
Chapter 33


Ruby held out her arms. "Come and get me then, if you're man enough." Probably not good to challenge a psychopath, but she couldn't fight him locked in this room. He had Rose, and Ruby had no idea what he had done to the elderly woman. And the images of Tommy injured and bleeding, snaking through her thoughts made her fight not to kick the door down and damn the consequences.

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" Static filled the intercom. "But I am the authority here. We do this on my - "

"So you're all talk. I'm already bored." She crossed her arms and turned toward the window.

"Don't you interrupt me when I'm - "

"Get over yourself," she said, not facing the camera, but loud enough that she knew he'd hear her. "You're just a petty criminal playing wanna-be bad guy. I've had coffee with tougher guys."

"Bitch!" The microphone squealed.

Down the hall, footsteps echoed. Ruby raced to the door, waiting. The missing hinges on the door would allow her to surprise him.