The Promenade Store

"He wanted you for himself. He wanted to kiss you hard against the wall and take his hands to you. He wanted to rip your flimsy shirt from your body and clutch your breasts while he kissed you." He paused for a moment to let her feel his breath on her neck. There was a shiver through her body but she didn't move, still staring ahead at the sea. "He wanted your breasts in his hands, rough and ready. To split you free of your bra, hold them firmly and roll your nipples under his fingers." His hand stroked gently down her arm and he felt goosebumps on her skin, smiling to himself. "He wanted his lips around them…" he paused, kissing her neck. "His tongue…" He paused to slither his tongue up her neck to her earlobe to whisper again. "His teeth…" He bit her earlobe gently and then her neck.

She moaned gently and he felt all the better for it. He was enjoying this. She was enjoying this. Again she shivered and now turned to face him, inches away. Her eyes met his, a fire burning in them, and she licked her lips leisurely. He didn't feel he ought to give her time to say anything; he was enjoying it too much. Instead he held her chin and turned her to face the crowd once more, pointing her in the direction of a younger man, perhaps early 20s, in just a pair of shorts who was leaning against the seawall.

"Him," he said, identifying him and he felt her tense under him again. Her arm snaked around his waist and she nodded slowly. "He's been watching you for a while. He's been watching us talk and he's seen you. He's seen your sexy smile and your sexier pout." He stopped for a second as she leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes, gripping his waist tightly. "He's seen what your lips can do. Now he's wondering what else they can do. What your tongue can do." Being so close to her, he could hear her breathing getting heavier. A single drop of sweat rolled its way down her temple and her cheek, but she didn't wipe it away. She didn't move an inch, except to bite her lip.

"He wants to take you too. He wants to grab your hair and kiss you hard until you feel faint. He wants to push you to your knees and watch you yank down his shorts to liberate his manhood. To watch you admire it. To watch you take it in your hands and study it. To watch you lick it, just once, all the way up. To watch you wrap your lips around it and moan ravenously as you show him the best blowjob he's ever had. He wants to see your head bobbing and your tongue darting. He wants your mouth around his balls and your hands around his shaft. He wants your full lips and he wants to see you lick them, and him, clean after you've swallowed every drop he's given you."

Her eyes were still locked shut, but her entire body shook, still biting her lip hard. He stroked her belly and side gently, still breathing on her neck and occasionally nibbling at it. She opened her eyes and again stared him down, the fire burning even brighter now as she came alive once more, grasping his hair, kissing him hard and pulling her body into his.

The kiss lasted for what felt like an eternity, though they both felt it wasn't enough. Looking into each other's eyes, a passion burned white. He didn't remember seeing her like this before. Her lips met his again with a hunger, her hands gripping tightly onto his arse through his shorts as he seized hers in one hand and pulled her close with the other.

She broke the kiss sharply, ignoring the glances of a few people around them; grasping his hand she led him off down the street at a pace. This was new to him; she wasn't normally so forceful and decisive. But he wasn't about to complain, he was beginning to like this side of his habitually submissive gal. He was happy to go along with it for now.

They rounded a corner and she locked lips with him once again, if only briefly, before carrying on down the road. She led the way, weaving through the crowd as she dragged him behind her, still somewhat stunned. He wondered what she had in mind when she made a sharp turn into a clothing store on their right. They stopped for a second in the entrance as the air conditioning unit over the door hit them. It was only then that they realised how much they were sweating. The cool air was refreshing, even a little calming. If only a little. He reached behind, into the pouch of his backpack and took out his water bottle. Raising it to his lips, he barely managed a sip.

She pulled him into the store, hasty again, after she'd quickly glanced around. It was just another typical clothing store, seventy per cent dedicated to women's summer clothing and a small section at the back for the men. But she wasn't looking for clothing. Grabbing his hand she tugged him forward, unaware of any protests from him, heading straight for the fitting rooms at the back. Walking past a line of clothing she snatched up two tops and a pair of shorts, picking up the pace and still dragging him behind her. As focussed as she was, he couldn't help a smile crossing his face knowing what was to come.

She found the nearest open stall and pushed open the wooden door, pulling him inside behind her. She turned to lock the door and he glanced around quickly. A large room, as changing rooms go, he thought. Two partition walls either side, with a foot or so missing at the bottom, each held a full length mirror, with a bench on the back wall. He smiled again, this boded well. Turning to face her, he found hands on his shirt immediately as she pulled him stiffly forwards and kissed him hard; he could feel the pent up energy inside her. Suddenly she gasped and pulled away, surprising him.

She stepped back and looked down, with wide eyes. He suddenly wanted to laugh. Her tiny thin top was drenched. She looked up and then at his water bottle just as he too realised what had happened as she'd pulled him forwards. The fire within her had been tempered a little, it seemed, as she pulled the top away from her skin and tried to stop it clinging to her, in vain. If it highlighted her breasts before, it now brought it to a whole new level. Presenting every line of her bra through the transparent material, every contour of her chest and belly was visible. It was quite a sight, and one he relished.

Speechless for a few seconds, she could only gape at herself in the mirror. "I… I can't wear this," she stammered. "I can't go out there in this!" She turned and grabbed the two tops she'd picked up on her way in. She checked the sizes and got lucky with the second. It was a fit.

"You'll have to go and pay for this for me," she told him, hurriedly reaching for her purse. "I'll have to wear this out of here."

He only smiled and slid off his backpack, sitting down on the bench as she gawped at him.

"Well?! C'mon!"

Settling in, he shook his head. "I've had an idea." Taking his time, he licked his lips. "You buy it." She rolled her eyes, tutted and began to take her top off to swap. He raised a hand to stop her. "No, you don't understand. You buy it. Just as you are."

She only stared back at him, her eyes shining, as he smiled at her. He was willing to bet that fire hadn't quite died down just yet.

"You thought people were looking at you before; let's see what attention you get now, huh?" He rose to his feet, closing the gap to her as she still stared at him, frozen. He traced a finger around the edge of her neckline, over her sopping breasts and her cleavage. She could only look him in the eye, biting her lip. "I want you to go out there, just as you are." He used his finger to follow the very visible curve of her breast. "The shop's relatively empty. I want you to walk up to the counter, with a swing to your hips and a spring in your step, to the man behind the desk…" he felt her stiffen a little, but still she didn't react. "I want you to walk up to him and act all normal and such. You'll pay for the top, you'll thank him kindly, give him a big smile for me and then you'll come straight back here to me. How's that sound?"

Goosebumps were raised on her arms and her chest, but he wasn't sure if that was him or the cold water. Still biting her lip, she glanced sideways at herself in the mirror, while the hair was brushed out of her face. Only a second or so later she relaxed with a shiver, turned to look him in the eye and nodded, with a crafty smile. One last glance at her clinging top in the mirror then she turned to face the door, top in hand. She steadied herself for a moment, took a deep breath and opened the door.

A smile spread across his face as she disappeared through the door. He wanted to shout encouragement after her, as he followed her out of the door and peeked around the partition wall that separated the changing rooms from the store floor. He watched her go, hair and skirt bouncing as she almost skipped along towards the counter, eager to see how she faired.