Volume 1

- Come closer! More! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear? Perfectly! Professor Dumbledore approved my proposal to create a Dueling Club at the school. By visiting the club, you will learn how to protect yourself if circumstances suddenly require. And my life experience suggests that such circumstances are not uncommon. Read about it in my books. Professor Snape will be assisting me," said Lockhart with a white smile. "He knows a little about duels, as he says himself, and kindly agreed to help me. Now we will show you how duelists fight with magic wands. Oh, don't worry, my young friends, I will return the potions professor to you safely. - Our writer promised, with a slight wary glance at the Dean of Slytherin.

Well, it's not surprising, the godfather looked too formidable, listening to his colleague's speech. It was felt that Lockhart had already managed to get Snape. He got so tired that he didn't even start bile, promising peacock all the punishments of heaven with one glance.

- I wonder if the professor will kill him right away or make fun of him a little? Daphne asked me with a distinctly noticeable anticipation, without moving too far away from me. After the morning performance, she generally tries not to stray too far from me, she was afraid of losing the atmosphere that arose between us this morning.

"He's unlikely to kill him." I said, smiling. - Our dean definitely doesn't want to go to Azkaban... and it won't be Slytherin. I said, attracting the attention of the girls around me. Pansy and Astoria decided to join our "couple in love", just before entering the dueling hall. Astoria is just studying at another course, and therefore rarely crosses paths with us, but Pansy was able to surprise. Perfectly feeling that something was going on between me and Daphne, she did not climb up to us all day, restraining her jealousy. Well done.

- Well, yes, the dean would rather curse this peacock. Yes, so that no one would notice it. - Daphne supported me, clearly understanding what I was talking about. Well, the girls nodded in agreement, agreeing with our words. Still, Snape has shown himself to be a true Slytherin, no one doubts his mental abilities.

Actually, our glory turned out to be prophetic. After the duel began, Snape banally stunned Lockhart, throwing him off the platform only by the power of his spell, but not hurting too much. Well, or it seemed to everyone that this is exactly what he did. My reaction and education were enough to distinguish in the bright red ray of the Expelliarmus the black splashes of a certain curse that dug somewhere into the peacock's groin… Apparently, the godfather was really angry at our professor on ZOTI.

- He did curse him. I smiled, drawing the girls' attention to me. There was no desire to listen to Lockhart, who had risen to the platform, but at least I would show off my abilities. It's for Pansy that I'm already an ideal squared, but it wouldn't hurt to make a proper impression on the same Astoria and Daphne. "I noticed black splashes in the dean's spell... hitting Lockhart right in the groin. I added, noticing the attention of the three girls.

- Good reaction. - Daphne nodded a little surprised, trying to drown out Astoria's joyful squeak. That's really who really knows how to admire any little thing. Even Pansy reacted much more calmly to my words. Although here, most likely, the fact that the girl does not really understand what exactly needs to be admired plays a role. It is almost impossible to estimate the reaction rate to the eye.

"... I'm going to pair you up now, Professor Snape, please help me. Lockhart's words reached us, and Daphne immediately grabbed my hand… Clearly, someone decided to test my abilities in dueling. Well, or the girl just decided to make fun of her fiance. I just couldn't explain the cheerful gleam in Daphne's eyes somehow else. Eh, but they were clearly doing magic with her long before they started studying at Hogwarts… Perhaps it was because of her that my father asked Snape to study with me.

- Not now. - I whispered with my lips in Daphne's ear, covering our whole company with a three-layer Protego. Not the best defense, but it should be enough against stray spells. - Look. I smiled at the slightly surprised look of the girls, pointing to the schoolchildren around us who had already bared their wands.

Well, the very next moment my flower garden had the opportunity to observe the inept, but no less furious, attacks of schoolchildren ... having received the opportunity to officially caress their long-time offenders with spells, many simply could not restrain their violent temper. It is quite natural that within a dozen seconds after the start of the practical lesson, the whole hall plunged into the chaos of the battle. Dozens of spells, not of the greatest complexity and slaughter, lit up the room, trying to hit random witnesses, walls and ceiling.

It's normal to conjure the first three courses, namely, they were now engaged in the club, and they didn't even know how. Even trying to direct their curses and charms at the enemy, the kids made mistakes, made unnecessary movements and just got mad, which eventually resulted in a full-fledged hail of spells that do not have an exact purpose and direction. Fortunately, I guessed to put up a defense, and Snape managed to calm the crowd quickly, simultaneously disenchanting the most injured ... we can even say that we were lucky. If there were undergraduates here, and many might not get off with simple tickling charms.

Well, after such a fiasco from Lockhart, Snape took everything into his own hands, organizing a demonstration duel between students… Simultaneously dragging me into this whole farce. Maybe just ignore it?

- Draco Malfoy. The dean's authoritative voice sounded in my ear, a sound focusing spell, no other way. Apparently, it will not work to ignore the problem. - Please take a seat opposite Harry Potter. Snape added, his eyes flashing angrily. Well, I was forced to obey his instructions, casting an apologetic glance at Daphne.

- Greetings! Lockhart almost shouted, trying to recover from the recent fiasco. However, I wasn't going to help him, limiting myself to a slight nod instead of a proper bow, thereby showing my own disregard for the opponent. Although, Potter himself did not even understand this.

- Chopsticks at the ready! On the count of "three", try to disarm the enemy. Only disarm, no violence. One... two... three!" commanded Lockhart, waving his hand. But I wasn't going to attack the enemy right away. I'm being watched too closely right now for me to miss such a moment to show off in front of the crowd.

- Rictusempra! Potter barked, launching a silver beam of tickling charms in my direction. Naturally, I did not defend myself from them, taking the spell on my chest. Sometimes, it is much more difficult to protect yourself from enchantments than to throw off the same ones with a simple release of magic. And I wasn't going to waste time defending myself, having already sent Celizio spells of silence to Potter. Without a voice, he still does not know how to conjure yet… It will be possible to mock a little.

- Serpensortia. I said softly the name of the spell that Snape had recently shown me. Let the deck see that I have learned the science and can even use the new knowledge in practice. Maybe something else interesting will show. And then, as it turned out, Tom's knowledge is not as complete as I thought it was. Over the past half century, many simple spells have been invented for the development of schoolchildren.

- Hshaa! - The snake hissed, rushing at Potter's feet, scaring him ... even scaring him too much, since he even threw off my spell, throwing his magic out. It's a pity that he can't do anything to my snake… Well, or so I thought until I heard such a familiar hiss from the boy…