Rough-And-Tumble Part Two

Daisy, completely naked, lay spread-eagled on the bed. "For God's sake, get your big cock in there, and do it hard."

This was, at least, familiar. Eagerly Cliff pulled himself into position and ploughed directly into her soaking cavity. Her hips heaved up at him and he was driven right to the hilt.

"Plough me. Harder."

He slammed his solid rod as hard as he could, felt it mash against some deep part inside her. He repeated the action, again and again. Yet he felt little sign of pleasure from her.

Then her voice came again, "Now, come out of me."

Dismayed, Cliff thought his efforts were being rejected. He didn't really want to come out.

"Out, I said." God, she was like some livid boss. This was certainly not the kind of happy fucking he was used to. Reluctantly, he drew his cock out of her.

"Now slide it over my body, up to my mouth."

Cliff couldn't believe this, "But it's all-"

"Just fucking do it, will you?"

Reluctantly he slid himself upwards, feeling his soiled hardness slithering over her skin until he was straddled up near her head.

"In my mouth," she ordered, raising her head, her mouth wide.

Cliff made one final attempt at protest, "It'll taste—"

"I know exactly what it'll taste like. Now get it in, grab my hair and force my head onto it. You did say you liked to give a lady what she wanted, didn't you?"

Her mouth grasped greedily at Cliff's dripping cock as he gripped the hair on the back of her head, and pulled her onto him. He jerked his hips and could not deny that the sensations that filled him were exquisite. Her tongue somehow found ways of lashing at his cock, and her head nodded fiercely driving his cock deep into her throat, as she sucked on it avidly.

His hand in her hair was hardly necessary, but he pulled at it nevertheless. He was positive that she was deriving more from having him in her mouth than up her sex.

Occasionally, she twisted her head so that his cock head slid along the inside of her cheeks. Now he was sure that he had to be halfway down her throat. But then the pulsing in his scrotum started and he knew he was not far from shooting his load. Was it to be down her throat?

Her hand quickly moved down onto his buttocks, and even as he felt his scrotum about to release, her finger was thrust hard into his anus.

The action was so sudden, so unexpected, that his hips jerked wildly, but at the same time, Daisy flung her head to one side so that his cock almost dislodged. Then her other hand was grabbing at his pounding cock, dragging it from her mouth. Why? It would---In some horror, Cliff felt his stuff flooding down his shaft, and saw it burst forth like an erupting volcano, streaking across her grinning face, onto her eyelids, her nose and up into her hair. At the same time, both her hands pushed at his thighs, and she groaned, "Slide back. Slide back." Thinking his weight must be hurting her too much he wriggled himself down as far as he could, well aware that his orgasmic rush was still flowing. Cum ran in streaks across her breasts, like icing on a cake.

"On your knees," she called, while Cliff was wondering whether his stuff would ever stop flooding out of him. But he did as she instructed, and her hand, still clutching his cock, directed a final couple of gushes to splatter onto her belly.

As his pulsing eased, Daisy struggled up onto her elbows, with that insane grin still on her face. Her hand pulled at his cock, and like some docile mongrel, he waddled on his knees towards her cum-covered face. She leaned her head forward and licked at the few remaining drops on the purple head of his drooping cock. Then her mouth closed briefly around the head and she gave one final suck, and when she raised her head, her eyes were bright, as she smiled at Cliff.

"Rough and dirty!" she cried triumphantly. "That's how I like it."

Cliff thought she looked like the goddess of all whores, with his copious cum dripping off her. She added, "You'll get better at the rough stuff. Come back, sometime, and I'll show you how."

Cliff knew he was being dismissed like a schoolboy freed from detention, but said nothing. Within ten minutes he was walking the dark streets on his way home, reliving his latest encounter and wondering how his attitude to women might have been changed by the demands of Daisy.