
Chapter 9

Kade stared in disbelief. Slim waist with wide hips, and breasts stuffed inside a black body suit. The thief was a woman. Even in the dark, he didn't think she had a gun. Thieves with guns fired when surprised like this.

He reached behind his coat for his gun. The tuxedo sleeves tore open. Hell, now he would have to buy it. He drew his weapon and his shoes smacked against the wooden floor.

She flinched. With a flip of her wrist, a can bounced across the floor in his direction.

At the same time, he ducked away. Smoke poured from the discarded canister.

Tear gas. Kade cursed as mucus ran from his eyes and nose.

The image of the woman in black darted before him.

He fired out a shot, and she muffled a cry. Not a fatal wound, but hopefully enough for Paul to catch her.

He tried to shield his face from the fumes. The window opened with a scrape. Then the sounds like a zing of a rope over wheels. Hunched over, he groped for his gun.

Instead of finding it, he crawled forward and vomited. Great. Now he'd be reprimanded for that too. Probably make him pay for it, which would put him into debt for three lifetimes.

He dug his fingers through the plush carpet to heave himself out of the bedroom. Away from the gas, so the pain would stop.

The thief was gone. Where the hell was the surveillance team watching the windows?

He pushed up on his hands and knees. Streams of tears ran down his face. He forced his body to crawl again. Air, clean air that would help him breathe.

The hallway, if he could make it to the hallway.

Inch by inch, he crept past the doorframe and into the hall.

He coughed. His lungs squeezed and felt thick with blood. In basic training he'd sampled tear gas before, but this was different. Stronger, with something laced inside.

He lay down. The chandelier lights swayed in his vision.

Remembering the thief, he fished in his pocket for his cell phone.

The numbers blurred and he took a guess, hoping he had the right one for Paul, number twenty-eight.

"Thief escaping. Woman." He choked, and then passed-out.


Paul and Crystal's faces loomed above him.

"Where the hell am I?"

"At the hospital," she quipped. "I'll let the doctor know you're awake." She ducked outside and returned a moment later with the doctor.

Both Paul and Crystal stepped out while the doctor told him their findings and that he'd have to stay another day for observation. Kade thanked the doctor as he left.

His head throbbed, and he squeezed his eyes shut. The last thing he remembered was the

damn gas and the smell of his puke. Not opening his eyes, he heard two sets of footsteps and guessed it was Paul and Crystal returning.

"I know this is early," Paul started, "but did you get a glimpse of the thief?" Opening one eye, he squinted at Paul.

He didn't want Crystal to know he was a cop - not yet. Too many women wanted to be friends after he disclosed his occupation.

"Guess I had too much to drink and wound up in the wrong room. No, it was dark. All I made out was that it was a woman." Kade whispered. "Whenever I can think and not cringe, then I will talk this over with you, ok?" He needed to keep his mouth shut in front of Crystal. These painkillers were messing with his judgment.

"Sorry, I don't mean to burden you with this right now. We'll get your statement when you are feeling better."

Kudos for Paul. There may be more to this guy than a pressed suit. His head pounded, but he still didn't want to pass up a chance to be alone with Crystal and kiss her. Yes, perhaps that would help him. He even imagined her in a nurse's uniform and straddling him. "Hey man, could you swipe a bag of cookies and mints from the cafeteria?"

"Sure." Paul winked and he hoped it meant he caught his hint.

After the door closed behind Paul, Kade hit the button on his bed so he could sit up more.

When Crystal moved to sit in the chair, he patted the mattress beside him.

She looked uncomfortable. Had he misread her? He thought she was attracted to him.

Placing her purse on the empty chair, she sat down on the bed beside him and he couldn't keep the grin off his face.

"Some party, huh?"

She shrugged. "Sorry you got mixed up with that - that burglar wasn't it?"

"Probably. They usually don't carry tear gas, though."


Shit! When would he learn to keep his damn mouth shut. "I mean, that's what the doctors think it was."

She trailed a hand up his blankets to his chest and his breathing increased. "So what do thieves usually carry?"

"Guns or knives, I guess." It was hard to think with her looking up from her golden lashes like that.

"Then I guess you were lucky she didn't have either of those." He rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. "Yeah, well... " Her hand running down his arm was distracting.

"But I'd rather not talk about that." He reached out and hooked his fingers in her hair. "Paul could return at any moment and I've wanted to feel your lips for weeks." Not waiting for a response, he brushed his mouth across hers. Light. Gentle. Asking.

When she sighed against his mouth, he pulled her to him until she fell across his torso.

Her lips tasted of cherries and vanilla. God, she felt good in his arms.

His tongue swept across her bottom lip, seeking an invitation. When she gave it, he growled and deepened the kiss. Their lips and tongues grew more insistent. He wanted to feel her skin beneath his hands. To kiss every inch and memorize her body.

His hand cradled her to him and he swept a hand up to her breast. Lace. Nice. She was full in his hands and he fought the urge to strip their clothes off and -

The door to his room creaked open and Crystal jumped off him as if he were a hot stove.

Good thing he was covered up with the blankets or the hospital gown would show his excitement.

He should have asked Paul to drive downtown to pick up the food.

Paul cleared his throat. "Here's all I could find." Tossing him a bag of M&M's and gum.

"Ready to go?"

"We'll leave you alone." Crystal squeezed Kade's hand.

For the hundredth time since meeting her, he wished she would stay. But she said goodbye and left with Paul.

Damn, he was glad Paul was already hooked with Ruby.

Otherwise, his jealousy would make him crawl out of that bed and bring her back.