It's Been Too Long Finale

She straddled his lap; her knees spread wide. Pulling her panties to the side, she slid his cock into her wet pussy. Her breath caught as he filled her. And when his hand cupped her breast, his lip reaching to take her nipple between them, she sank all the way down on his thick shaft.

She dropped her chest to his, their lips meeting for a brief kiss before Casie's head came to rest on Jamie's forehead, her hips moving up and down on his cock. Her body quivered. It wasn't just his cock. It was all of him. Here. Underneath her. It had been so long. And she'd missed him so much. Their fingers intertwined as they moved together, absorbed in the texture of each other's bodies.

As her pace increased, Casie laid a hand on Jamie's chest, holding her body above his. His hands gripped her arse, massaging its flesh while his tongue and lips assaulted her full breasts. Pleasure rose in her body, her breath coming in quick gasps, as she rode his cock, again and again, his hands cheering her with each thrust.

Suddenly, it all came together. His cock. His hands. His mouth. Him.

The world around her exploded, and she arched against him, her breath broken.

As her orgasm waned, her body dropped to Jamie's, her pace slowing.

She didn't rest long. She sat up, and again she moved up and down, backwards and forth. Jamie took one of her fingers between his lips and pulled it deep into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, scraping his teeth. Releasing it from his lips, he nudged her hand between her thighs, and she knew he wanted to watch her touch herself as she rode his cock.

His gaze never left her face as her fingers circled her pleasure spot. Jamie massaged her breasts, his fingers grazing her nipples with each of her down thrusts. He watched her gasp, her mouth open, as her body moved back and forth on his hard cock. She rocked, her own hand covering his, encouraging him to squeeze her breasts harder. When he obliged, her body answered. She thrust against him until; again, she quailed with passion.

As she stilled, Jamie took advantage. His arms wrapped around her, rolled them so that Casie was now on her back. He kissed her lips, passion flowing from his to hers. He kissed her neck, gentle on her soft skin, before he moved to the roundness of her breasts. When he kissed valley between them, bolts of honeyed electricity pulsed through her body.

Casie reached down between her thighs, her fingers stroking her clitoris before touching where their bodies met. She could feel the skin of his cock, slick with her juices, as he moved in and out, sliding deep into her. Her fingers played across her lips; she liked how they stretched around his cock.

She threw her leg over his hips, and Jamie began moving with her, his pelvis circling to meet her with each thrust.

His hand gripped her breasts before sliding up to play at her neck, fingertips trailing across her sensitive skin. His hand framed her throat, squeezed just a little, then tipped her mouth towards his. As their lips met, Casie reached for him, her fingers wrapping into Jamie's hair.

As their bodies moved and his thrusts became deeper, Jamie's hands roamed her body, worshiping the curves of her breasts and belly.

The climax in Casie started to grow, and she made noises against his mouth. She reached for him, her fingers grabbing his thigh, the muscles hard and flexed beneath her touch. Her other hand met his, and their fingers intertwined, joining them, connecting them and their love to each other in the moment.

With her orgasm building, Casie almost crested, but she paused, placing a hand on his chest, "Wait, wait."

Jamie's thrusts slowed, worried concern passing over his face, clearly afraid he hurt her. Casie reached for his cheek, reassuring him as she pressed the palm of her hand against the rough stubble of his dark beard. His lips came to hers, and Casie whispered, "I want you to come with me."

With a growl, Jamie kissed her, trailing a finger down the side of her face. He started thrusting again, this time a little faster until he found a pace that suited them both. Their eyes met, filled with passion and love. Casie's breathing turned uneven, and every thrust brought a tiny gasp as he moved deep inside her.

Her hand, encouraged by Jamie's, slid down the side of her tummy, through her nether curls, and into the folds of her pussy. With the increasing thrust of his cock and his hands roaming her breasts, she didn't need to build up to her orgasm this time. When her fingers found her clitoris and pushed against it, her body immediately responded. She was already there.

Their eyes locked.

Casie knew Jamie was on the brink, holding back his own orgasm, waiting for her to meet him. She was close, her body straining against him. As her pussy started to squeeze, she looked to him and knew it was time when he nodded, letting her know he was ready, that it was time for her to cum.

And she did.

Her fingers moved faster. Her body arched against him. Her eyes closed and her mouth opened, sounds escaping. As the spasms started in her pussy and spread through her body, wave after wave washed through her. She squeezed his hand, anchoring herself to him.

Casie's orgasm pushed Jamie over the edge. His pace quickened, and he, too, tumbled into his climax. Casie was jostled back and forth as pleasure jolted through his body, jerking into her as he lost himself in their ecstasy.

As their bodies rode out the waves of their climax, he began to kiss her, his lips traveling the skin of her neck and cheek. His hands roamed her body, flowing over its hills and valleys.

Eventually, their bodies slowed, then stilled. Casie reached for Jamie's hand and placed it where their bodies joined, where arousal still pulsated through her.

Wrapping his arms around her, he withdrew from her warmth, and Casie slipped back against him, snuggling her rump as close as she could to his body. Both Jamie's armed wrapped around her torso, pulling her even closer as Casie's reached up to hold on to his bicep, entangling herself in him as much as possible.

As they settled down into bed, Jamie placed chaste kisses across her cheeks and Casie's breath quieted, her body stilling against him. Her eyes closed, comforted by his presence next to her.

Jamie reached across her and grabbed a handful of blankets, pulling them over her to cover their bodies. "I know we just got up," Jamie whispered against her ear, "But I think it's okay if we deserve to spend some of the day in bed."

He snuggled against her one more time. His arm draped over her body, holding her close. Both their eyes closed, grateful to be in one another's arms again.

The scones would have to wait.