We Were Strangers

Thunderclouds swiftly cleared the park of people, and just as the heavens spewed their first drops, he reached the old boathouse.

"Lucky you." The feminine voice startled him. Huddled on the bench along the rear wall, was the young lady he'd watched at the lakeside, bending to feed the ducks. Her navy blue, above a knee-length skirt, and bright yellow blouse lit up the dim interior.

"You played it safe," he said.

Standing, she moved to be alongside this handsome man. "I knew you were watching me. My tits attract you?" Never this provocative, she wondered why. Her mood? His looks, perhaps?

He chuckled, eyes drawn to her blouse. "No, but they might have," he said. Truth was, two other things had disturbed him. First, was the way her skirt tightened as she bent low, that crease between her curves. He voiced the second one, "Your face wore a lecherous smile. What caused that?"

Tittering lightly, she said, "What I was thinking rhymes with duck." Was she losing her mind?

Green eyes challenged him, and he wondered, 'What's with this broad?'

Outside, a furious rain storm molested the deserted terracing.

"We could be the last pair on earth," she murmured.

"So, we'd need to repopulate." How'd she take that solicitation?

"Sounds good." Her response was enthusiastic. Her heart thumped, as she added, "Would a kiss be the start?"

Wholeheartedly, he lowered his lips to accept her offer.

His lips were warm, and gentle. Devilishly, the tip of her tongue probed, and excitement followed, as his tongue responded. Both mouths widened, while lips meshed more resolutely.

Tongues tangling, he felt his cock harden. Breathing became mutually faster and harsher. Did unfaithfulness beckon? A logical conclusion if continued. Reluctantly, breaking the kiss, he stood, eye to eye with her.

Gorgeous blue eyes, she thought. Catching her breath, she panted, deciding to be open, "I've never done anything like this."

He laughed teasingly, "Kissed?"

"I'm married."

He nodded empathetically, "Should we sit?"

"Before my legs get too shaky," she agreed. Readily, she took his offered hand, to be led to the bench.

Aroused further, he stood and watched her sit. "No repercussions?" he said.

Her eyes widened on him as he sat, "You're married?"

He shrugged and sat beside her, "Guilt hovers above us like a great shadow."

"Can't we pretend it isn't there?"

"For now," he murmured, his face close to hers.

Another kiss was needed. A deeper, more luscious, and thrillingly passionate. Then, his right hand stroked over her covered breasts and she gasped. She wanted this, even though these aberrant impulses worried her.

Brain in a whirl, drowning in her kiss, stroking her breast was automatic. Even covered, her breasts radiated warmth, the nipples gloriously hard. This beautiful lady was surrendering her body to him. And his hardening demanded it. Was this misconduct?

She broke the kiss, delighted at the promise there. Her eyes on his, she leisurely unbuttoned her blouse. This would tell him, and she moistened at his first touch on her naked flesh

No doubts now. Beautifully moulded globes filled his gaze. Enticingly smooth softness under his touch. His fingers rippled over each proud nipple.

She so wanted it all, now. His fingers gliding over her sensitive flesh, took her breath away. Such unexpected debauchery. Where was her shame? Now his face lowered to her breasts, and she trembled.

Breasts so perfect under his fingers, fed the desire of his mouth to nibble and suck those pink nipples. Wonderful, to hear her whimper of pleasure.

Despite her rapture, she noticed that the rain had eased. How much time had they? They must complete this. Desperately, she seized his hand, parted her knees, and placed his fingers on the skin below her skirt hem. Wild with carnal desire, she groaned as his fingers moved tenderly upwards.

So smooth, her inner thigh, as he reached for that forbidden, adulterous heaven. His solid cock pushed for escape, he stroked onto the wetness of her panties, and was overcome with the delight of her fingers moving over his imprisoned cock.

She saw the bulge, and her hand stroked over its impressive length, just as his fingers found her soaked panties. She moaned, and reflexively, her fingers gripped the large covered rod, before desperately reaching for his zip.

Together they moved into a giggling preparation phase. He pulled at her panties and she unfastened his belt, to wrench his gorgeous cock free. Then she raised her buttocks so her panties could be lowered to dangle from one ankle.

Her fingers ran along his length, gasping and moaning, while his fingers had free passage along her dripping slit, directly to her clit. Everything was going so fast. She felt an orgasm approaching like a runaway train, and she wanted him inside her.

His balls were bursting. Her fingers on his cock drove him crazy. He sensed she was close, too.

. Despite her eagerness, his cock looked so delightful under her fingers. She would have loved to mouth it, but she knew they had to complete their illicit action.

As she raised from the bench, he guessed her intentions. Gripping his hardness, she straddled over him, and with passion-clouded eyes, lowered herself, guiding him to her moist entrance. Fleeting pause, before she sat, and skewered herself on his eager shaft. Entering her heaving, soaked portals was pure delight.

His rock-solid cock lanced up into her. All she had hoped for her orgasm was immediate. She pressed herself madly down on him, relishing his hip thrusts up into her.

Her ecstatic cries pleasured him almost as much as the moment his balls released their load, and he pounded frantically up into her, his grunting joining her squeals.

Recovering, it was good having her lean into him, whispering her gratitude, which he returned gratefully.

"Can such intense euphoria be totally wrong?" she enquired, as they parted at the gate.

They walked in opposite directions. No dates. No promises. Hopes, dreams and memories, unbroken.