Of Music, Juices And Hotel Rooms

"I've paid the DJ $100 to run the lights on a slow dimmer. Don't you see how much darker it is? Soon everyone on the dance floor will melt into a shadow."

Courtney looked around and sure enough, all the hall lights were much lower. The dance floor lights were already out, and she could barely make out the other dancers. Ray's probing hand found the waistband of her panties and pulled hard. He got them down to mid-thigh before she realized what he was doing.

For a moment, they caught on the ribbons of her pink snap-on garters, but he disengaged them expertly and they dropped to her knees. His hand returned to her now naked crotch and pushed her upper thighs apart. She tried to hold her panties up by putting her knees together, but Ray used his knee to separate them. Her panties fell to pool around her ankles.

"Don't you dare, I'm warning… "

"Tell me to stop and I will," Ray repeated.

"I shouldn't… we mustn't…" she whispered.

"Okay, I'll stop."

"Don't stop… don't stop," she said in a low voice. "What have you done to me?"

"Waa… AHHH!! Waa… AHHH!!" Donna Summer's sensual ascent continued, and Courtney felt the corresponding rise in her own.

Ray leaned down and pulled down her panties. She raised her feet, one at a time to allow him to retrieve them and free her legs. He put them to his nose before pocketing them.

"You smell just like your sister, Courtney," he said.

It was now so dark that Courtney could no longer see Peter or anyone beyond the dance floor. The other dancers were dim silhouettes. Ray maneuvered her to the large pillar in the middle of the dance floor till her back was against it. He moved much more quickly now and dropped all pretense.

"You're hot, Courtney, and you want it now," he whispered in her ear.

"Please… please," she whispered, a note of hysteria entering her voice.

"I'll dance the next number with Kayleigh," said Ray, softly. "I've got a long, slow sexy number requested next and the lights will go down again, just as they are now. You know she wants me. Who's it to be – you or her?"

"Me." Her whisper was so low that it was almost inaudible.

"I didn't hear you," said Ray.

"Fuck me!" she said in a low tone, her anger obvious.

Ray hiked her skirt up around her waist and put a hand under each buttock. He lifted her with her back resting on the pillar. She put her arms around his neck, rubbed her naked breasts on his chest and scissored her legs around his waist. Somehow, his shirt had become unbuttoned and her firm breasts flattened on his bare skin, her hard nipples making sensual indentations.

She felt his cockhead at her pussy lips, and he felt the leakage of her carnal fluids.

"I want my cock inside you, Courtney," said Ray.

"Yes, yes," she whispered urgently. "Just fuck me now!"

He lowered her slowly, impaling her on his cockhead. Her pussy was as ample as her sister's and gasped in an identical manner as he entered her. He knew they had less than seven minutes left, so he pushed the rest of his enormous cock into her without ceremony. He covered her lips with his, forcing them apart and entering her mouth with his thick tongue at the same time as his cock collided with her cervix. Her sharp cry was stifled.

He kept his tongue in her mouth as he began to fuck her hard, driving her buttocks against the pillar. The thought of the dancers all around them in the darkness heightened their excitement. Like her sister, Courtney had a short fuse and came quickly and hard. Her body thrashed on his, her hips rotating to jam her clit on his mount and make the greatest possible contact. Her contractions were wild and uncontrolled.

Ray kept fucking her through them and she ascended to another orgasm almost immediately. This time he let himself go, his grunts muffled by his tongue in her mouth. He ejaculated a heavy load of thick jism into her deepest recesses. He pounded his ejaculate into her through three hard thrusts.

They were both covered with sweat and their clothes clung to them. He let her down onto her feet. She leaned on him, feeling a bit woozy, not sure that her legs would carry her.

"Love to love you!" crooned Donna Summer as the song wound down to its close. The lights began to brighten, ever so slowly.

Courtney quickly pulled up the bodice of her bridesmaid's dress to cover her breasts. She plumped them with her hands, making sure that the dress was properly fitted again. She began to wipe her brow with her hand, but then Ray handed her a large handkerchief. She used it quickly.

It came away with smudges of black from her mascara and red from her rouge. By the time she handed it back to Ray, he had straightened his clothing and was annoyingly calm. Her dress was damp, but there was nothing she could do about it now.

"Let's go back to your husband," said Ray. "Then I'll leave. As you wanted."

The lights were back to normal when they approached Peter. He was standing with Tripp and Kayleigh. Ray took Courtney's hand and put it on Peter's.

"Here's your wife back, Peter," he said. "Thanks for loaning her to me." He left the sexual allusion hanging and turned to Kayleigh. "Thank you for inviting me. I'll see you the next time you're in the city."

He left quickly, without waiting for a response. Both Kayleigh and Courtney looked after his retreating back. Kayleigh took in Courtney's damp dress, her face devoid of make-up and the whiff of sexual fluids in an instant.

"He fucked you on the dance floor, didn't he?" She whispered in her sister's ear.

Courtney nodded, but before she could respond, Tripp and Peter brought them back to the present.

"Come on, girls!" said Tripp. "Time for another foursome of the bride and matron of honor on the dance floor!"

Tripp took Kayleigh's hand and led her to the dance floor where the next number was just beginning. It was Ray's requested slow, sexy number and the lights slowly began to dim. Peter tightened his grip on Courtney's hand and followed Tripp and Kayleigh.

"Wait, Peter…" began Courtney. "I need to use the ladies'."

"Oh, you can do that after the dance, darling," he said, pulling her along.

"Well…" she began.

She still felt the warmth of Ray's copious load of semen deep inside her. But now it was seeping out. The thick, viscous admixture of their sexual juices had slowly trickled down her upper thighs and was beginning to stain her stocking tops. The tart scent of their sex was obvious to her nostrils, and she wondered if Peter could smell it too.

He put his arms around her on the dance floor and they began to sway to the slow rhythm.

"Do you smell that sharp odor?" Peter asked her.

"No," she said, innocently. "I don't know what you mean."

"It's almost like someone has been having sex right here on the dance floor."

"People do the craziest things," she said. "But you're much too sensible for that."

"That I am," he agreed.


Ten days later, Ray's phone pinged with a text. He opened it and saw the familiar airline uniform. It was a selfie of a flight attendant taken from the neck down. The jacket was wide open, and the blouse was unbuttoned down to the waist. The uniform scarf was tightly knotted around the throat.

The cups of the black lacy bra were pulled down, a hand under each of the firm, young breasts, holding them together to form a tight cleavage. The nipples were hard, and a red-painted fingernail scraped each one. The text read, "The Marriott, room 812. The door's unlocked."

'Kayleigh's back in town,' Ray mused with a smile.

He texted his wife, that business would keep him in town for the night and called his chauffeur. He was at the Marriott within the hour. As he rode the elevator up to the 8th floor, he could feel his cock getting hard with the thought of sucking on Kayleigh's pregnant tits. He pushed on the door to 812 and it swung open smoothly.

Courtney sat on the bed. She was dressed as in the selfie she had sent him, except that her uniform skirt was now hiked up around her waist, displaying her black beribboned garters, stocking tops and black lace panties. Ray began shedding his clothes as he advanced on the bed.

"I want your baby," she whispered throatily, as Ray climbed into the bed and ran a finger on her damp panties, up her pussy to her clit. "Like my baby sister, Kayleigh."

"I've fucked you at the wedding – maybe you're already pregnant."

"I want to be sure."

"How long are you in town?"

"Three days."

"That's plenty of time," said Ray. "I'll fuck you as many times as I can, every day. You'll go home sore, but pregnant. I hope you like rough sex."