Neighbors(Love Deluxe)

Even though she knew it was too early for Thomas' nightly routine, Diane still turned on all the lights and left the curtains open as she changed out of her work clothes. She took her time, changing into a silky robe that felt delightful over all the goosebumps on her skin. Every few seconds she would look across at the other house to check whether anyone had spied her. No one was watching (at least not that she could tell, she consoled herself). Finally, she left her bedroom, and headed to the kitchen where she heated a frozen dinner and poured herself a generous glass of wine.

A second glass followed the first as the minutes dragged, and Diane kept kidding herself that when the time came, she would act like a responsible adult. But at ten minutes to eleven, she clicked off the television, and bent over a rack of CDs, selecting something to put her in the right mood: Sade. Pressing play on Love Deluxe, she began to sway and move around her living room in time with the velvet quiet storm rhythm guiding the motion of her hips.

As the first track of the CD gave way to the second, Diane noticed the light of Thomas' bedroom click on. She spun away, turning her back to the window, not wanting to let on that she knew he was there, as she danced, letting her hands run over the silky robe that covered her ass, and down to her thighs, then up again, lifting the hem teasingly, and letting it drop back again.

When she turned around again to face the window, the light in Thomas' room was off again. But Diane could feel his eyes fixed on her, lurking, watching from somewhere in the darkness, just as she'd watched him these past few days. She knew she had his attention, and the knowledge of his presence sent a warm thrill through the nerves of her body.

She'd never been much of a danseur – either in ballet or strip clubs, but she moved her body as sexily as she was able. As she moved, she could feel her robe loosening, revealing a little peak here and a little peek there of the burgundy lingerie beneath. She imagined Thomas across from her and up one story, staring down, gripping his big cock in his hand, his breath catching at every little flash of underwear. Diane decided to take his breath away entirely. Her hands moved to the loosening cord around her waist, and undid it completely.

The robe fell open showing Thomas the full effect of her bra and panties. She let her fingers drift enticingly between her cleavage as she continued to sway. Her hands then moved to cup her breasts, and down over her belly to her thighs. She could feel herself already hot wet and needy from the anticipation that had been building in her all day. Could Thomas tell from his distant and dark bedroom? What she would give to have him up close and personal!

Diane allowed the robe to slip from her shoulders, and fall to the floor. She turned again, bending over to give Thomas a great view of her ass, still firm and round. She gave each cheek a rough squeeze and a slap before standing again. Her hands went back to her breasts, running over the lacy fabric of her bra, and feeling the hard nubs of her nipples stubbornly pushing back. She reached behind her back and undid the clasps. Her chest slackened as the burgundy bra slid from her shoulders and away from her breasts.

Then her fingers went back to her nipples, flicking over the sensitive points. She watched herself in the glass of the window, and knowing that somewhere in and beyond her reflection Thomas was watching too, transfixed, jerking off steadily to her image. She wondered if he'd already cum. Perhaps he had. Perhaps he'd recovered and was working on round two already, unable to turn away from her sexy performance.

Diane pulled on and twisted each nipple, savoring the small jolt of pain mixed with the excitement of her own sexuality. She closed her eyes and shouted loudly, "FUCK!" She couldn't stand the teasing any longer. Her body wanted more. Her pussy was begging for attention. She turned her back to the window and bent all the way over. She hooked her thumbs into the waist of her panties and yanked them down, her slow seductive motions giving way to despairing need.

Completely naked, Diane slipped her hand between her thighs and ran one finger slowly along her slit all the way to her clit. Her body's response was electric, sending shivers through her legs and up her spine. She had to lean back against a chair before she collapsed on the floor. After a second to catch her breath, she spun the chair around, pointed it directly at the window, and sat down in it with her legs spread. She abandoned all caution of being caught unawares in her own self-pleasure. She looked directly into Thomas' darkened window as her fingers went to work, moving deftly, and knowing exactly where she needed them to go.

After a minute, as Diane was becoming lost in herself, observing her pleasure in the window's reflection, the light in the bedroom of the other house came on again. Thomas appeared in his own window, naked, his thick cock in hand, stroking it aggressively. Diane noticed the way that his figure over-layed her own reflected image so that he seemed to be right between her legs. Her mind fixed on that thought, reciting like a mantra as the intensity built inside her and finally exploded.

"FUUUUHHHHH," Diane growled as the climax rocked her entire body. She could feel her pussy muscles spasming hard inside her. Her eyes and teeth both clenched tight as her toes curled, and all of the anticipation and suspense of the day escaped her body in one giant rush gradually leaving a few straggling aftershocks. Finally, Diane opened her eyes again to see Thomas wiping himself off with a gym sock, and smiling blushingly at her.

She waved, and blew Thomas a kiss. Thomas waved back timidly. Then she closed the curtains of her window, taking one last glimpse at the boy's puzzled face. The show was over. In the back of her mind, she knew she'd crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed, but she left that thought there. For the time being she focused on how good she felt. It wasn't just the orgasm, but the idea of being desired again. After two years of being alone she hadn't lost it.

There was one other thing, too. In her entire relationship with The Shit, and the other guys before him, Diane had never felt in control. She was always following the whims of her significant others, trying to make them happy. But that last glance of Thomas, with the slightly simple, confused look on his face as she shut him out of her life with her curtain – Diane knew she was undeniably in charge. It was a new feeling, but one she certainly wanted more of.