
Chapter 23

Last night it had been hard to sleep, and today Crystal dragged herself around. She even had to fake smile for Westridge's chief accountant's anniversary. Thankfully, she'd cooked so many jobs over the years that she could finagle an enjoyable meal no matter how tired she was.

Crystal flopped down on her sister's bed.

"Ouch." Ruby frowned. "My wound may not be fatal, but it still hurts to move too much."


"How'd your date go last night?"

"Would've been better if the uncles didn't give me a job during the game," she sighed. Don't ask if we kissed. She'd rather avoid reliving the embarrassment that Kade couldn't get out of the car and away from her fast enough.

Her sister raised an eyebrow. "With the cop there?"

"Yes, but I snuck away from him for about fifty minutes."

She filled Ruby in on the details, including the false reason she gave Kade for her absence.

"At least we don't have to worry about doing the Maxmoore robbery, now."