Elias Device as well?"

"Y-yes, Sir." Handler Dodson trembled in front of his superior.

"Damn it!" Karr grabbed Dodson by the collar, pulling him close. He bared his teeth.

Dodson was sweating and scared.

Good. Karr wanted everyone scared now. He had grown tired of people not doing their jobs. Everyone was incompetent but him. If only they would listen to him. If only they would work with the fervor, he did. If only they would have the undying love for the Federation like he did, then maybe once, just once, something would work.

Dodson must have been sweating for a long time, sitting here, waiting for Karr's arrival. He smelled horrible. Definitely a uniform and a hygiene infraction. He would write up the young handler later.