Emma And Oliver (Part Four)

I slipped down his zip and peeled open his trousers, edging the waistband down over a pair of white briefs which in turn revealed a very healthy looking bulge. The tight fitted briefs appeared to enhance his size, the outline of his erection easily visible.

I turned on the bed, getting to my knees and not wanting him to question the risks again I reached forward and began stroking my fingers up along the length of his outlined shape. The truth was this was the first and only cock I had touched since being married all those years ago and it felt good. I closed my fingers around its hidden girth as I adjusted my position until my eyes were level with his. I pressed my lips onto his wanting another of his tantalising kisses and at the same time, wanting to taste my own juices still smeared on his lips.

His lips opened allowing my tongue to probe softly. I could taste my juices on his lips and moaned quietly, loving the sensation of his lips steadily sucking me into his mouth. I heard his moan mix with mine as my fingers continued to slide up and down against the outline of his briefs.

Though not wanting the kiss to end I nevertheless eased back, my fingers now curled around both briefs and girth.

"You sure as hell know how to give oral Oliver so how about I take a turn? Would you like to find out how good Mum in law can be?" I asked.

I heard him moan but didn't wait for his answer. Instead I slipped my hand into the top of his briefs and eased down the waistband until his cock leapt free.

I knelt back on my haunches to examine my prize.

It was impressive. Maybe not as long as Francis' but very definitely thicker, yet it was the head most appealing. A bulbous, bell shaped knob that I remembered thinking seemed the perfect shape for finding a girls g-spot. I could feel my pussy tingle with that very thought and was already eager to explore this beast with my mouth.

"Oh yes! Very nice" I purred as I reached out to run my thumb over its bell end to find it was already nicely coated in precum.

I leant down where I flicked my tongue back and forth over its slippery head. Oliver groaned aloud as I opened my mouth to fully savour the precum covering the head of his cock. Again I heard him moan as I gently lapped it up as if it were cream. I finished by opening my lips and closing my mouth fully over it's head to suck the remaining cream into my mouth, easing back when I had finished.

"Was that good Oliver? I asked.


"And tell me, does my daughter enjoy sucking your cock?"

I saw his lips form a grin. "Yes.....she does." He replied.

"Hmmm! Then I'd better make sure her mother does it better.....Hadn't I?" I said.

I reached out and curling my fingers around his thick shaft I began slowly stroking him up and down. As I did so more of his precum readily formed on the tip of his knob.

"My my Oliver! I've never seen such a juicy cock. Could it be Emma has got you aroused?"

"Christ Emma you know damn well you have."

Smiling, I leant forward to once more close my mouth over the head of his cock, swirling my tongue seductively around and around his helmet, teasing and licking at his precum, this time, not sucking his precum into my mouth but instead allowing it to remain attached to my lips like an umbilical cord as I eased back.

I heard Oliver groan and knew he was turned on by both what I'd been doing and the sight of how I must look.

Still holding onto his shaft but now looking up into his eyes I purposely guided the tip of his knob around my lips, using it as if it were a lip gloss, except of course, the gloss I was applying was his sexual precum. Again I eased back, keen he should see me with my new make up applied.

"How's that for you so far Oliver? Is it all you had hoped for?" I teased as I used the tip of my tongue to savour the precum on my lips.

"Damn you're a tease Emma! One horny bloody tease."

"Noooo! Not me Oliver," I replied, a smile dancing over my lips. "I'm not here to tease. That's just a little warm up. A prelude to my proving I can suck cock much better than my daughter."

I reached down and slid the palm of my hand under his balls, my fingers immediately stroking beneath, causing him to emit a quiet moan.

I shuffled forward on my knees where, placing a hand around his neck I pressed my lips over his once more, probing between his lips with my tongue.

We kissed. Our joint moans of pleasure muffled as our heads turned passionately one way, then the other, one hand stroking his neck, the other beneath his balls, while his slid up and down my back.

It was some moments before either of us wanted to break from the embrace. When we did I knelt back on my haunches once more, smiling up into his eyes.

"Well Oliver. Would you like me to continue? Would you like Emma's mouth to see what it can do for your lovely thick cock?"

"Oh God yes!" He moaned.

I bent down, this time my mouth forming a perfect circle as I pressed my lips fully over his swollen knob and allowed my lips to slide a few inches down his shaft.

I withdrew then immediately repeated my actions, this time making sure my lips gripped firmly on his shaft as I slid them up and down...once...twice...three times in quick succession before pulling away.

He moaned out loud, his eyes closed as I reached forward to curl my fingers around the base of his shaft where I slid my hand upwards, watching as even more of his precum oozed from the eye of his swollen knob to leak down the side of his shaft.

It looked so tempting, so inviting, nestled there on the tip of his knob. I had always loved the taste of precum and would often do something like this for Francis. As these thoughts invaded my mind so I was reminded he was still downstairs.

I afforded myself a smile. Francis and I could never be classed as prudes. We had often talked to one another of our individual fantasies. Him with another woman, me with another guy but I had never once mentioned Oliver as being on my list. I wondered what he would make if he were to walk in right at this moment, or for that matter, how I too would react, him discovering his wife on the bed, sucking on her son in laws cock?

I looked down at Oliver's cock and again pushed these thoughts aside. As scared as I was about getting caught I wanted this more. The fact I had allowed Oliver to dine on my pussy, I knew meant he would visit me again. It raised the argument we should maybe wait for another time when Francis was safely out of the house. The argument made sense but with how much Francis had drunk, I was sure we still had enough time. I reached out and using the fingers of my right hand, smeared his precum from the tip of his cock all the way down his shaft to its base. I leant forward, this time my lips, aided by his juices, gliding effortlessly down his length.

I wanted him to enjoy. A part of me a little jealous, I wanted to prove I was better than my daughter.

I sucked softly.....I sucked firmly....I bobbed my head up and down with vigour...I swirled my tongue around and around his helmet, all the while my fingers either stroking up and down his shaft or playing gently beneath his heavy balls.

Several times I held tightly onto the base of his shaft, sure his moans of pleasure were a sign he was close and each time my action was enough to bring him back from the brink. As dearly as I would have loved to have seen his cock shoot its load, that would have to wait for another time. Despite the circumstances I'd made up my mind. Tonight I was going to have Oliver Fuck me. Tonight my son in law was going to empty the entire contents of his balls deep into my cunt. I gorged on his cock once more, stroking his shaft, teasing with his balls, bobbing my lips up and down its length until eventually, pleased with my efforts, I allowed my lips to slip from his gorgeous cock.

"Lie down Oliver." I told him.

This time with little if any regard for the situation he did as I'd asked without question. It was proof, if any were necessary, he wanted this as much as I did.

For several moments I stayed where I was, admiring the shape of his cock, loving how upright it stood, teetering over his belly, knowing in just a few moments I was going to lower my pussy down onto its thick, meaty and slippery shaft.

He watched me as I shuffled my way towards him before rising off my knees. I got to my feet finding it hard to maintain balance on the bed as I stepped astride his body. I stood still, looking down.

Just watching his eyes travel up and down my body, seeing the lust in them, knowing, despite my age he was admiring what was stood before him was enough to cause my juices to flow once more.

I looked down at his face, his eyes, for now at least, finally done with checking me out. It made me realise how much a woman enjoys being looked at and I wanted him all the more.

"Was that good Oliver? Did Emma pass the test? Was I better than my daughter?"

"Damn right you were!" He replied.

"My lips spread wide in a grin.

"Good, and you should know, I enjoyed doing that for you too. In fact it made me a little jealous knowing how much fun my daughter's been getting, being Fucked by such a lovely thick cock."

Below it was Oliver's turn to smile.

"The thing is...it doesn't seem fair Oliver. "I think a cock this good needs to be shared, don't you?" I continued. "Don't you think it only fair my daughter should share your lovely cock with her mother?"

Again his lips formed a slight grin.

"Somehow I don't think she'd agree with you Emma."

"No. I guess not." I answered as I reached down with both hands to grip the hem of my skirt.

I saw the movement of his eyes as I began to ease the hem higher, each hand movement slow, defined, hitching it up inch by inch to reveal more and more of my thighs. The truth was I felt dirty, my doing that for him, yet at the same time it felt so good, knowing his eyes were following my every move. Knowing I had his complete attention.

I pressed on edging the hem higher and higher until my pussy came into view. His eyes opened wide when I slid a hand onto my pussy lips. I could immediately feel my wetness as I teased a finger back and forth. Just looking at him I could tell how aroused he was with the idea of my playing with myself. I wasn't the least bit surprised for Francis too had often enjoyed watching me at play.

"How about you Oliver? What is it you think? Do you think you should share? Wouldn't you like to share your cock with this pussy?"

I saw his tongue flick lasciviously across his lips. I saw the look in his eyes, both a sign, if any were needed, he wanted this every bit as much as me.

"Yes. You know damn well I would." He almost hissed.

"Good! I think it's only right." I said, then closing my eyes I rubbed two fingers firmly over my already wet pussy letting a mewl of pleasure escape my lips.

Withdrawing my hand I raised my fingers level with my mouth and flicked out my tongue to taste my own juices. It wasn't so much I wanted to taste more of myself but that I wanted to excite Oliver still further.