Volume 1

Draco Malfoy was an obedient and well-mannered boy. He tried to follow his father's orders and his mother's instructions with all his being. Yes, it didn't always work out. The hot temper and general short temper somewhat prevented the boy from adhering to the norms of behavior of a "real aristocrat". Apparently, the hot blood of his mother, who in her maiden name bore the proud surname Black, manifested itself in the heir of the Malfoys, much stronger than his father would have wanted.

And yet, despite his temperament, the boy tried his best to meet his father's expectations and earn a soft smile from his mother. This was especially evident when it came to the life, health and safety of the boy himself. No, he wasn't too afraid of death. A teenager who has just come out of childhood simply cannot be fully afraid of death. He's never even seen that one!

But still, when it came to his personal safety, Draco Malfoy knew how to restrain his temper and a certain quick temper, as well as haste. Perhaps it was the guy himself, after all, blood is not water, and the Malfoys have long been famous for their ability to get out of any situation. Perhaps it's about education, which still smooths out the sharpest corners in the personality of a teenager. Possible… But Draco himself sincerely believed that such a situation had developed only because of his mother.

Narcisa Malfoy could be really scary and convincing. Especially when it comes to the life and health of her beloved boy. Yes, the mask of the ideal wife and lady that she wore, indulging the desires of her husband, buried that domineering, bright and temperamental girl from Slizarin, but the "generic madness" still made itself felt... Black, what else can I say.

Actually, because of this, the other side of his mother, Draco learned the main rule of any smart wizard, five plus ... do not touch artifacts with your bare hands! It was this simple thought, Lucius, that the wayward heir had been hammering into his head for many years. It didn't work out right away, but it did work out.

Now Draco could not imagine in a terrible dream a situation in which he would voluntarily take up an artifact more complicated than a quick-writing pen. Without carrying a pair of dragonskin gloves. Well, it is also desirable to have a godfather by your side. Uncle Snape always treated little Draco well, and he understood a lot about magic. Naturally, outwardly he never took care of someone else's heir, and even more so did not do anything like that at Hogwarts. But is Draco really stupid? Growing up in the Malfoy family, the child simply could not help but understand the feelings of his godfather.

In general, yes, Draco would not touch artifacts with his bare hands and at the sight of someone else's wand. But who would suspect an ordinary black diary of something bad, and even more dangerous? Definitely not Draco Malfoy!

And in vain ... touching the things of the Dark Lord is generally dangerous to health, and even more so, after Lucius Malfoy powered those with magic to the very top…

Chapter 1

- Mmmm! - Quietly escaped from my lips, as soon as consciousness found at least some form. It was hard, my head was buzzing wildly, and there was a throbbing pain in my temples. The usual weakness from exhaustion was felt all over my body, and the magic was literally going crazy, trying to tear me from the inside. Filthy feeling…

Are these really the consequences of the ritual?... What kind of ritual? The ritual of creating a horcrux! A horcrux? Aaaaaah! What's happening to me!? Where does this duality come from and what the fuck is wrong with my mind?... Does your head hurt? I need to tell my mother…

Thoughts then jumped, tearing the mind with questions and contradictions, then flowed like water in a stagnant swamp. And not only thoughts, there was something wrong with memory, too. Such habitual sufferings in the orphanage were constantly echoed by spots of vivid memories of a happy life with his mother and father. Eternal hunger, fights and spontaneous children's emissions, right in the midst of my beating, were replaced by fun races on children's brooms, and then spontaneous emissions due to defeat in the race…

What's happening to me?

It was this question that served as a kind of trigger that plunged my mind into a state of deep meditation. Almost seven years of studying occlumency and legilimency have not been in vain for me, and the obvious talent in mental magic affects. Some things I did just by reflex… Although some part of my mind was firmly convinced that he had no talent in occlumency, but I would have turned out just fine as a healer or potion maker. At least that's what Uncle Snape said... AAAAAAH!

Another mental howl drove all unnecessary thoughts out of my head, but I was finally able to take up scanning my own mind and memory. And even though it was a little harder than usual, the magic itself didn't seem to understand what I wanted from it, but the experience doesn't disappear without a trace. Even in such a rotten situation, I was able to immerse myself in the halls of my own mind…

And I wish I hadn't. To go completely mad, or even just die, would be much more humane to yourself. Two minds, forcibly fused together, created just wild chaos in my mental sphere. Hundreds of nightmares, complexes, fears, illusions and contradictions have crawled out of their holes, seeking to destroy the ruins that remained after the merger of minds.

Yes, now I understand that I am no longer me, but someone new. There was a merger, rough and violent, of two minds… As well as fragments of something obviously superfluous and alien to both my donors. It's hard to understand what exactly, but I don't like it in absentia.

Draco Malfoy is a recent Slytherin freshman who has been back home to his parents for a month now. The heir of a rich and ancient magical family that inherited a considerable talent for magic from his ancestors ... Taking from them some very useful gifts and one nasty curse, the rest somehow managed to wash his parents, even before the guy was born. It was this child who served as my donor. It is in his body that, judging by the echoes of sensations from the outside, I am now. Yeah, the kid literally gave me everything he had. And mind, and body, and magic.

Tom Riddle is a seventh-year student of Slizarin, a prefect who has achieved amazing influence at the faculty, despite the fact that he himself is a half-breed. He spent his entire adult life in a shelter, and for the last few years, also in a bomb shelter. The constant raids of German bombers drove the orphanage children, and not only, into the London underground… A real genius from magic and just an extremely smart guy. Well, apparently not smart enough, since he turned out to be my second donor.

From him I got most of the mind, it is with him, to a greater extent, that I associate myself, a significant part of magic and a real treasure trove of useful information. Only the information obtained by Tom in the help-out room helped me to sort out the situation somehow.

Hmm... a difficult situation, especially when it comes to self-determination. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to say who exactly I am under the potion of truth right now. I am Draco Malfoy in body, in mind… Is Tom Radle, to a greater extent, magic? I'm not sure. The riot of energy that is now taking place in my body is very vaguely similar to what it was before. Most likely, my magic is a mixture of the magic of my two donors. It sounds logical, but how this is possible, I imagine very vaguely.

And it doesn't make it any easier. My mind is literally bursting at the seams, and magic is almost out of control. Only the steely will that I inherited from Tom helps to keep all this at least in some stability. We need to do something urgently… But there is only one way out – a complete fusion of personalities.

I need to relive both of my donors' lives, not go crazy and calm my own magic, otherwise my body may not be able to withstand such pressure. An impossible task, to be honest. And my Self, in that case, will simply disappear. Someone else will appear… Not just a stub of two personalities, but a full-fledged mind that absorbed the characteristics of both donors.

Not a very happy prospect, but the alternatives are even worse. The last thing I want is to disappear without a trace, leaving only a drooling body in reality. So it's decided! We need to start collecting that wild mosaic called "mind". I hope I will create an adequate personality, and not a magician who flew off the cutting. Considering all Tom's skills and abilities, it can become very dangerous for others… Apparently, my "good" part from Draco is against such an outcome. It will be necessary to drive this part far away, otherwise kindness will definitely make me, if not a fanatic, then it will definitely fixate on some "higher" goal… Too long ago, this purely useless thing disappeared from Tom's mind.

Gathering my strength and consulting the library from Tom's mind, I set to work. Fortunately, someone is already trying to help me outside. The parents of the boy Draco, most likely, noticed what happened and called a medical doctor. It's good. Now I can be sure that nothing will happen to my body. Well, most likely.

Hmm. I must not forget to put in a separate "daddy" those "alien fragments" that stuck to my mind, like plaque to my teeth. Let the future Me deal with it. Well, I don't want to get into this stuff. I'll pick up something else bad, and in the end it can go to my future self…


For the next few hours, the Malfoy couple and their family healer could observe a truly terrifying picture. The body of a fragile and refined boy of twelve years wildly arched at completely unreal angles, made some poorly connected, but very loud sounds. And the whole picture was complemented by minute-by-minute spontaneous outbursts of magic of terrifying power.

And no one, even a very experienced and strong healer, could somehow help him. Standard methods did not work, and there was not enough time to prepare for non-standard ones. And it was almost impossible to understand what was going on with the boy. Constant outbursts of magic knocked down any diagnostic charms and rituals. Too fine weaves of magic were weak in front of brute force and the pressure of energy, of which the boy had even too much.