It's Been Too Long Part One

He'd been gone for too long, this newest assignment requiring eight miserable weeks without him at home, instead some 4,000 miles away in Alaska. God almighty, how she missed him. She missed his smile and the sound of his voice. In the mornings, she ached for the heat and smell of his body that lingered in the sheets after Jamie woke and went to start the coffee.

This trip, Casie missed him more than usual. Most likely, she figured, because of the pregnancy. In the last month, her body had changed so drastically, she knew Jamie would be shocked when he saw her. She was a little concerned regarding how he'd feel about her body; a body that had always been slim and slender was now swollen and stretched.

His flight landed late last night. By the time he'd gotten home and showered, the man was beat. They'd talked, laughed, touched. They did make love, but it was rushed and quick, both eager to be together.

Casie smiled as she fixed the coffee, remembering the feel of his chest pressed against her back. The warmth of his breath on her neck. His rough hands traveling her body.

She rose early this morning. She showered and, slipped on his shirt, then ran to the bakery to get breakfast, which she planned to serve him in bed.

But not yet. She had other ideas for this morning. Now, clad only in his shirt and her undergarments, she made her way down the hall. When she reached their bedroom door, a steaming cup in each hand, she stopped and admired him.

Lost in a book, it took a moment for him to look up.

"I wondered where you were." He smiled, his eyes taking in her body, the white bra and knickers beneath his open shirt. Jamie's gaze lingered on her belly, now round and full at 28 weeks. "Come here," he said, closing the book.

Casie settled on the bed. "I got fresh scones. You hungry?" she enquired, taking a sip.

"A real scone," Jamie quipped, "You'd think by now, they figured out how to make scones in Boston." His hand reached out, gently touching her belly. A finger trailed down its side. "How're you feeling?"

She nodded. "Well enough, I suppose. Not so tired all the time like I was when you left." She watched his hand on her belly, his eyes mesmerized as they traveled over her new shape. "I can feel the baby move a lot now. I bet you'll be able to as well."

His fingers played at her belly button, which now popped out past the rest of her skin. "When did this happen?" he asked, his voice raspy.

"Last week."

He nodded. Then smiled, fingers moving quick, "Is it still ticklish?"

Casie pulled away, giggles erupting from her. "Of course!"

"Can I push it back in?" He ribbed, pushing against her belly button before smoothing his hand around her round belly.

"I'm sorry I missed it," he said. "Come here, I want to feel my baby."

Casie took the coffee from his hand and, after setting their cups on the nightstand, she settled her back against his chest. Jamie's arms wrapped around her as she relaxed against him. His hands explored her belly, feeling all the ways it had grown and changed while he was gone. She knew he wanted to know what it felt like when the baby moved inside her. Casie thought a moment, then compared it to a combination of butterflies in the stomach and gas, which made Jamie laugh.

"Your body looks… amazing," he breathed the words into her hair. "So. Fucking. Exotic."

She leaned back so she could see his face, and Jamie's hand trailed up to her neck, tipping her chin to meet his own. He pressed his lips against hers, holding her there before placing a chaste kiss on her forehead. His arms wrapped back around her, holding her to his chest.

"I'm so glad you're home," Casie said, nuzzling into him, getting as close as she possibly could. "I missed you."

She pulled away and turned, straddling Jamie's lap. His hands fell to her tummy, then, as she bent to kiss him, wrapped around her, pulling her closer. His lips moved from hers, dropping to her neck, where he planted kiss after kiss across her skin, moving over her collar bone to her chest, then dropped a kiss on her belly. "And one for you, too, little one."

He then drew his fingers up her back, sending waves of pleasure through Casie, and she leaned in again to kiss him, this time with passion and purpose. The kiss deepened as their lips opened to each other, tongues probing. Jamie's hands lingered at the base of Casie's neck, then slid around the front and down her body again.

They moved against one another, lovers too long apart, eager, yet aching to extend their play. Jamie's hand slipped around Casie's back, then down her arms, allowing the shirt to drop to the covers, discarded.

His mouth found its way to the top of her breasts, followed by his hands. He caressed her flesh with his lips, his hand touching her bra, cupping the outside curve, eyes wide at its weight and fullness. Casie arched against him and pulled his head closer, wanting more.

It didn't take long before she wanted him as exposed as she was. She pulled from him and grabbed two fistfuls of his t-shirt and yanked it over his head. Tossing it aside, she put her palms on Jamie's chest and pushed him back onto the headboard, her fingers trailing over the hard planes of his pecs and abs, taking in all of him.

They stayed there, her hands on him, his hands on her, relishing the feel of one another's touch. Reaching behind her, Jamie unhooked Casie's bra and pulled it from her chest, releasing her breasts. He gasped at the fullness of them, the contrast of her hard, dark nipples against the milky-white of her skin.

He bent to kiss her flesh, first the inside of one breast, then the other, single finger tracing a line from the top of her roundness to her nipple. Then his tongue, warm and wet, traced the inside curve of her breast, his hand cupping the outside.

Their eyes met as Casie's body moved against his. She kissed him, open mouthed. Once. Twice. Three times before moving to her knees and, ever so slowly, her lips still on his, crawling off his body to lie beside him. Her hand naturally came to rest on his cock, visibly aroused beneath the constraint of his jeans.

Jamie's head dipped to kiss her as Casie unbuttoned, then unzipped his pants. And when her hand reached inside, her fingers wrapping around his erection and pulling it from his jeans, Jamie's eyes closed, and he let out a low, guttural groan.