Warm Sweet Milk

I knew I shouldn't be looking, but I couldn't help myself. Grace had closed the door to her office and pulled the blinds, stopping anyone from seeing into her office. We worked in an 'L' shaped office and she and I each occupied the first office on the side of the L, essentially allowing me to see in through her outside window from my own.

She hadn't bothered pulling the blinds on her exterior window, assuming no one could see in as we were several stories higher than any other buildings around. Once she was settled I watched as she pulled a breast pump from her hand bag and quickly set it up. Reaching behind herself to unzip her dress, Grace allowed the material to slip off her shoulders and fall around her waist.

Her hair cascaded over her shoulders trailing down to rest on the swell of her breasts as they strained at the confines of a large black maternity bra. Reaching to the right strap of the bra, she unclasped the strap, allowing the cup to fall forward exposing a large firm breast, swollen with milk. Her areola was huge spreading out clearly from her large hard pink nipple, droplets of milk already escaping and starting to slowly drip down the smooth skin of her breast.

My hand had instinctively reached into my trousers and without realizing it I was slowly rubbing my cock, which was rock hard and straining to escape the confines of my jeans.

Meanwhile Grace had reached up and was slowly teasing the nipple of her right breast with her fingers, encouraging the flow of milk. I watched as her breast began leaking a little faster, drops of milk covering her fingers and trickling down her breasts. Satisfied, she raised the pump to her breast and slowly began pumping milk from her swollen breast.

I watched in aroused fascination as the small bottle quickly filled, milk pouring from her breast into the pump. Within minutes the bottle was full and Grace removed the pump from her breast. Despite filling the bottle her breast was clearly not empty and milk continued to leak from her nipple, sending a small rivulet of white liquid rolling down her breast and dripping onto her exposed stomach.

Muttering something that I couldn't hear she reached into her bag and retrieved a breast pad holding it to her leaking nipple as she sat back into the couch. Even from this distance away I could clearly see where the droplets of milk had run down her stomach and filled her deep belly button to the point of overflowing.

I raised my eyes to above Grace's stomach to see that a wet patch had now developed through the thick material of the bra cup covering her left breast. Whilst her left hand continued to hold the breast pad in place over her right nipple, Grace reached behind with her left hand and deftly unclasped her bra, pulling it free and dropping it beside her on the couch.

My heart skipped a beat as her magnificent milk filled breasts came into full view. As she fully removed her bra it allowed her breasts to drop naturally down her body no longer being held up from below. Her left breast was leaking milk continuously, the liquid sliding down her breast and dripping onto the soft flesh of her stomach. Awkwardly she managed to unscrew the full bottle of milk from her pump and connect a new one, quickly placing it over her swollen left breast. As she re-positioned herself, so she could hold the breast pad in place over her right breast with her fore arm, freeing up her right hand to pump, she relaxed back into the couch with what was clearly a deep sigh as her left breast quickly began filling the bottle.

Within a couple of minutes the bottle was full and Grace did a quick re-arrange, removing the pump and quickly placing a breast pad over the nipple to prevent more milk running down her body. She that there for a few minutes eyes closed holding the breast pads to her breasts, before slowly removing them. Her nipples instantly began to leak again and even though I couldn't hear a word Grace said, I knew she was swearing to herself.

Placing the breasts pads back against her breasts Grace stood up and started to quickly search around her office for something, all the time holding the pads in place with her hands. With nothing to hold it up, her dress soon slipped over her hips, falling to the floor as she quickly stepped out of it. I took in the delicious sight of her soft plump thighs and realized then, that I'd unzipped my jeans and was now blatantly stroking my naked cock as I watched Grace running round her office almost naked. If she looked my way now...

Having gone round her office twice, she finally fell back into the couch, a look of pure annoyance on her face. Slowly releasing the breast pads from her nipples she looked down and confirmed her breasts were still leaking rapidly. Replacing the pads, she allowed her head to fall back, her eyes closed, clearly trying to work out what she was going to do. After a minute she opened her eyes and looked out of her window and saw me!

I froze, my cock still in my hand as I started back at her. I saw her eyes flick from my face, to my cock and back to my face. She looked horrified at first, then slowly as we both stared at each other motionless, her expression changed. Slowly at first and then suddenly to a look of concentration as if she was trying to make a really tough decision.

Finally, she released the pad covering her left breast, looking down she checked that it was still leaking, then looked at me and with her left hand now free, she waved hesitantly and beckoned me over to her.

I just stood there for a while, not moving, then she waved again. Looking me straight in the eyes, Grace mouthed a single word "Please". I looked away from her face at her left breast, now exposed and steadily leaking milk down her body. What was Grace asking me over for, surely she couldn't be suggesting... I quickly made my mind up, stuffing my cock back into my jeans I zipped up and quickly made my way out of my office and round the corner to Grace's.

I knocked on the door, before whispering that it was me. There was a long pause and then Grace's voice quietly carried to me saying "Quickly, I'm getting soaked."

I slipped quickly into her office, closing the door behind me and froze, taking in the most erotic sight I have ever seen in my entire life. Seeing Grace Milton's milk filled breasts from the distance of my office, was nothing compared to being almost within reaching distance. Her tits were absolutely breathtaking! With probably half the milk drained from each, no longer the hard swollen globes they had been when she had first sat down, they dropped slightly down her body. Still full and round, milk continued to leak from her engorged nipples, dripping down onto the soft skin of her belly.

Looking Grace in the eyes, I wanted to make sure that she wanted to do this. I could see the uncertainty, mixed with a need to solve her problem. At thirty-six years old and only haven given birth three months ago, Grace had never looked more beautiful than she did right then.

"Quickly," she whispered "before I change my mind!" She grabbed a cushion and placed it over her naked thighs as I shuffled towards her, settling down onto the couch to lay across her. I looked up at her face as I settled my head onto the cushion, her magnificent milk filled tits almost within reach.

Grace smiled down at me and slowly reached under her right breasts lifting it in her hand and offering it to me. I leant in, my lips wrapping round the engorged nipple and instantly being rewarded by the flow of Grace's sweet milk into my mouth. I sucked hungrily on her breast, my right hand instinctively reaching up to hold her left breast.

She gasped slightly as she felt my hand taking hold of her left breast, gently squeezing her tit between my fingers. I continued to gently grope her left breast as I suckled on her right and Grace moaned quietly, her head laying back against the couch, eyes closed. My cock was straining painfully against my jeans as I drank her milk, without thinking I let go of her left breast and reaching for her hand I placed it over the bulge in my jeans. She reflectively pulled away briefly, but I encouraged her hand back and this time she left it there, gently rubbing at my bulge, causing me to moan as well.

I returned my right hand to her left breasts and this time allowed my fingers to find her swollen nipple. As I gently pinched the nipple, Grace moaned loudly and her hand gripped my cock tightly through my jeans and milk flowed from her breast soaking my fingers. We continued for a minute and then suddenly I felt Grace's hand move and start to open the button on my jeans, my zip soon followed and within moments Grace had my naked cock between her fingers, slowly stroking me from top to bottom as her moans gently increased as I allowed my tongue to start teasing her right nipple as I sucked her milk.