Warm Sweet Milk (Finale)

Within seconds of Grace taking hold of my cock I could feel my orgasm rising rapidly, but I was desperate not to cum just yet and the milk from her right breast was finally starting to run out. Quickly taking hold of her hand and guiding it away from my cock, I allowed myself to slip off the couch, reluctantly releasing her tit from my mouth. I pulled the cushion away from her lap and reached up to take hold of her knickers.

Hooking my fingers into the waistband I looked up at Grace and pulled gently, I could see the desire and arousal in her face, but also the indecision. Lowering my eyes, I saw her deep belly button was still filled with milk and I leaned forward kissing her soft stomach, before sliding my tongue deep inside her belly button lapping the milk out of her.

Grace moaned again, her belly button clearly a sensitive erogenous zone and I continued licking her, pressing my tongue deep into her belly button, all the while retaining the gentle pressure on her knickers. Then suddenly she shifted, lifting her butt up off the couch slightly and her knickers slid down her thighs, over her knees and to the floor. I shifted round slightly easing her thighs open and moving my body between them. I continued licking her belly button, before slowly moving south, gently kissing and licking her lower stomach as I inched towards her sex.

A light patch of neatly trimmed blonde pubic hair brushed against my chin as I slid lower, my lips then kissing through her pubic region slowly, teasing as I went. Her indecision was gone and she pushed her ass up off the couch, encouraging me to find her opening. Finally, I reached low enough and I allowed my tongue to gradually, sensuously run through the lips of her pussy from bottom to top, gently flicking her swollen clit as I went. She tasted amazing, her pussy juices just as sweet as her breast milk as I lapped at her twat.

Her body lurched as my tongue finally massaged her pussy, causing her to cry out loud and quickly clamp a hand over her mouth. I pulled back, allowing her to relax slightly and then wrapped my hands rounds her slightly dimpled thighs, resting them on my shoulders as I leaned in and gently teased her pussy with my tongue, slowly this time, barely making contact. Grace moaned softly as I gently teased the folds of her pussy, keeping away from her sensitive clit, making sure to build her slowly towards a big orgasm.

Reaching up I slowly slid my index finger into her pussy, sliding it into her hole and causing more moans from Grace, her body starting to slowly tremble against me. I could feel her orgasm approaching now and allowed my tongue to push deeper between the folds of her pussy lips, finding her swollen clit and flicking it gently. Grace instantly moaned her whole body pushing forward urging me on, squashing her pussy into my mouth.

Sensing she was ready I allowed my tongue to attack her clit, flicking it and sucking it between my lips as Grace moaned louder, trembling uncontrollably as her orgasm approached. I slipped my thumb into her pussy as well, getting it slick with her juices, before reaching back under her and gently pressing it against her ass. She tensed slightly, but I continued teasing and massaging her clit with my tongue and just as her orgasm hit she relaxed everything going limp for a brief second and I pushed my thumb deep into her ass.

Grace's orgasm exploded, her whole body convulsing as it shook through her, causing her to shriek out loud in pleasure. Her thighs squashed my face between them, keeping my mouth pressed tightly into her sex as her juices gushed out soaking my lips, chin and cheeks. Her ass gripped my thumb painfully tight and I could feel the muscles contracting and releasing as her orgasm flowed. Finally, with a last shudder, she collapsed back into the couch, her thighs releasing me and my thumb popping out of her ass. I sat there for a minute as she regained her breath and then slowly began kissing my way up her body, over her stomach, briefly stopping to run my tongue deep into her belly button, before moving steadily up her body, lapping up her breast milk that now soaked her skin.

As I reached her breasts I briefly moved to her right breast and gently sucked on her nipple, eliciting more moans of pleasure, before sliding across and taking her still leaking left breast into my mouth.

Grace gasped as I took the milking nipple between my teeth, biting it gently before sucking hard, her milk flowing into my mouth. I felt her hands reaching to my jeans and underwear and pushing them down my thighs to the floor, her fingers wrapping around my hard cock, slowly rubbing me up and down.

Releasing her nipple, I lifted my face to her and kissed her slowly, letting her taste her own breast milk and pussy juices mixed together on my lips. As she looked me in the eyes, adjusting to the taste, I pushed forward kissing her deeply, my tongue pushing into her mouth. She soon returned the kiss, her own tongue pushing into my mouth as we made out passionately, my hands reaching up to grope her full breasts, while her hand rubbed my cock.

I broke the kiss long enough to whisper into her ear "I want you."

There was no longer any hesitation from Grace as she spread her legs wide, exposing her engorged, wet pussy.

"Bring a condom," she said, and she didn't have to tell me twice.

Within seconds I was back from my drawer and ready to give her the time of her life.

"Gently, please. This will be my first time since I gave birth" she whispered.

"Alright" I breathed and kissed her again as I buried my cock deep inside her wet pussy.

I pulled away from her lips and returned my attention to her beautiful breasts, sucking her left breast back into my mouth as I drank the last of her milk, all the while thrusting long and deep and slow into her warm, wet pussy.

Her moans started to rise and I soon picked up the pace, burying myself deep inside her each time. I continued sucking her tit, until her milk ran dry and pulled away leaning up to kiss her again, our lips opening to each other, tongues frantically exploring each other's mouths.

I still couldn't forget her breasts, despite having been emptied of milk they were still full and sexy and I groped at them with my hands, flicking and pinching her ultra-sensitive nipples as Grace's second climax quickly built up.

Suddenly picking up speed, I felt her pussy contracting around my cock and her orgasm struck. I buried myself as deep inside her as possible and she moaned deeply into my mouth, her orgasm washing over her as her body trembled. As her climax finally calmed, I groaned in pleasure pushing my hips forwards, my cock pushing as deep into her as possible and my orgasm hit. Wave after wave of hot cum rocketed out of me, filling the condom, as we both finally collapsed, our passion satisfied.

Grace raised her head slightly so she could look at me. "Wow; that was amazing" she said smiling.

I smiled back, "I could easily get used to this," I replied and with that Grace, collapsed back into me and I lay there savoring the feeling of my boss' naked body against mine.