Hot And Bothered

Her mind screamed at her to go back as she put on a strut and a seductive smile. She didn't know what she was doing, or why. She only knew that when he spoke to her like that, as he had on the prom, an inferno lit within her. She felt sexy, naughty and bold. She could do anything. And she was going to do this. As soon as the idea had taken root in her head, she felt herself growing excited. All the reservations passed from her mind, this was something she was determined to do. She knew he'd be watching; she'd do him proud.

The man on the counter looked up as she approached, smiling rhythmically at her as he began to greet her. She pushed her chest out and began to swing her hips. As his eyes took sight of her, he was cut short immediately. His mouth fell open and he barely stammered out a greeting; she replied jauntily, with a smile, placing the top on the counter. He took a second to recover, to disentangle his eyes from her bosom and take hold of the shirt. Staring down at the counter, he dare not look up until he noticed her looking away, around the store. Taking his time, he put the top through the scanner, while stealing glances at her very visible chest.

She loved to see his eyes bug out as he took stock of her and to see his supposedly subtle glances in her direction. She was feeling sexier by the second and growing with confidence. Feeling the urge, she tipped her head back and shook her hair out, running her fingers through it. This pushed her chest out further and gave the cashier plenty of time to catch a large eyeful. She could only imagine her lover's reaction, watching her, to see his eyes and crotch bulge at the sight.

In due course, and reluctantly, the cashier took her payment for the top. She thanked him with a jovial tone and a cheeky wink. She spun on her heels and skipped back towards the changing room, her skirt billowing about her, to see he was watching from behind the partition with the largest grin she'd ever seen on his face.

The door snapped shut behind them and they were immediately in each other's arms, kissing as though a month had passed. Her hands went all over him, gripping his arse and clawing at his shirt. She pulled it from him and scratched her fingernails down his chest as they locked lips again. He broke the kiss to bury his face in her collar, nibbling and kissing. Her breathing was ragged, he could feel the heat radiating from her hands as she itched down his body and her hips ground against him hungrily.

"Did you see his face?" he asked her at a whisper, gripping her hips and pulling them closer to his own. She moaned, though in reply or from his grip he didn't know. "He wanted you. He made no secret of it. He wasn't too good at hiding it. But then neither were you, eh?" Her back arched a little under his touch as he stroked up her back.

"But then you know this, don't you? That's what's got you so…" A second's pause felt a lot longer as she waited for him to finish. "Hot." He bit her neck and she gasped in his ear. A hiss escaped her lips and her back arched yet again as her pelvis rubbed down over his groin.

"What you don't know, however…" he continued, licking up to her ear, feeling her body tighten up. "Is what he did when you turned around. When he saw you skip away from him, your skirt floating about your lovely, pale legs." He straightened up to look her in the eye. "When he bit his lip, like you are now." Leaning closer, he took her lip from her and bit it himself, kissing her hard. When he broke away, he leaned back to begin pealing her sodden shirt from her skin. "When he closed his eyes and snatched his crotch in frustration." She looked him in the eye then, shivering slightly on her feet.

"He wanted you," he told her again, eye-to-eye. "He wanted all of you." Gripping the base of her top, he pulled it over her head and watched it peel away from her skin, tiny droplets left behind to trickle down her midriff, past her navel and slip into the top of her skirt. He hoped to join them soon.

"He wanted to hold your dripping chest," he whispered now in her ear, running his fingers over her torso. "But he wanted more. He wanted to pull the hem of your skirt, to run his hands up your thighs and pull away your sopping panties." His hands stroked her stomach and sides as she moaned gently and her hips rolled a little. Now she finally spoke again and it was something he honestly hadn't expected.

"I'm not wearing any," she gasped out, breathlessly.

Their eyes met, alight, as he straightened. She smiled coyly as their foreheads met. A growl escaped him as he kissed her hard, leaning her back and gripping her arse. She returned the favour and he led her back towards the bench, sitting her down and breaking away from the kiss. She moaned and pouted, wanting more, but he raised a single finger to her lips. She ignored him and licked it, then took it in her mouth, sucking it with a defiant smile. He liked this naughty, cheeky side to her.

The finger came from between her lips, which immediately pouted again, with a pop. Lips and teeth found her collarbone as his finger trailed its way down her chest. Slithering down her breasts, it found the cup of her wet bra and flipped it over, repeating for the other.

Now exposed and hard, her nipples ached for attention. Her chest was treated to a trail of kisses and nibbles as his hands now stroked her hips and her stomach. His tongue found her nipple, circling it at a distance, and her hips rose up with her arching back. She moaned and reached for his head, drowning it in her breast as his mouth locked around her nipple and sucked for dear life.

Fingers gripped his hair tightly and her legs locked around his, entrapping him. He reached up with one hand to grasp her other breast, rolling the nipple and pinching as his teeth rubbed over the other. She growled deeply and her body shuddered and gripped him even tighter. Her legs released him and she pushed his head lower. He clenched his teeth, giving her nipple one last lick and a bite. She moaned as he started to work his way down her belly.