
Chapter 10

Crystal frowned as they zigzagged through the hospital, dodging patients, candy strippers, and nurses. She twisted the strap on her handbag. What had happened to Ruby? When the gas canister had gone off, she had to stay with the crowd as the caterer while Paul had corralled everyone back. But she knew the gas was a sign that someone had caught her sister, or tried to.

She wanted to race outside and find Ruby, but they couldn't blow cover. Gustin had drugged the surveillance cops' food and drinks so they were out of commission at the time Ruby would strike. Ruby should have escaped cleanly.

The catering job had been Crystal and Ruby's way into the Owen mansion, but if anything went wrong, backup plans were implemented. In this case, getting inside had been easy. If needed, Ruby had a black zip line rope in her backpack she could use to get down to the ground. And with the cops in the next house drugged, she didn't have to fear being spotted. If Kade hadn't interrupted her, Ruby would have changed back into her catering outfit and marched right out the door with the stolen computer files, Mayan bowl, and everything in the safe.

I have to trust that she's ok. That she released the gas in time to get away. When Paul had told her that Kade was injured, she couldn't refuse to go to the hospital with him to check on his cousin.

If Ruby was hurt -

"I'll give you a ride home?" Paul asked and she nodded. "By the way, have you heard from Ruby? Tried her cell a dozen times, but only voicemail comes on."

"She's probably still asleep, it's early." Crystal bit her lip, suddenly disliking her sister's relationship. Paul working on their case was too close for her to relax or trust him. "Thanks for the ride. Ruby has the Toyota for the bachelorette party she catered tonight."

"Well, it's late. Maybe she'll be home and I'll see her when I drop you off."

Crystal smiled, but inside her stomach flopped. There was no other party tonight, just a ruse to get Ruby out of the kitchen without Kade getting suspicious. Ruby better be home. Fear like this hadn't choked her since she and her sister had escaped death at the age of nine. Because Ruby had a fight at school, both were delayed in the principal's office that day. It was the reason they weren't dead along with their foster parents.

Dawn colored the sky in orange and pinks as Crystal crawled into Paul's Mercury Cougar.

As if sensing she didn't want to talk, he flipped on the radio to the rock station as they pulled out of the hospital.

She had not spoken to Ruby since the accident. Luckily, from overhearing Paul talk to his boss on the phone, she was certain Ruby had escaped. Though a part of her kept nagging with a billion 'what if's.

Crystal leaned her head against the window; the autumn colored leaves floated down as

they drove. What went wrong? Ruby had used the gas when Kade showed up, but why was he even in there?

Earlier in the hospital, she had been too worried about her sister to listen to Paul and Kade's conversation. As much as she was starting to like Kade, her sister's safety consumed her mind.

Questions swirled. She had left Kade for a second while she dashed outside to call Ruby. It was too late, she didn't answer. Rule number three: shut off cell phone before you do a job.

When she rushed inside, Wilma Burnston cornered her about her recipe for the chocolate torte. Explaining that a chef never reveals her secrets, she pushed passed the elderly woman to the stairs. That's when the gun fired.

Then Paul barreled past her, yelling into his cell that the thief was in the mansion.

Great. She froze on the stairs with her hand on the rail. And didn't know what to say to stop him and buy her sister time.

While the police blazed into the place she slipped out the back. Ruby's ropes were gone. But there was a blood stain on the brick wall and too many people around for her to call one of the uncles.

While Paul drove, she held her cellphone by her side, typing in a text message for them to clean the brick asap. Paul was oblivious. The police had taped off the area, but her uncles would find a way around that.

Still, uneasiness nagged her. What was Kade doing on the third floor, anyway? He was supposed to be helping her cater and doing the dishes as he'd promised.

"After I drop you off, and say hello to Ruby, I'll need to head back to Owen's. It's a crime scene now."

"Of course." Bile rose in her throat, but the blood, and any trace of Ruby, would be removed, even if they had to steal it from the forensic lab.

Businesses and restaurants faded by as they drove. Then the land grew crowded between houses, graffiti sprawled across the empty house on the corner.

Three more streets and she'd be home. Then she'd find out what happened. Her stomach rolled with anticipation for the next few blocks.

"We're here." Paul shut the car off.

"Thanks." She hopped out, but cringed when Paul followed her across the front yard. As she unlocked the door, he waited. She entered the house first.

"Ruby?" she called out, hoping to give her sister enough of a warning. "Paul's here." No response.

"I'll check her room." Crystal dropped her purse on the table and tried not to run to the stairs, despite her tight muscles ready to pounce. What if Ruby was severely wounded? Bleeding or a broken limb? How would they explain it?

The best relationship her sister had ever had would be gone. Her gut clenched. Crystal liked Paul as a person and as her future brother-in-law. He was good to her sister and made her laugh and get all googly eyed. As much as she knew Paul loved her sister, she'd doubted he'd wait for her while in jail. Paul followed her.

She knocked on her sister's door. "Ruby? Are you decent? Paul's here with me." Please let her be ok. This visit had to be quick. Get Paul out of here so she could find out what happened.

A muffled groan sounded, and Paul pushed past Crystal inside the room.

Ruby lay in bed, covered to her neck in blankets. Her face was pale.

Shit! Something had happened and it was bad. Very bad. Crystal wrung her hands as she stood behind Paul.

"What's wrong, honey?" Paul rushed to her side.

"Nothing, just a cold or something."

He felt her forehead. "You're burning up. Let's get you into a cool bath."

"No," Ruby and Crystal said in unison. There had to be a reason why her sister bundled up. Either she still wore her black body suit or her encounter with Kade went worse than Crystal feared. She knew her sister was bleeding from the fresh stain she'd seen on the brick outside Owen's mansion, but she didn't know where or how badly. And she dreaded the latter. Her sister wouldn't be that pale just from wearing her burglar outfit. A weight knotted in her stomach. What the hell had happened?

"Why not?" He glanced between both of them.

"I don't feel that bad. It's probably a cold, like I said. Let me get some rest. I took some Tylenol." She bit her lip. "I'll call ya tomorrow, ok?"

Crystal stepped forward almost to block him, but swiveled out of the way. Her sister glanced her way and she knew it was bad. The lead weight of worry sunk deeper inside her.

He kissed Ruby's forehead.

"Please." Ruby's face contorted, but when he stepped back, she had schooled her features. "Let me get some rest."

He answered her by kissing the tip of her nose, said goodbye, and, with a promise to check on her tomorrow, left.

To ensure he didn't hang around, Crystal followed him and hoped he didn't see her shaking hands. She locked the door behind him. It was too dangerous having him around all the time. Her sister walked a fraying tightrope, even if they did use the relationship in part to figure out how much he knew by his notes. But ever since Kade had come into the picture, her sister hadn't been able to conveniently sleep over so she could find out.

She raced upstairs to her sister.