The Good Doctors Of St. Patrick's

As Max exited the examination room, he contemplated the disheartening number of dull-witted patients he had treated over the years. The number of descending IQs seemed to be rising. Parents who jumped to conclusions the second their little squirt seemed to be showing symptoms of some life-threatening, dubious condition annoyed the hell out of him. He made a note to himself to thank Liv for rescuing him from one such patient's idiotic mother.

Max shuffled through the door of Liv's office to find her waiting for him with a perplexed look on her face.

"You didn't tell anyone else what I'm doing?"

"Not a soul," replied Max.

"Reed? Haines? Maybe you mentioned it to her..."

Max actually surprised himself by not informing Reed of Liv's pursuit of motherhood. For some reason he felt her secret was something he wanted to protect. "I'm a really good secret keeper. I never told anyone that Haines has an extra toe....oh, you tricked me."

He watched Liv hurry behind the desk and shut the blinds like a frenzied squirrel. The way that her black skirt complimented her full, sexy hips caused his hands to sweat. She didn't look as though she'd have any trouble giving birth.

Liv turned to face him, her curls bouncing. He glanced at her chest, enjoying the way the material clung to her, cutting just low enough to pique his curiosity.

"Part of the protocol for in-vitro fertilization is twice daily injections of menotropins," her voice hauled him back to reality. "I can't do it myself."

Max was slightly taken aback by the meaning of her words. Surely he wouldn't be the first person she would ask to do this for her? The only reason he knew in the first place was because he had first confused the signs with cancer...He also secretly hoped that she wasn't on an actual date with Reed.

"Turn around."

Liv turned away from him tentatively. Max became transfixed on her ass as she bent over the desk and lifted her skirt. "No wily comments about bending over?" She turned her head, peering up at him.

"Not unless you want me to," replied Max with a surprisingly level tone.

"I'm just not used to Max the professional."

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a scalpel. He sensed that his quiet, non-Max demeanor was beginning to unnerve her. "I was thinking about what your mother looked like," he said while removing the sterilized wipe from its packaging. "Your father obviously chose her for breeding purposes."

Her parents chose one another to have a child with, probably without invasive medical questions about illness and genetics. Probably while sharing a bottle of wine and a set of sheets. Here she was opting to let someone she knew nothing about, other than the information supplied at the sperm bank, father her child.

"Shut up!"

Max gently pressed the wipe to her perfect, taut cheek. She was a beautiful, successful woman. Too much for most men to deal with. He found the way her ass felt beneath his fingers incredible. He would definitely have to thank her.

"Natural selection sucks," he continued. "We pick our mates based on breast size, the cars they drive. They did an autopsy on married couples, found a correlation in pancreas size. We're hardwired to pick for injudicious reasons, you have the chance to pick for smart reasons."

"I think the Germans had a similar theory about 60 years ago."

"I'm not condoning wiping out entire races, I'm just saying you don't want to mate with the first plastic cup that buys you a drink." But maybe with the first narcissist to waft through her door?

Max continued to over-sanitize the potential injection site. The contrast between her soft skin and tight muscle was too much for him to bear. The swab slipped from his hand, and he slowly brushed his fingers against her tiny, black thong. It was so small that it was pointless. Liv stiffened when he slipped his fingers into her panties. Her sharp intake of breath made his heart race.

Liv moaned as his fingers dipped into the slick heat between her legs. He could feel the protest forming on the tip of her tongue, but she was helpless. He gently ran his fingers between her wet folds, encouraged by the way she pressed herself against his hand. She wanted more.

He pushed his fingers inside of her and she moaned in delight. With his left hand, he reached around and began to stroke her clit, eliciting the most beautiful vocal response he had ever heard.

"Oh, God..." Liv moaned.

"No, this is Max. But, yeah, it's easy to get us confused," he smirked. Her legs trembled against his and she shivered as he leaned forward, taking her earlobe between his teeth.

"Quit screwing around, Max!" She leaned even farther over the desk, letting her thong drop to her ankles.

Not one to be told twice, Max quickly unbuckled his belt and let his pants fall to the floor. He pressed his cock against the beautiful, sexy surgeon, teasing her wet folds, then without warning, he thrust into her mercilessly, and she gave a low moan as he fucked her senseless. He penetrated her deeper than she thought possible, thrusting hard and fast. Suddenly, she was overtaken by the most intense orgasm of her life.

Max could feel his own building as she gripped him tightly, her thighs hot and sticky with her juices. Doing everything in his power to enjoy this as long as possible, Max tried to shut Liv out of his mind. He tried recalling the name of the guitarist from Queen, reciting the Hippocratic Oath, picturing Russell as a white man. Before he could stop himself, his cum was spilling into her. He was devoid of any form of self-control, thrown into a state of hypersensitivity. He slammed his eyes shut, blocking out the piercing light, reveling in the words coming out of her mouth...

"I'm pretty sure you got that."

Max opened his eyes, finding the light to be tolerable. With the blinds shut there was hardly and light in the room at all. He realized that he still held the sterilized cotton in his hand and was continuing to gently stroke her skin with it.

"Microbes can be sneaky," he replied sensibly.

He quickly jabbed the syringe into the desired muscle and was secretly delighted to hear Dr. McPherson yelp. Serves her right for interrupting his best fantasy yet.

Liv straightened up and turned to face Max. "Thanks." Something curious played across his face, but was gone just as quickly.

"This day is gonna be fun," he quipped in a nonchalant fashion.

Then, he smirked, all the while knowing that it was Liv who deserved the thanks.