
After a moment, she put her arms around him. He pulled her tank top over her head, then unzipped her leather skirt and it dropped to the plush carpet around her feet. She kicked off her ankle boots. He picked her up and carried her to the suite's king size bed in her bra and panties.

"I'm still a bit sore, Ray," she whispered. "My pussy, and especially my ass. Do you really want to fuck me again right now?"

"Not right now," he said, as he pulled back the covers and lay her on the bed. He got in after her and pulled the covers up around both of them. He held her diminutive form in his strong arms.

"I am a bit tired," she whispered. "Those Red Bulls are wearing off. But I can feel you against me."

"I can be ready whenever you want," he said.

"I don't know if I can sleep. All I can think about is how hard I came with you inside me. So many times. I lost count."

But just a few minutes later, she was asleep. In repose, the years fell away – she looked like a teenager, even. Ray kissed her forehead and then her eyelids before closing his eyes.

* * * * *

Two hours later, Ray woke. He swiveled his head to look around the bedroom, unsure of what had woken him. He lay inert and listened, but there was no sound except for the highway buzz filtering in through the closed windows. Sue Ellen has got me on edge, he thought. No one is going to find me here. It wasn't on any plan or itinerary.

But now that he was awake, he felt the immediacy of Alex's nearly naked body, tight against his. His organ responded as it always did, and his erection grew rampant. Her back was to him, so he reached around her and pulled down the cups of her bandeau bra. He gently massaged her sensitive nipples between thumb and forefinger. They responded in a miniature mimicking of his member, growing stiff, thick, and more prominent. Their redness looked jet black in the moonlight streaming in through the light curtains, and her skin looked silvery.

He traced one hand down to her crotch and gently began stroking her vulva, round and around, brushing against her clit with each trip. She moaned in her sleep, low and long. He felt her growing moist and took a moment to lick her sexual juices off his fingers. Then he gently, ever so prudently, eased her panties off. Once he got them on her thighs, he stripped them off with subtle efficiency.

He began to work on her bare clit now, with gentle touches that grew just a bit quicker. She moaned again.

"It feels so good," she murmured. "Don't stop, don't stop."

Her voice was far away, for she was still asleep. Ray adjusted his position behind her and used his hand to line up his engorged manhood between her buttocks, the cockhead poised at her moist, thick vulva lips. Then he pushed his entire length into her all at once.

"OMIGOD!" she cried, shocked out of sleep. "JESUS GOD!"

Ray stayed in fully embedded inside her, savoring the tight, warm compression of her pussy.

"God, Ray, you could have given me some warning!"

"Tell me you didn't like it."


He moved gently, rocking back and forth, just an inch in and out. With the slow tempo and limited thrusting, her tight pussy created suction around his cock. It made a pleasing wet sound. She sighed softly as he pressured her cervix with each unhurried thrust.

"This feels wonderful, Ray," she whispered. "Are you same man that fucked me like a caveman a couple hours ago?"

He didn't speed up but kept going at the same pace. His hands found her small, firm breasts and teased her nipples again.

"God, Ray, let me turn around, I want to see you," she said.

When she did, her serpentine form was even more alluring. He kissed her and tugged on her leather choker. Her breathing grew labored, as she felt the mild suffocation again. Her hands grasped his wrists tightly and her body began to tense. Then, unfolding in slow motion, she began to cum. It was an orgasm unlike any she had had before. Her contractions were wringing, but each built up gradually, coming out from deep inside her, advancing along her vaginal wall till they reached her vulva that squeezed the base of his shaft. Each sent a powerful impulse of pleasure to her brain, and she cried out, "Yes! YES! YES!! FUCK, YES!!"

He came equally sedately. She felt him gushing deep inside her like a fire hose, forcing a stream of thick, musky semen into her recesses.

They lay together, still conjoined with his organ deep inside her as they wound down from their highs. The serenity made them lethargic. She felt his cock finally begin to deflate. As he lost his erection, he slid out of her pussy, slippery with their commixed sexual secretions. She felt his semen slowly seeping out of her on to the bed sheet. It was thick, viscous, sticky, and had a strong, pungent smell. It was intensely masculine, and it made her want him to fuck her again.

Her eye fell on the bedside clock.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" she shrieked. "It's nearly three o'clock! I should have been on the road by now!"

She rolled out of bed pulling her bra up over her breasts and hurriedly pulled on her tank top. She found her panties and slid them over her hips, unmindful of the semen dribbling out of her pussy. She zipped up her skirt, stepped into her ankle boots, and picked up her backpack. Throwing her leather jacket over her arm, she headed for the door.

Meanwhile, Ray got out of bed and pulled on his pants.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye?" he said to her retreating back.

She went out the door without replying or even turning her head. The door shut behind her and she was gone.