Volume 1

I was brooding and angry for the next week. Life at Hogwarts somehow abruptly became irritable and intrusive. Girls began to infuriate me more and more often. And sex with Xiao Ning increasingly began to resemble the torture of a girl. My inner sadist began to manifest himself in all his glory ... Although the girl herself, it seems, did not mind, asked only not to leave visible traces on her body…

Yes, the knowledge gained from the basilisk scan weighed heavily on me. They were too contradictory, and the connection of my diary with all this was very straining. Perhaps he just served as a blank for a new artifact… But it could also happen that with the help of this diary, some kind of muck was already hung on me, just delayed in time. Scary.

And also very nasty. There's nothing I can do about this whole situation. Dumbledore's interest in all this has become too obvious. And I'm not ready to go against the old man yet. I wouldn't want to catch Tom's eye once again, let alone talk about at least some kind of confrontation. Tom Vaughn has already tried, and where is he now?...

Although, it's all so, reflection. So I understand perfectly well that sooner or later I will have to face this old spider. That's just better this moment will happen later than before. I still need time to build up my own power and influence. Without these two aspects, the old sorcerer will simply devour me without even chewing. I'm too small a figure against his background. And I wouldn't forget about a century of experience behind his back.

Dumbledore is very dangerous. Let him have some weaknesses, but it may well be that these weaknesses are simple fakes that are designed to identify the enemies of the great light. Well, Dumbledore was never a fool. And so many years in politics should have been enough to create the right image, with its weaknesses and strengths… When I think about it, this version of the development of the story seems to me more and more likely…

- That's enough! - Pansy gave out sharply, the stylus only allowed me to bury myself deeper in the book. Obviously, she noticed a sharp decline in my already shitty mood. - Maybe it's enough to create an atmosphere of universal mourning here already?... The girl exclaimed even more fiercely… But I'm not going to tolerate rudeness from my faithful doggie.

"I can't remember a time when I let you raise your voice against me, Pansy. I said softly, glaring at the girl who had turned pale once. I could feel goosebumps running through the girl's body, and sticky sweat hit my nerves. Pansy was scared. At the same time, I was very scared, so much so that I couldn't even make a sound in my own defense.

"S-forgive her, Draco. - Somehow plaintively and uncertainly Daphne tried to intercede for her friend. "She didn't mean to hurt you in any way. - She continued, seeing Pansy's condition. My ex-fiancee froze like a rabbit before a boa constrictor, quietly awaiting her verdict. And Daphne's defense was not very encouraging. The girl, like no one else, understood that if I decided to punish her, no one would influence my decision.

- Shut up. I simply ordered, realizing that Daphne might be offended by my words. But it would be even better. I need a break from other people's attention, and it's time for the girl to understand who will be the main one in our future family. If he succumbs to her persuasions now, he will definitely use it in the future. And the girl's resentment, after I throw that off her neck, will be much stronger. - And you tell me when I managed to let you raise your voice at me. I ordered again, only this time Pansy.

- Draco! You're acting like the last bastard! - My fiancee was indignant, but I just ignored her, waiting for Pansy's answer. But she could not answer me at least something, barely holding back tears… It was at this moment that I realized that I had gone too far. Even if the lesson for girls promised to be very revealing, but I still did not need a sharp cooling of relations between us.

- Maybe. I gasped, peering at the girls. - But I'm not going to tolerate your screams. - I lowered the pressure a little. It was unnecessary now. Pansy really wanted the best, and she already remembered this lesson for sure. Well, I shouldn't show myself too bossy. Girls might be scared of me like that.

"I'm sorry, Draco. The girl bowed her head, trying to hide the trembling in her body. Eh, but I didn't even notice how I started broadcasting my anger at Pansy. Now it's clear why she was so scared. - I really have no right to yell at you. - It's kind of sad, Pansy added... silly, thinks that only my fiancee can yell at me. The erroneous opinion that Daphne can very soon understand by her example…

- Apology accepted. "It's still cold, but much milder," I said. - Just don't hurt me when I'm not in the mood. You can get into a hot hand. I looked at Daphne warningly and said. I remember her accusations. But I'm not going to do anything about it yet... unless the girl provokes me herself.

And she didn't provoke. She only turned up her nose resentfully, but apparently realized that it really wasn't worth getting into someone else's relationship. Still, Pansy and I have known each other much longer than Daphne. She was new to our company, even though she was able to occupy a rather important place in our relationship. That's just if our parents hadn't made an engagement between me and the girl, she would have continued to be a proud loner at the faculty.

Few people, you know, are ready to be friends with a girl of their kind of necromancers. And the fact that she was to become the head of the family in the future, somewhat strained our peers. The girl is the head of the family, this is nonsense for magical Britain. The society here is too patriarchal.

- You're just too gloomy in the evening. How is it even possible to talk to you? Daphne asked arrogantly, not wanting to put an end to this dispute. Well, to be more precise, she just wanted to have the last word. And I think I'll let her do it. Let it be in its own way.

"I just need to be alone with myself." I smiled nastily, getting up from the table. The desire to read has completely disappeared. I'd better go to the rescue room and practice. Training in magic has always helped me put my thoughts together. Well, then, quite possibly, the decision will come to me.

Still, it would be stupid to leave the basilisk and its owner, who is either Dumbledore or the owner of my diary, without attention. By the way, I should start a new diary. The recordings have always helped me to look at myself and my actions from the outside. And to remember, again, is developing. Although for me, with my mental skills, such an exercise is almost useless.