Volume 1

- It's... Spanish shame. - With my lips alone, I whispered, looking away from this outrage… I didn't think that the proud Aristocrat Lucius could stoop to an ordinary Muggle fight. Went down ... grappled with Arthur Weasley like the last cattle, and also got in the face. A real disgrace, even the orphanage scumbags from my past looked like a role model against the background of Lucius. At least they knew how to fight.

In general, yes, I was completely disappointed in my father. Only one small detail corrects the situation... my past receptacle turned out to be in the cauldron of the youngest of the Weasleys. I dare to hope that everything that happened today is one big intrigue of Lucius. If it were otherwise, I refuse to understand this world at all.

The absurdity of this situation is also added by the maximum seriousness of Lucius throughout the day. And if from the beginning I attributed it to a small "excursion" along Lyutny Lane from my father, who decided to start my acquaintance with the bigwigs of the underground business, often he is semi-official, but no. Lucius relaxed only after my diary was in the hands of Ginny, in my opinion her name was exactly that.

"Potter noticed your actions. I said quietly to Lucius, glad that I didn't get involved in all this action, but preferred to watch the performance. The younger Weasley tried to say something there in my direction, but complete disregard on my part completely ruined his attempts. And a look full of superiority and a slight suggestion, so that its meaning reaches that, in general, they shut it up better than any words. Potter never had time to intervene in our one-sided skirmish.

I didn't really want to complicate an already difficult day. And in the end, this ignoring did me good. Despite my own attempts to sink into the ground, shame for my father almost showed on my face, I still continued to monitor the situation. This is what allowed me to track the reaction of others to the "return of books" by Lucius ... Potter noticed an extra notebook in the little Weasley's bowler hat.

I don't know what it might lead to. Potter didn't show himself to be a particularly smart kid. Rather, a frank moose, amenable to any influence from the outside. Mad, if you think about it like that, then Potter didn't really outrun my squires in intelligence. Another thing is that he is famous and has already managed to become the "face" of his faculty. At the same time, Draco held the same "position" on Slytherin, but if Draco got that because of the patronage of his uncle and father, as well as some natural charisma. The situation with Potter was somewhat different. He was literally pushed into this role, and they haven't explained it yet…

And such a "moose" managed to quarrel with Draco's past. And after entering the faculty of scarlet and gold, he also strained relations between two long-standing rival faculties. And it seems to me that someone is behind this whole situation… Someone with the courage of names and a long beard. Of course, there is no proof, but I almost feel Albus's style in my gut. It is not clear just why he needs it all. And with the glory of Potter, not everything is clear. I need to figure it out, but I will do it already in the hay of Hogue.

- I heard you. - Lucius answered with a chill in his voice, without ceasing to put himself in order, continuing to confirm my thoughts about intrigue. Not only did all his protective artifacts never activate, but he also brought a set of potions with him that was painfully appropriate to the situation. - Do you understand what I did? - Having returned the face to its previous gloss and health, the man asked. Apparently decided to teach another lesson to the heir. We don't want to upset him.

- Not really... I realized that all your actions were reduced to some kind of intrigue, but I did not understand your motives. I answered almost honestly. In fact, I had some assumptions, but I didn't dare to voice them. There may be too many questions if I show my awareness of the nature of the notebook. In theory, I shouldn't even know that this notebook is actually an artifact, so it's also dark.

- What gave me away? Father asked with a smile, clearly showing his satisfaction and hiding his curiosity. Well, it's quite natural behavior for Lucius. As far as I have already managed to understand him, he is a very proud and even proud person. It's not surprising at all that he's going to keep his face even after screwing up big. He will never tell anyone about his shame, even if everyone around him knows about this shame.

- Protective artifacts did not work, and considering their quality… And you wouldn't just fight like that... with anyone at all. I'd rather start throwing curses. - I answered quietly, noticing out of the corner of my eye familiar Slytherins walking along Diagon Alley. Somewhere in this crowd, my squires and Pansy are hanging around right now. After all the purchases, we'll have to meet them.

- Not bad, but not perfect either. Lucius nodded, bringing some part of me almost into wild delight. Yes, the last Draco was ready for a lot for the sake of his father's praise, but he almost never managed to earn that. Counting today's time, and Lucius has just praised me, there will not be a dozen such confessions… Another way of training from my beloved father. Where did he just pick up something like that?

- I tried. - He smiled brightly, looking up at his father. I wasn't going to leave the role for a second, especially since it was really easy to play myself from the past…

That was the end of our conversation. Everyone was lost in thought, and only Narcissa kept reaching out to me with her hands. Yeah, that's exactly who will be happy with any of my achievements, even nice… But you shouldn't get carried away. I've already shown some progress regarding my main persona. We need to hold our horses…

Fortunately, very soon I was separated from my parents. Well, rather, I let Pansy steal me from Narcissa. I feel like if I hadn't let the girl take me away, she could have thrown a tantrum in front of everyone. It worked out, my "entourage", in the person of Goyle and Crabbe, managed to reserve a separate table in a nearby cafe.

That's where Pansy broke through. The girl already had difficulty restraining her anger, tears and resentment, but after the order was placed, and the "artifact" closed us from other people's attention, the girl broke through. I don't know how she restrained herself before, but she really had a lot accumulated in her. Most likely, she has already managed to marinate in her own thoughts and feelings… And now she was as close to depression as ever.

This arrangement did not suit me at all. Even though I didn't really care about my "ex-fiancee", it wasn't worth leaving her in her current state either. An offended woman is the most terrible enemy. And I have plenty of enemies right now. There is no need to complicate an already problematic situation, I still have to deal with Potter, Weasley. And the faculty should strengthen its power.

After my father's death, all sorts of interested people will probably try to move me. And I'm not going to move, but it's better to take care of future problems now. And Pansy will help me with this… Especially after today.

I don't know about the others, but I just can't help but take advantage of the girl's current condition. Under the pressure of her own emotions, she turned into an excellent material for processing. And I can find the right words of support. And such a combo can penetrate a bitch beaten by life. What can he say about a very young girl. Even being raised in a purebred family won't help her much.

The main thing is not to let your squire know what exactly I did… A simple precaution. You never know to whom they report on all my actions.