
As he waited patiently for his muse to arrive, forty-six-year-old Matisse surveyed the changing light in his studio. It was nearly perfect for today's session. He had made much progress but still had much to do before his latest oil painting was complete for his client. He had been commissioned to paint a nude of a certain lady by her lover, a rich and powerful squire.

Matisse really liked his muse and found her, although somewhat indisposed and quiet, to be quite witty during their long painting sessions. Perhaps he…

She cleared her throat a few moments later to announce her arrival. As he turned she smiled and he immediately smiled back.

She stepped behind his privacy screen in the back corner of the studio to undress and put on her robe. He watched as she threw her jeans up over the top first followed in rapid succession by her blouse and her bra. He noticed she had worn one of his favorites today and he hoped she was wearing the underwear to match. The bra was a gentle coppery bronze that made her skin seem that much more of a creamy white when set against it.

She stepped out from behind the screen wearing the robe provided for her privacy. She came and took her spot on the pedestal in front of his easel and worked with him to find the pose she had been holding. She was facing him head back and arms at her sides holding her up. Her knees were open so that she was showing her entire body to the light.

When she found her position she opened her robe and let it fall down her shoulders. It seemed to cascade down her skin and pool around her. Looking at him she smiled and said, "I am ready."

Those words so simple took his breath away and affected his body every time.

He grabbed the makeup bag and approached her delightful form. A few things needed to take place to have her fully ready. First, he needed to rouge her nipples, they were too pale according to his client and she wanted them to be a deep red. So skilfully he took some of the color onto the soft brush and gradually worked the shade onto each nipple. He knew it tickled as he watched her blush and smile, the sharp intake of breath telling him it was also pleasurable. He never rushed this part, taking his time and then some.

He was happy to see that she had already painted her lips the same dark red shade. As he worked the brush gently on her nipples he took in her scent, slight lavender with vanilla undertones. There was more to the scent he had noticed these last few sessions, the smell of a woman. This also pulled at his body and began to bring on a noticeable reaction. He backed away now taking her all in. He noticed she was wearing those matching panties that he so adored. Just a bit of coppery bronze material in the front covering her sex but a thong in the back exposing her beautiful feminine derrière.

It was time to start so he stepped to his side of the easel and looked at where he needed to pick up. He had her general form painted already and her face was detailed to near perfection. Her eyes slightly closed and biting one lip the ecstasy of the moment clear to see. Today he was finishing up those amazing breasts. They were hanging with such weight, the creamy silkiness of her skin now peppered by the deep red of her nipples. He noted with some satisfaction that hers were still hard and seemed to point right at him.

He began to paint furiously while the light was perfect, humming as he went. At times when he needed perspective he would approach her to measure with his favorite brush.

On his third pass at this, he was dismayed as he realized he had smeared some paint on the side of her breast. Without even thinking he withdrew his rag and wiped it quickly off. He then realized his audacity a moment too late when she jumped in alarm. After apologizing profusely he went back to work.

He couldn't tell if it was his embarrassment of what had just happened or the fact that the breeze was gone as he was now hot and somewhat sweating. He unbuttoned a few spots on his shirt and enjoyed the cool that began to spread on his chest, but he needed more so he went the rest of the way down having it open now in the front.

He knew he was older but his body didn't show his age, he was still in shape and worked hard to maintain that. He noticed his thin line of hair trailing down his belly was slightly damp from perspiration and so dried it off with his rag.

Each time after this that he went close to her to check a detail he noticed her eyes were open regarding him, sizing him up and taking him in. This last time he had heard her breathe deeply taking in his scent and then exhaling with a slight sigh. Again his body responded unbidden with increasing desire. He had been with and painted many females in his career; this one however was glorious and the fact that she didn't know it, even better.

He was finished with her bust and now needed to add the details found below. "It's time," he said. With that he watched the color come up in her cheeks as she hooked a thumb in each side string of her thong and pushed it down off her body, flicking them off her toe to fall lazily to the wooden floor. Leaning back again she found her pose and then slowly opened her legs to his ravenous gaze. He had already fallen in love with the thin strip of hair that led his attention down to her slit. He believed he could actually hear that come open as she spread her thighs.

Something was amiss he noticed as he looked at this area today, there was a purple mark slashed across her opening. He needed to cover this up so it didn't find its way into the painting. He grabbed the makeup bag once again and pulled out the cover-up to apply some.

With trembling hands he handed the application disc to her and asked her to apply it. After a few attempts, it was clear she couldn't see or reach it all so he had to take over.

Moving in slowly so as not to startle her he began to dab skin color onto the purple flesh; carefully and methodically he worked her skin, brushing her lips a few times by accident. He noticed as he painted her body with the makeup that her scent began to grow stronger with each touch of her lips.

As he wiped the last of the purple away he noticed a single drop of fluid had built in the tangles of her hair on her mound. He took a wider paintbrush from his back pocket and brushed from her bottom up along the length of her lips. He was successful in gathering the fluid but noted it was promptly replaced by more. So he brushed, again and again, a third time, the scent of her sex becoming greater with each pass.

Softly he brushed again and felt her hand come up to the side of his head and clutch at his hair tugging on it slightly. He looked up and saw her looking at him with hunger in her eyes begging him for more. He was certainly not going to deny her the pleasure she rightly deserved, her cruel lover not allowing her to pleasure herself. So he returned to the task and gradually drew his brush the length of her slit.

Her clit began to jut out as he resumed brushing, so he focused the brush here now, gently and delicately brushing it time and time again. He could hear her breathing growing more ragged and watched as she edged her butt forward on the pedestal bringing her clit closer and closer to his face. Her hands came to his head again and pulled him in placing his mouth on her now moist sex.

He needed no further prodding and kissed her clit once then again and again gaining power each time. His tongue became involved and soon he was eating her. He brought the paintbrush up and began tracing idle circles around her ass and the hole in it.

She responded by pressing up into his face almost grinding her sex into him. She tightened and with a spasm and with a loud yelp she flooded his mouth with her cum.

He tried to swallow it all but it ran down his chin and trickled onto the floor. As her spasms subsided he looked up and saw she was beckoning him to stand.

As he began to rise she slipped her hands inside his shirt sliding them across his chest and pushed back at the shoulders. His shirt fluttered to the floor behind, now a forgotten thing at his feet. With a leer, she began to unbutton his jeans seeing his desire fully grown below the now strained material. With the same move she drew his boxers and his erection flung up into view.

She wasted no time from her seated height and leaned forward and ran her tongue from the tip of his cock to the balls that hung below. Using her hand she began to play with these as she returned her lips and tongue to the top of his shaft. With a quick lick around the edge, she dropped her mouth over him, engulfing him in warm comfort. Leisurely she bobbed her head up and down on his shaft pressing her tongue and sliding her teeth occasionally.

As she continued to do this and fondle his balls, he felt his own orgasm begin to bubble beneath the surface.

She sensed this and picked up her pace sucking harder as she pulled back each time.

He felt his cum climb then explode into her mouth, but she didn't stop. She continued bobbing up and down until she had swallowed every last glob of his offering.

With an audible pop, she let his penis escape and droop before her.

As he looked into her eyes he could see she wanted more of his benevolence and she would be back another day for that. But for now, she needed to get dressed and head home so she could wash and ready herself for her lover's return tonight.