Emma And Oliver (Finale)

I turned my eyes back towards his.

"You've got me more than ready for you Oliver." I told him. "But just remember, with Francis only downstairs we haven't as much time as we might like and we'll have to try and be quiet."

"If it's not what you want Emma we can wait for a better time, when Francis's out of the way." He answered somewhat nervously.

I reached down to place my fingers back over my pussy once more, again feeling the sense of excitement watching his eyes follow my every move.

"Oh don't worry Oliver. I shall be looking forward to that time too." I told him "But right now, all I want is to be Fucked. I want to feel this cock inside me. Fucking me like it does my daughter. I want to cum for you Oliver but most of all I want to know what it feels like feeling this cock throbbing as you empty your balls inside me."

With the talking all done I held onto my skirt as I bent from the knees. Slowly but surely I lowered myself down to his waiting erection. Moments later I slipped a hand onto his shaft ready to help guide him in.

I eased down some more and using my fingers to help guide him, heard myself gasp as the head of his cock prised open my pussy lips, embedding itself no more than two inches inside my cunt. It felt good, my pussy having to adapt to his size.

I lifted upwards then sank down some more, whimpering as a further two inches disappeared into my cunt.

"Oh Oliver! You're so thick! I groaned.

"Is that a problem?" he asked.

"Nooo! Not at all. It was just how I expected you would be."

I leant forward to rest my hands either side of his shoulders. Using them as a lever I began rocking up and down, each downward movement slowly but surely allowing more of his cock inside.

Until now Oliver had just laid there allowing me my own time to adjust to his size. I slowed, sensing he was almost all the way inside, confident I would now be able to handle him.

I leant closer still, my face inches from his.

"I'm ready for you Oliver. Do me! Go on! Do me now!" I urged.

I braced myself in readiness for what was about to happen. Even so, it was far more than I'd anticipated. It appeared he'd had further to go than I'd believed and when he thrust forward I'd cried out far louder than I should.

He immediately stopped, the grip from my pussy lips the only thing preventing his withdrawal.

"Sorry Emma. Are you ok?"

"Oh God yes!" I whimpered. "It was just more than I expected was all."

I wriggled my hips, loving the feel of him as I bedded a little further down onto his shaft. "Don't stop Oliver! Do it! Do me again!" I begged.

This time he was more gentle, easing back before slowly pushing his way home. I couldn't believe how hard he felt, never mind how well he filled my pussy.

He drew back then thrust again, a little harder this time. Again I was unable to prevent myself from crying out.

"Damn Emma! Have you forgotten Francis?"

"I'm sorry Oliver. I can't help it. Your cock feels too damned good."

He thrust again and this time I was able to hold back my cries. A second...a third time and still not a sound but when he drew back and thrust for a fourth time I could feel his cock pushing all the way home and despite biting down on my lips, I was unable to stop myself crying out louder than ever.

Beneath me Oliver instantly pulled back.

"Christ Emma. I can't handle this." He told me.

He slid from beneath me, his cock slipping from my pussy leaving me feeling empty. He sat up and for a moment I thought it was over, that he'd given up on me.

I was wrong. Instead he ordered me to turn around and get onto my knees.

I did as he'd asked without question for I didn't want this to stop. Moments later he placed his hands on my shoulders and I felt the warmth of his breath against my neck as he pressed his lips close to my left ear.

"Get down Emma. Use the pillows. Push your face into them to stop your cries."

I felt the pressure of his hands on my shoulders as he pushed me forward and down. Seconds later I was knelt forward, my head on the pillow, my arse up in the air. I turned my face sideways to watch him from the corner of my eye.

His hands slid up my legs, up my thighs, pushing my skirt high above my waist exposing me to him.

For the briefest of moments he appeared to pull back but when he moved forward it was to feel the head of his cock nudging against my pussy. I groaned quietly as thoughts of him screwing my daughter this way came flooding back. I could feel my pussy juicing with the very idea he was about to take me that exact same way.

He pushed forward and down below I could feel the head of his cock opening me up and to stifle the cry I pushed my face down into the pillow.

I didn't need to be told this was going to be something special. His cock was so hard, so thick and already it felt like he'd filled me up yet I knew he still had a way to go.

He eased back and I turned my face from the pillow just in time for him to push forward again.

"Oh God yeeesssss!" I gasped, the pleasure intense as he filled my throbbing cunt ever deeper.

When he eased back and pushed home for a third time I knew I was probably only one more thrust away from a climax. Instead he held me there, his cock unmoving, buried to the hilt. I'd never felt so full. The feeling was incredible.

I thought back to the day I had watched him screwing my daughter. If I had known then she'd been feeling this good I could never have waited this long.

I wanted to push back. I wanted to rock against his cock but his pressure together with the weight of his body were restricting me.

I felt his hand slide up along my back. Seconds later his fingers combed through my hair gripping it firmly. It hurt when, using his grip on my hair he pulled my head off the pillow, turning my face slightly back towards him.

"Was this how you saw me doing your daughter that day Emma?" He questioned.

"Yes!" I gasped.

His grip on my hair seemed to tighten as he pulled my head further off the pillow. It was hurting and I wanted it to stop yet at the same time, his pulling me back like this was causing his cock to press deeper, sending my pussy into spasms.

"And is this what you've been wanting ever since Emma? For me to take you just like I took her that day?"

"Oh God! Yes!" I groaned as vivid images flashed through my mind of him taking my daughter.

I felt his cock move deeper as he leaned over my body to press his mouth close to my ear. Still gripping my hair he whispered. "Then you'd better make sure that face of yours is pressed hard into that pillow Emma cos you're about to get the hardest Fucking you've ever had."

"I've waited years for this Emma and this is my moment. You're going to get so much pleasure you'll be begging me to stop. I'm going to make you cum for me Emma. You're going to cum so Fucking hard down my cock it will feel you can't cum anymore, and when you do, I'm going to Fuck you even harder! I'm going to make you cum again and again and only when I'm good and ready, only when my cock's had enough of sharing this horny little cunt am I'm going to empty it into you, to the point, three days from now your pussy is still going to be dripping my spunk. Do you hear that Emma? Is that what you want?"

"Oh you Bastard Oliver! Yes! It's what I want. Fuck me Oliver! Fuck me like you Fuck my daughter."

He pushed my face back down into the pillow before letting go of his grip on my hair. I remained there pressing my mouth hard into the soft pillow as he began to thrust.

By the third thrust I was coming down his cock and if it had not been for his idea about the pillow, it would not have just been my husband who'd have heard my screams.

By the fifth and sixth thrust I could hear him growling, almost animal like as if this were his only opportunity to mate. It didn't matter. I was in heaven. I had already cum once and could feel a second orgasm building.

I lost count how many times he had ploughed his way into me. I pushed back against his body, rocking too and fro so we were both Fucking with a kind of erotic rhythm.

I thought of Francis downstairs and hoped he was still asleep though right then, for all I could care, he could walk in and I could never have stopped.

I thought of my daughter but strangely I felt no remorse. If this was what she'd been getting all these years it really did, only seem fair I had some too. She'd always been favoured, well now it was time she needed to learn to share and if going behind her back was how it would happen, then that's how it was going to be.

Behind, Oliver continued ploughing his meat into my furrow and when he reached down beneath my body to grab a hold of my tits through my top, to use them like someone would rein in a horse, I did nothing more than buck back for as far as I was concerned, he could ride this mare, however and whenever he wanted.

That evening with Oliver changed me for good. In that one, short space of time I learned things about myself I never knew I had in me. Taken by Oliver, I went from being a married, respectable, faithful wife to someone more than happy to cheat on her hubby.

So far as my marriage goes, it remains strong. If anything I am now even more attentive where Francis is concerned. As for Oliver, he's remained good to his word. When Francis is away on business and my daughter at work, he will often call over to share that lovely thick cock of his with me.

My daughter.....she's none the wiser. In reality, she continues to receive regular attention from Oliver's cock, the only difference nowadays being, it now has two pussies to keep happy.