
"This has been a life-altering trip." Cara lay on her side on one of the room's two twin beds. She wasn't exaggerating. They'd talked for a year about going to Italy together. They were platonic friends—though Cara hoped to change that—and had known each other since college. But even though they were just on day four, she'd already learned quite a few things about her good friend.

Laurie nodded, laying in a pose that mirrored Cara's. "It has! And we have three more days. Do you think you'll be ready for the party later tonight?" She smiled and licked her teeth. "I think those guys we met last night want us to go."

Cara wondered if that was a good idea. They'd been out late the night. Coming back to their comfortable room after lunch had been a good idea. A cool breeze played with the gauzy curtains covering the windows. She should have been ready to take a nap, but she wasn't. Butterflies fluttered about in her stomach. She thought, not for the first time, about how beautiful her friend was and about the contents of the night stand. She had plans for what lay inside, but she was afraid she would chicken out. Romantic sex that's what she wanted.

Cara watched as Laurie's fingers played over the buttons of her white linen shirt. It was completely open in front revealing her matching blue bra and panty set. The color against her dark skin was breathtaking. She was jealous of Laurie's darker complexion and of how much the sun loved her.

Cara was glad that neither of them were wearing much more than a bra and panties. Not only because she could see Laurie nearly naked, but also because she was so turned on right now, if she were wearing clothes she'd spontaneously combust.

Cara was so taken with looking at her friend that she hadn't answered the question.

As though reading her mind, Laurie continued. "Of course, as handsome as those guys were, we could just stay in. It's a shame that this room only has twin beds and not just one great big, luxurious king." Laurie tucked one of her dark locks behind her ear. "I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with you."

Cara blushed, her pale skin warming at the thought and no doubt turning a few shades pinker. She was pretty sure she understood Laurie correctly, but could you misinterpret that? "We could make one of these small beds work, I think. It just means we'd have to get really close." Girl on girl sex, she mused.

The pair had kissed a few times on their first night here and there had been passionate petting on the second, but they hadn't taken it to the next level. Yet. No regrets had been expressed about either incident, but they'd both been drinking on both occasions.

Laurie patted the sheets. "Why not give it a try?"

This time they were both sober. Cara's skin tingled and her heart raced. She got up and took the two steps needed to cross the space. She knelt on the sliver of mattress available to her and kissed Laurie softly. It was as magical as it had been that first night. The brunette's mouth was as generous as any lover could hope for. Full lips and a tongue that Cara hoped she'd be feeling on her clit before their outing tonight.

"Mmmmmm." Laurie moaned and returned the kiss passionately, her tongue caressing Cara's and then moving to lick her lips.

The kiss was brief, before Cara felt the need to break it. "You're such a gifted kisser." She pushed the white shirt Laurie wore off her shoulder and peeled one lacy bra cup away from the firm breast it barely concealed. Laurie's dark nipple already stood erect and ready to be nibbled. Cara sucked it into her mouth and gently tugged with her teeth.

Laurie's eyes rolled back into her head. She let out a shuddering breath.

"You like that, babe? Are you wet for me?" Cara's hands slid down Laurie's torso and seized the lacy thong by the strings hugging her hips.

Laurie's lone reply was a whimper and a nod. She shifted her hips up to allow easier access.

Peeling the thong away from her roommate's hot pussy allowed the scent to reach Cara's nostrils. "You are. Oh, good." She licked her lips and tossed the panties to the floor. Now that the damp lace was out of the way, she took her place between Laurie's legs.

Laurie spread for her friend and watched as Cara gently tongued the smooth, dark skin of her lips. A few shades darker than the surrounding flesh, her plentiful labia parted easily, revealing the sweet, pink treasure beyond.

When Cara's two middle fingers slid into the wet heat, it was her turn to moan. She'd fingered herself too many times to count, but taking another woman like this was rare and startling. She turned her attention to the gorgeous erect clit, sitting up proudly from the surrounding puffy flesh. Laurie tasted even better than she smelled, the subtle sweetness reminding Cara of sparkling wine—perhaps with a hint of peaches.

Learning another woman's body—her rhythm, and what it takes to make her come needed more than a handful of days of kisses and flirting, but Cara managed to hit a few of the right spots. Before she brought her friend to bliss, however, Laurie sat up.

"I need more." Dark brown eyes simmered. "I need to fuck you." Laurie's gaze moved towards the night stand between their beds.

So she knew about the surprise waiting in the drawer? Cara had bought it in a sex shop the day before yesterday. She hoped she'd get to use it on this trip. Her friend must have seen it at some point between that and today. Smiling, she nodded. "Who am I to disagree with such a request?" She retrieved the strapless strap on—a double ended dildo designed to let one woman fuck another—and hefted it. "You stay just like you are."

She inserted the shorter end into Laurie's waiting slit. The sharp angle just above the blue head would cause it to stimulate her G spot while she fucked Cara. Before that happened, Cara closed her lips over the longer "business" end of the toy. She loved giving blow jobs and while her partner couldn't feel it, the spectacle was erotic and it made Cara wetter and hornier than ever.

Cara wriggled out of her panties, not wanting to put off what they both needed any more. Her sensitive lips were parted, pouting and dripping with longing. She was ready. So ready. Still, it was a tight fit and she reached around behind her and between her legs to work the dong into her pussy. It stretched her so nicely and she shivered. She suspected, based on Laurie's own panting, that the toy was doing exactly what it was designed to, transmitting the movements along its length and stroking Laurie's tight hole.

Knees on either side of Laurie's hips, she raised and lowered herself. Even though she was as wet as she could ever remember being, there was a drag as the toy massaged her walls. The sensation of fullness and the gorgeous body writhing beneath her made her want to pinch herself. She'd had her share of erotic dreams but this was more fantastic than any of those.

Cara's blue eyes bored into Laurie's dark brown orbs. Gasping, she seized her breasts and teased them, taking out the need to pinch herself on her nipples. "God, you're fucking me so good."

Laurie's hands stroked Cara's hips and used them to guide her up and down. "You're gorgeous." The wet sucking sound as Laurie urged her to move faster reminded her of the bass line from the club last night—a sensual, rhythmic undercurrent to their lovemaking.

Cara put her hands on the wall and increased her pace. With Laurie helping her move up and down, faster and faster, she felt her body finally acclimate to the silicone cock. Her natural juices smeared Laurie's mound and eased their movements. Now she was finally able to let herself go. She reached around and grabbed one of her own ass cheeks. Spreading herself open further allowed her to sink deeper onto the glorious cock. Moaning, she teased the tighter hole between her cheeks. What would that cock feel like in her ass? Maybe if she was lucky, she'd find out.

She leaned down to pull Laurie's mouth to hers. Their tongues slipped and slid as they panted together. Her ass slapped against Laurie's thighs and she could feel her wetness pool at the base of the now well lubricated cock. Her orgasm began to bubble in the pit of her belly.

Laurie rubbed Cara's clit in circles and she nodded as her dark eyes smiled. "Come for me."

Cara bounced up and down on the shaft as her thighs began quivering.

"Yes. Fuck yes." Her pussy clamped around the blue toy and she leaned down to imprison Laurie's mouth with hers. They kissed, smearing each other's faces with saliva.

Quivering, Cara dismounted and pulled the strap on out of Laurie's soaking slit. A thin strand of natural lubrication connected silicone and skin. Turning it in her hands, she licked the sheen of sweetness from the toy's bulging head. The idea that only a second ago it had been in her lover's sex made her skin tingle. She moaned at the combination of taste, smell, and her own imaginings.

"You're such a sexy goddess. I've wanted you since the first time I saw you." Laurie whimpered, the hunger in her eyes vivid.

Cara placed the short end against her slit and teased up and down. She groaned as she slid it inside. It was able to hit a part of her that wasn't getting any attention earlier.

Laurie sat up and smiled mischievously. "My turn." She kissed up Cara's long legs and covered the phallus' head with her mouth.

Cara heard her hum as though she'd just tasted something tantalising. No doubt she had.

Part of Cara wanted Laurie to pull it out and have her friend's lips and tongue busy on her sex again, but watching Laurie use her mouth was somehow more erotic. She watched Laurie's jaw muscles tense as the muscles of her mouth worked. The tan cheeks hollowed as Laurie sucked on the pretend cock. Cara had never wished before to be a man, but she would have loved to know what having your cock sucked in this manner would feel like.

Laurie moved her head from side to side, working down the length of the toy. Finally, once it filled her entirely, she nuzzled against the soft skin of Cara's mound. The dildo must have been hitting the back of her throat, but she didn't make any gagging noises and let it stay there. This might have been her first time with this sort of toy, but it must have been far from the first time she'd had to quell her gag reflex.

Finally, she backed off a few inches and breathed through her nose. Then she kept at it, seemingly determined to give as good a show as she had received.

Cara smiled down at Laurie. "Tastes good, doesn't it?" Now she could see how good the tugging and moving felt. It stimulated her G-spot perfectly. She couldn't wait to see how much more that would be the case when she fucked her friend. How would they do it? Would she push into Laurie from behind? Perhaps climb on top of her?