Out And About

"I still can't believe you managed to convince me to do this." She frowned at him slightly. "You know I don't usually wear this kind of stuff." She gestured towards her top, a thin white shirt that clung to her figure, with a deep plunging neckline, over which her black bra could just be seen peeking out, and an embellished edge. Sleeveless and only as low as her navel, it proffered little protection, but that was exactly why he wanted her to wear it.

"You didn't take much convincing back at the hotel." He leered, knowing that she'd always wanted an excuse to wear it, without ever daring to.

"You seem surprised! It's the hottest day of the year. Look around, everybody's wearing as little as poss-" She stopped as he cut her short.

"I know, I know. Just pulling your leg. But really, what's wrong with it?" he asked trying to keep a straight face. She rounded on him, hands on her hips, a cheeky pout for good measure. God, how he loved her.

"What's wrong with it?!" she asked, incredulously, as his façade broke and he began to laugh. She paused for a second or two until he stopped. "Nothing's wrong with it," she said, with a frown and another cute little pout. "It's just… A bit more revealing than I'm used to." She straightened her back and pushed the already figure-hugging shirt down over her midriff, exposing another inch of her bra. It really clung to her, the definition of her breasts, and of course her bra, was unmistakeable underneath the translucent fabric. He resisted the urge to lick his lips.

"But it's like you said, everybody's wearing as little as possible today." A more sufficient justification he couldn't find.

"I know," she said, drawing out the last syllables, as she carried on walking down the busy promenade. "But I still feel…" She wavered.

"Feel what?"

"Like… Everybody's looking at me," she muttered out with a timid smile and a glance at the paved promenade beneath her feet. He could barely contain a smile, putting his arm around her and holding her by the hip.

"Oh babe, don't be silly…" he began, as she pulled herself into his body. "Of course they're looking at you."

She froze, turned to face him and gave him that look again. His heart jumped at the sight.

"What do you mean of course they're looking at me?" she enquired sluggishly, crossing her arms over her chest.

He took this second to appraise her, head to toe. She was slightly shorter than him; lovely hair; those unmistakeable, intoxicating lips, once again sporting that incredible pout; intelligent eyes that cut into his soul and hooked her inside his heart and his mind; pale-

"Well?!" she asked, impatiently, crossing her arms tighter and all but tapping her sandalled foot.

"Well, look at you!" He gestured towards her. She looked at herself and back, with a puzzled expression before he continued. "You're gorgeous, you can easily get inside any man's head. And with THAT cleavage…"

She pouted, but he saw a smile tug at her lips before she stiffened her arms again and looked him square in the eye. "Don't give me those lies."

He opened his mouth as though incredulous. "Lies?! I'm being serious. Deadly serious. Any man on this beach today could be yours," he told her, with a wink.

She unfolded her arms and started to walk again, but he noticed a little smile before she did. A few steps later, she turned around again and asked him "Any man?" with a raised eyebrow.

"Any," he slowly replied, with a smile. She smiled and turned back around. A sudden idea struck him and he caught up with her, looping a hand around her waist and pulling her hair back from her ear on his side.

"Stop," he whispered in her ear. She did. They both turned to face the sea, backs to the wall of a small shop, the prom and its stream of strollers passing by in front of them, all dressed in little more than shorts and bikinis in the baking heat; the beach behind busier still with similar folk sunbathing and playing in the calm sea that merged so perfectly with the sky above. As they stopped, a middle-aged man strolled past in a t-shirt and shorts. He glanced in their direction, a little longer in hers, and carried on.

"See him?" he asked, pointing him out. She raised an eyebrow again and made a murmuring noise. "He was looking at you." She tutted next to him but he cut her off before she could protest. "He was looking at you. He made no secret of WHERE he was looking, either," he said with a smile, nodding at her chest. She scowled.

"He was not looking at my chest, he was just walking by!" she said with a chuckle.

"Trust me. I'm a man. I know these things. He wanted you." He was struggling not to laugh himself now. Again she was out with the pout, he wasn't sure he could handle much more without having to kiss her. It was far too inviting.

"Really?" she asked, sarcastically. But he could see something change behind her eyes as she did so. She leaned in closer, her hair brushing his neck and face, distracting him, to whisper in his ear. "How did he want me?" She leaned back with an almost exultant grin.

This, he had to admit, was not a response he expected from her. But it would be one he would relish. If she wanted to be naughty… he thought. Again he put his arm around her waist and leaned in close to her ear to whisper. He'd had an idea for a fun game.