Chapter 58

Citizen Hill

Citizen avoided the oncoming crowd by crossing the street. She wore the hood up over her face and stuffed her hands in her pockets. With the nano-brace, she could walk without a limp. It was still officially illegal to wear a hood in public, but so many residents were doing it now, the agents stopped enforcing it. The drones were not even sending the notice. The Federation resources must be spread thin these days.

A crowd passed her. It was a protest of some kind, but it was not violent yet. It was just a mass of people walking the streets together because they could.

They may not be official Elysium yet, but they were on the right track.

The crowd contained seventeen people: twelve males and five females. They were not violent or loud, but they were clearly exercising their power by being out in the open like this. The human nature of free will and choice that was being displayed on such a large-scale intrigued Citizen.