Donna Summer

Ray was persistent, pulling down the other side of Courtney's bodice to bare both her breasts. He held her very close rubbing them on his chest. He felt her hard nipples through his thin silk shirt. And after a few moments, she moved her torso, rubbing her breasts against him. She looked up into his eyes.

"What did Kayleigh tell you about me?" he asked.

"Everything," breathed Courtney.

"Do tell."

"She says you're insatiable; that you fuck her many times a night. She says no one has ever fucked her like you. You make her cum so hard she almost passes out. She says you've got a big cock; I can feel it between my thighs right now."

"How would you like it? Balls deep in your pussy?"

"You've got a filthy mouth."

"You love it, don't you? I bet your accountant husband doesn't talk like that."

"No, he's a gentleman."

"He's a cuckold."

"No, he's not. I've been faithful to him since we've been married."

"He'll be one by tomorrow. Because I'm going to fuck you tonight."

"You really think so? I'll just endure this number with you, then you're done here. Unless you leave right away, I'm going to ask you to do so, very publicly. I'm quite prepared to make a scene."

"I'm sure you are," said Ray. "But, it's a long number. I specifically requested it from the DJ – Love to love you, baby, by Donna Summer. There's more than twelve minutes left."

Courtney cocked her head to listen to the lyrics and heard Donna Summer groaning in sexual frenzy, "Waa… AHHH!! Waa… AHHH!!" Ray moved his hips, sliding his clothed cock up and down against her pussy. She caught her breath.

"It's a time-honored custom. Someone's got to make the bride and the matron of honor cum at every wedding."

"I'm married, thank you."

"You think Peter can make you cum tonight? With all that he's been drinking?"

She looked over Ray's shoulder at Peter, expecting to see him livid with Ray's actions. But Peter was looking away, talking to someone. He had a glass of wine in his hand and seemed to be trying to avoid looking at the dance floor.

"He knows what I'm doing to you," said Ray. "But he knows that if he sees it, he'll have to do something about it. And he's scared, so he'd rather pretend nothing is happening."

"I don't believe you."

"Just watch him," said Ray. "While I do this."

He reached down and with quick movement, darted his hand up under her skirt. And there it found the crotch of her panties. He ran a finger along her vulva and his thumb found her clit and manipulated it skilfully through the thin lace. Her panties were already damp, but they rapidly grew wet. He turned her sideways so that Peter could see his hand up her skirt if he looked at them.

Courtney gasped and tried to move away, but he held her tight.

"Love to love you...!" gasped Donna Summer.

"Tell me to stop and I will," Ray whispered.

"Please … please," she murmured.

"Please what?"

"Don't … don't … don't stop," she faltered.

She looked at her husband, but he quickly turned his back to the dance floor.

"See?" said Ray. "He knows, but he does not want to see it. That way he can pretend nothing happened."

"OOHH!" Courtney cried out involuntarily, echoing Donna Summer. She put a hand on her mouth to stifle herself. She was furious that Ray had been right, even more furious with her husband, but most of all, she was panicked by the strength of her sexual response to Ray's aggressive groping. She knew she should tell him to stop, but he was exciting her so much that she just couldn't.

"I'm going to fuck you right now, but your husband will pretend not to notice," whispered Ray. "Do you scream as loudly as Kayleigh when you cum?"

"Not here! Not here in public!"