Time was inexorably flowing forward, Halloween was approaching, the day of the most important rituals and celebrations in the magical world. On this occasion, there was a serious revival in the castle. Being at a full boarding house, the children were happy for any holiday. There is nothing to say about Slytherins, the dean promised to scatter everyone to their homes to conduct rituals with their family. This means that most of the faculty will very soon have the opportunity to meet with their relatives.
A great reason for some inspiration and a real holiday… But somehow I didn't get into this festive atmosphere. It's hard, you know, to enjoy life when cats are scratching at your soul, and you can't even understand the reasons for your condition... although I had some suspicions. And they boiled down to the fact that Volondemort was to blame. After all, the future Tom died on Halloween, perhaps this somehow affects me. Yet I absorbed his horcrux…
Yes, and the strange craving for Potter has somewhat intensified this day. I was constantly drawn towards the guy, I even tried to sit as close to him as possible at breakfast. And it infuriated me, the emotions and feelings imposed from outside just drove me crazy. At the same time, there was no one to blame for this, I realized a long time ago that the craving for Potter was somehow connected with my magic. The very energy flowing through my soul and body was trying to get closer to the shallow utyrk. It's already disgusting…
It is quite natural that in this mood, I did not even think about any holiday. Rather, on the contrary, I tried not to think about anything at all, devoting myself entirely to training. Basically, I trained wandless magic, but I also did not let go of the main magical tool of any wizard. Not only did I need the wand to test my own skills, but transfiguration training was simply not possible without this tool.
And all because of the fact that transfiguration used too thin and stable magical constructions. It was simply impossible to repeat such a thing without a wand. Although no, perhaps I was able to use the simplest reincarnation without this very wand. I just don't have enough control over magic. Ninety-five percent of the energy simply evaporates during the wandless transfiguration.
So yes, it is simply impossible to train in transfiguration without a wand. It is much more productive to work with a wand, gradually complicating the task for myself, adding detail and volume to my creations. It's also a very good workout, but it takes a lot of concentration here, and it takes just a lot of strength. Another thing is that I will not be able to make a significant jump in skills with such training. It is here that a systematic and qualitative build-up of skill and experience is going on.
And I was completely satisfied with this arrangement. I didn't really need to fly ahead of the locomotive. It is better to systematically increase your strength than to kill yourself in an effort to get everything here and now. Transfiguration is not a subject that forgives haste. The risk of turning a stone into air, inhaling it, and then dying from stone chips in the lungs is too high. A real case by the way, in the fifth year, one Gifindor did exactly that, almost killing half of the audience.
In general, yes, transfiguration is too dangerous a science to be taken lightly. And if we talk about combat transfiguration and transfiguration from the air ... these directions without a safety net, in the form of a couple dozen protective spells, it is better not to touch at all. Still, not everyone will be able to control the poisonous gas created from the nearest piece of land, and certainly not from the first time. I am generally silent about the consequences of unsuccessful transfiguration from the air.
And it is precisely these areas of transfiguration that I am currently engaged in. They were too interesting, and I think I have nothing to take from the standard transfiguration. I've already learned how to turn anything into anything, except for some metals. Yes, you can work on the speed of transformation indefinitely, and I don't stutter about eternal transfiguration, it generally has very little in common with ordinary transfiguration, but the overall level of my skills so far suits me. I will definitely be able to provide myself with some amenities almost anywhere in the world.
So it remains for me to deal with the combat direction of my own skills. Still, I don't want to go into golemics, and for alchemy, which has some connection with transfiguration, I'm not old enough yet. It requires generally wild control over your own magic, and you should not forget about very specific knowledge. Even the help-out room cannot fully satisfy my need for knowledge. Not all people write in books, some knowledge is passed from teacher to student.
In general, yes, I can easily find what to do with myself. Another thing is that not everyone understands this. Pansy, who had already managed to sing with my fiancee, Daphne, noticed my somewhat nervous state and decided that her company was just vital to me. And if I had my way, I would have sent this girl to hell, but Daphne and her younger sister Astoria also followed her. But I certainly didn't want to offend these people.
This Pansy will forgive me almost anything, continuing to consider herself my favorite, just because I continue to trust her to announce my opinion to the whole faculty. Through rumors and hints, but to announce what makes that my confidante in the eyes of others. Yes, even the fact that she knows a little more about me than the others says a lot about her.
With Daphne, such a trick will not work. Even if the girl has already managed to come to terms with the fact that I am her future husband, and I have already won some sympathy with her, but this relationship is still very easy to destroy. The girl in general turned out to be very resistant to influence from outside, it is felt that she was raised precisely as the future head of the genus. Yes, if such a one would marry the last Draco, the Malfoy family would very quickly turn into a puppet of this little witch.
At least, she tries to twist me very skillfully, showing remarkable talent and ingenuity in this. She herself succumbs to someone else's influence only when this influence converges with her personal opinion or when this influence is completely invisible. Yes, a difficult case, but by no means impossible. While she is still too young to resist me... if our acquaintance happened in five years, problems could arise. She could become too domineering and strong a person. Although why could I? It will!
And that's good. If I can tie the girl to me now, then in the future she will really be able to become a woman worthy of me. Perhaps, just such as she should stand by me, keeping under control such as Pengxi or Xiao Ning. Still, I'm not going to limit my sex life, my libido is too strong, and I like the idea of having several girls under my command at once…
But that's not the point now. Now it is much more important for me to continue gently to persuade Daphne to my side, and at the same time to be a good girl in the eyes of her family. Despite all the agreements, Daphne's father can still break off our engagement, as Lucius did with the Pansy family
By the way, Daphne's little sister helps me with both. Astoria generally has an amazing influence, both on her sister and on her parents. Well, it's not surprising. This turpentine electric broom literally attracts others with its charisma, brightness and openness. And she is more than smart enough to be able to use her advantages. A natural leader, not a girl.
But her openness also played a cruel joke with Astoria's family. She accepted me too easily as her sister's future husband, she trusted me too easily. Which, in fact, I took advantage of, inciting her to all sorts of pranks against her own sister. Also a kind of method of influence.
Yes, and Daphne's attitude to her sister affects. Seeing how easily and simply Astoria communicates with me, Daphne herself adopts her attitude towards me. Although there is a certain amount of jealousy in her views. Apparently, my sister-in-law began to be jealous of my own sister… Well, or vice versa. It may be that it is Astoria who is jealous of me, all the relations between these sisters are very close, and I shamelessly broke into them…