Volume 1

- It was necessary to brew the potion yourself. - Still feeling the bitter taste of acrid smoke, I drawled. Yes, it was a good idea to go to Snape for a contraceptive potion, but I somehow didn't take into account the constant work at my uncle's. So I went to his office right during the explosion of the next boiler, yet Snape is not only cleaning boilers at work, as some vultures think about it.

Now I'm suffering from the consequences of someone else's mistake. At least there was no doubt about the potion now. Nevertheless, the contraceptive potion is quite complex, and therefore accidental flights from students who bought potions from the same students still happen. In this regard, Snape was the perfect potion supplier. Not only was he a true master in his path, but he also sold potions quite calmly.

Still, everyone understood that the students were sleeping with each other. Another thing is that only Snape, from the faculty, prevented this, trying only to avoid unpleasant incidents. To be honest, he tried for the sake of his faculty, and not for free, but the fact of the help does not cancel it.

And I thought it was right, however, it was somewhat inconvenient to approach my dean with such questions. Embarrassing, I would even say, especially since Snape is my godfather. In addition, according to the absolute majority, and I myself think the same, at my age it's a little early to start a relationship of this kind. Another thing is that my curse somewhat changes the alignment. It's hard to fight the constant desire.

By the way, it is my ancestral curse that I will justify myself to the dean in the future. And I didn't even doubt that I would have to justify myself. The man was too talkative and angry. He probably thinks that I'm not taking it for myself, but for someone else... It would be better if it were really so, and that I don't want to explain everything to my godfather, so also referring to Narcissus, I don't want to.

- You came. I smiled, walking into an abandoned classroom on the seventh floor. Almost no one knows about this place, it's too tricky a path to the former divination class. But Xiao Ning, I described this path in detail in a letter. And at the same time he updated his memories himself. Still, Tom's knowledge is good, but, as practice has shown, they can also be erroneous.

- Y-yes. The girl twitched nervously, making me smile. In general, the petite and graceful Xiao Ning looked very attractive and alluring, but her frightened appearance and the entourage of an abandoned classroom ... caused quite exciting associations. In general, I was happy with my position. Even if I was Tom and loved more curvy girls, but considering all such a petite, fifty-three meters tall, Xiao Ning, I realized that I could not share his tastes.

Or maybe it's my excitement talking to me. And Xiao Ning is not devoid of femininity. A small and toned chest looks very attractive on such a petite body. There is no point in talking about the roundness of the lower hemispheres, in this regard, nature has not bypassed the Chinese woman…

"Don't get too nervous. It's me who should be nervous here. - I smiled less confidently and cheerfully. You need to let the girl relax a little, otherwise in her current state she will not be able to get excited in any way. The girl was penetrated. Apparently, the abrupt change of behavior still confused her, and realizing my words, she really relaxed…

Exactly up to the moment when I didn't get the wand. As soon as the girl saw the wizard's main weapon, she immediately jerked to get her own, but I only condescendingly chuckled in her face, starting to apply household spells. I would not like my first time to be remembered by dust and a hard desk. Tom has already experienced a lot, but I haven't had any personal experience yet, relying only on other people's memories. And this is somewhat different.

So I decided to arrange a little cleaning. Well, at the same time, once again confuse Xiao Ning. The more she experiences vivid emotions, the easier it was for me to work with her mind. And I was going to use mental magic almost constantly. Still, to relax and excite a girl in the usual ways ... is possible. But in this case it was difficult.

The girl was too opposed to the upcoming action. She was too much afraid of violence on my part. She hated me and my family too much. And she was terribly offended with her relatives. Such a cocktail of emotions, even mental magic is difficult to translate into something else. What kind of excitement can we talk about here at all?

We'll have to work hard to get started. After all, even hatred can be turned into a kind of "struggle for primacy". Moreover, the girl still has some experience in sex. She definitely won't want to obey the youngster, especially since visually I was even smaller than her. It could well be that Xiao Ning would try, if not to break out of my shackles, then to take everything into his own hands – for sure. Well, it's more interesting for me to play with obstinate prey…

- I didn't know sophomores were capable of such a thing. - The girl gave out in shock, pulling me out of my thoughts ... Oops, got carried away. Okay, household spells, with due perseverance and the presence of a good teacher, it's fashionable to learn them in a couple of months, but the transfiguration of several desks into a chic sofa ... too much. These are the skills of a thoroughbred fifth-year student who did not disdain additional tasks.

- You want my first time to take place in the surroundings of an abandoned classroom, right on the old desk. I said mockingly, exasperating the girl. My tone seemed too mocking to her, and my grin was mocking. Great acting, I'm giving myself a standing ovation… Well, the girl's memories will need to be slightly erased. No, I wasn't going to completely erase that memory, but it was still worth depersonalizing and "distancing" the memories of the witchcraft I was doing.

I would hate for my skills to be revealed so early. Too many unpleasant questions could fall out on me. Well, as it is, the girl just won't pay attention to what happened. Her mental magic skills are simply not enough to detect my influence. And too bright emotions will act as an excellent veil.

- Well, enough talking. - I abruptly changed my communication style, once again turning into an impudent boy and getting closer to the girl. I just couldn't pull the cat by its rightful place any further. My friend was already on alert, eager to show himself to the world… And the very next moment, Xiao Ning could feel my speed on herself.

Putting my hands on the girl's ass, I forcefully pulled her to me, allowing my groin to come into contact with the Chinese woman's body. Yes, the sensations were somewhat blurred through the two robes, but I pressed the girl to me quite strongly… And my friend did not resemble a juvenile pod at all.

I don't know what the reason for my brother's rapid growth is, but this summer he has completely transformed, becoming consistent with my greatness... perhaps my curse still affects me too much. The unconscious use of metamorphism is another half of the trouble. I am much more concerned about how I was able to consolidate the changes in myself. This is still, so far, not my skill level at all…

- Don't forget about the potion. - I drew him in instructively, taking out a pillbox with a contraceptive and putting my hands under the girl's mantle ... not yet a naked body, but I was able to fully assess the future front of work. And I really liked this "front". I liked it so much that I just couldn't keep myself within the bounds of decency any longer.