The Magnificent Seven - Ray Manning Finale

Ray's semen continued ooze out of her pussy as he cruised in the left lane, pushing the rig to its limits. Her panties were soaked now, her thighs were slippery with the sticky, gluey gel-like jism, and it wet her seat. The smell of sex kept her aroused, and she had to fight the urge to pull over and masturbate.

But she made it to Reno by first light. She got her on-time bonus. Then she locked herself in her truck sleeper, hiked up her skirt, took off her soaked panties, and worked her fingers fast and furious on her pussy. Thinking about Ray, she came almost immediately, letting out a measured scream. She didn't stop and came again. And again.

* * * * *

Ray hooked his computer to the hotel internet first thing in the morning as he was sipping his coffee. The fall sun was just rising, and it promised to be a lovely day. There was a new folder in his cloud dossier entitled simply "Alex Walsh". He opened it.

There was an enormous amount of information – everything about Alex that was in the public record from her birth certificate onward, as well as photos drawn from social media and other public sites. He scrolled the documents quickly.

At first, he was surprised, for the coincidence was extraordinary. But as he looked through more and more documents and photos it became more obvious. Alex had two sisters – an older sister named Courtney and a younger sister named Kayleigh. There were several pictures of the Walsh sisters together. In several of them, Courtney and Kayleigh were in their flight attendants' uniforms. There could be no doubt. Ray had already fucked and impregnated both of Alex's sisters. It must be fate, he thought. He wondered when they would find out.

* * * * *

Three weeks later, Alex was on a short trip to San Diego. She pulled into a truck stop for lunch, even though the thought of food made her sick. She had been feeling nauseous for days, throwing up frequently. Now her nipples were swollen and sore. She walked into the driver's lounge and saw Jasper, a fellow driver that she'd had sex with a few months earlier.

"Alex!" he called out to her, looking hopeful.

She waved back without enthusiasm and walked straight into the ladies without saying anything to him. She threw up and leaned over the sink, her legs rickety. It's impossible, she thought. It can't be. I'm on the pill. It must be something I ate, food poisoning perhaps.

Nonetheless, when she came out, she went to the truck stop convenience store and bought a kit. She took it back to the ladies, peed in a dixie cup, and dipped the test stick in it. She waited the requisite five minutes and took it out. The reading was unambiguous. There were two clear pink lines on it.

She sat on the lid and did some furious mental arithmetic. She was habitually so regular with her pill. But after her frustrating experience with that BGSC waiter, she'd forgotten. And the next day she'd met Ray just before she was scheduled to take it. Nearly forty-eight hours without birth control. It must have been enough for her to ovulate. She thought of all the semen he'd deposited into her. So deep into her.

She walked sluggishly back to her rig, ignoring Jasper's cheery, "Hi!" as she passed him. She climbed into the cab and pulled out her phone. She scrolled back on the call log to three weeks previously and tapped Ray's number. He picked up almost immediately.

"I'm pregnant," she said emotionlessly. "It's yours."

"You don't sound happy about it."

"I'm not. I've got an eight-year-old at home. How the hell am I going to keep driving with a baby?"

"Please keep it," he said, his voice quiet. She heard the kindness and warmth he infused into it. "I'll take care of it."


"I'll pay for a health insurance policy that lets you take a couple months off. After that, I'll pay for a stay-in nanny."

"I live in a one-bedroom house, Ray. My kid sleeps in the corner of the living room. I've no room for a nanny."

"You only need her to stay in while you're on the road. Other times she can just come by for the day."

"You make it sound easy."

"It's not. But a bit of cash can make it manageable."

"I feel like a whore, Ray. You're paying me for sex."

"I'm just paying what any father should. It's my baby too."

"Yes," she said, somewhat mollified. "It is."

"Have you told anyone about it?"

"I just found out myself. You're the first one I called."

"Thank you, I appreciate that."

"You want to know something really funny? I have two sisters, and they're both pregnant. Now I'm pregnant, too."

"When are they due?"

"My kid sister Kayleigh's due in about two months. My big sister Courtney's two years older than me, she's due in three months." She paused. "But at least they're both married. I'm divorced, I'm carrying your baby and I don't even know your last name."

"It's Manning. Ray Manning."

She put her hand on her mouth and took a sharp intake of breath.

"No! It can't be!"

"What can't be?"

"The man who got both my sisters pregnant – his name is Ray Manning."

"I impregnated your sisters, Alex. But I swear, our meeting was a coincidence. I had no idea who you were till later."

"You expect me to believe that?"

"I can't prove it to you. But when we met, I was en route to visit a company that I bought for our group. It's in Winnemucca. I texted you the article in the local paper that documents my visit and my meeting with the mayor. Before we met, I didn't even know you existed. Neither Kayleigh nor Courtney ever mentioned you."

"They're embarrassed of me," Alex said with a trace of bitterness. "They're so superior with their accountant husbands and their big houses in the suburbs."

"Well, they're both good in bed," said Ray. "But you're better."

"That's something, I guess."

"I want to see you again, Alex."

"You've got my number, Ray. I'll only keep the baby if you're willing to be a father. Not like my deadbeat ex-husband."

"I'll do my best," said Ray.