Sinatra Nights Part One

Doug walked in the door of his suburban home, later than expected, relieved to feel the warm air kiss his face after the chill of the cold winter's night. He set his bag down in the corner of the hallway and kicked his shoes off to join it. No shoes in the house, Claire always said. He couldn't complain. She wasn't officious, or one to give orders. He smiled at the idea and laughed, quietly. No. Not his little pet.

He threw his coat over the hook by the door and shuffled down the hallway, towards the kitchen. He heard the sound of clinking pots and faint singing. A smile tugged at his lips. Claire would never be singing if she'd heard him enter.

He padded down the wood-floored hallway in just his socks, glad for them to be muffling his footfalls. He reached the door and delicately opened it, glad there wasn't a rusty hinge to give him away. The sound of a soft, lilting voice filled his ears.

"Strangers in the night, two lonely people, we were strangers in the night…" Doug loved to hear her singing; it was such a rare occurrence.

Claire was at the sink, with her back to him. He admired the sight of her in her tight, figure-hugging black pencil skirt. She still hadn't changed from work, with an apron draped idly over her pristine white blouse. She had tied her hair back into her favoured ponytail. Doug's mind suddenly pictured her hair gripped in his fist and his wife's desperate, pleading eyes looking back at him. He bit his lip and shook his head to rid the image from his mind, but the damage was done.

His eyes raked over his wife again, but with a far more primitive perspective now. His cock was already tenting inside his work trousers. His eyes lingered on Claire's skirt and her long, silky smooth legs protruding from it; his mind was made up.

She moved away from the sink, carrying two pans. She placed them down on the hob, which she lit. The flames leapt up as Doug eased inside the room, padding over to his wife. Only a few feet from her, he joined in her singing.

"Something in your eyes was so inviting…"

Claire jumped and turned quickly, but Doug caught her and kept her back to him. He snuggled into her neck, singing quietly in her ear. She panted for breath, reaching back to smack his arm and laugh.

"You scared the life out of me, bastard!" she told him, half laughing.

Doug kept on singing to her.

"Something in your smile was so exciting…"

Claire laughed, but joined in the next line, resting her head on Doug's.

"Something in my heart told me I must have you!"

Doug spun her around, by her shoulders, to face him and they shared a smile at last. She flung her arms around him and he kissed her deeply, running his fingers through her ponytail. It felt good for him to hold his wife again. He didn't want to let go.

Claire made to break the kiss, but Doug had other ideas. He held her in place, pulled her body to his and kissed her deeper. Claire's resistance faded and she relaxed, leaning back into the kiss as her head began to swim.

At last, the kiss broke and Claire let out a quiet, happy murmur as the couple stared into each other's eyes, smiling. The back of Doug's hand idly brushed a stray hair from her cheek and he was rewarded with a small kiss on his lips.

Claire turned around again, back to her hob, as Doug started to sing again.

"Strangers in the night, exchanging glances…"

Claire joined in, taking the next line.

"Wond'ring in the night what were the chances…"

"We'd be sharing love before the night was through…" they sung the last line together and a smile pulled at Doug's lips yet again.

"Oh there's an idea," he whispered.

He pressed closer, behind Claire, and draped his arms around her. His lips teased her earlobe and her neck as he stroked her hips in his hands. Claire giggled and murmured her approval, although undeterred from her cooking. Doug hummed the tune once more, letting his body sway against hers with the rhythm. His hands stroked her stomach and her sides as he deliberately rubbed his hardening cock across Claire's lower back.

She tensed up, moaning ever so quietly, and he knew she'd felt it. She joined in, swaying to meet him and pushing back against him with a pert giggle.

"Can't you see I'm busy?" she asked with a very unconvincing tone.

Doug reached forward and turned the dial for the cooker off. The flames died immediately.

"Huh. Aren't you hungry, then?" Claire asked.

Doug's lips teased over her earlobe, a spot he knew sent her legs to jelly, and Claire's question trailed off a little with a blissful shiver.

"Oh I'm hungry, alright."

Doug's tone was laced with lust.

It was a tone Claire knew well and it never failed to set her heart racing. She knew what that tone meant, like poison coursing through her veins. Her body sagged a little as he breathed on her ear and his hands teased the insides of her thighs. Her breath was deepening, but she knew to play her part.

"And what would you like to eat…?" Claire left the question hanging; waiting for the expected response she knew would have her gushing.

"You," was Doug's one word answer, with that same deep tone.

Claire's body went into overdrive. The effect Doug had on her was as instant as ever. Her knees felt weak for a second; her eyes rolled into the back of her head; her breath fell from her at once with a guttural moan and she felt her womanhood grow heated, wet and tender. Doug had turned her on, just like flipping a switch.

She was spun around on her heels yet again and Doug's lips were on hers before she knew it. Claire came back to her senses in time to feel herself being sat down. She was turned and sat on the table, leaving her legs dangling over the edge. They kissed again and this time she reciprocated, weaving her fingers through his hair and probing for his tongue with her own.