Volume 1, Chapter 38

Until the winter itself, I did nothing but train and master the knowledge I got from Tom. And no, I had devoted a lot of time to this before, but arranging life at Hogwarts, practicing metamorphism and constant training in wandless magic ate up the lion's share of my time.

Yes, I had to seriously change my own schedule to find enough time to train. And no, I did not abandon the practice of wandless magic or metamorphism, and there was no escape from school life. It just faded into the background. I simply did not have enough magical and mental strength for too intensive classes in bospalochkov magic, to which I attribute metamorphism.

And, to be honest, there wasn't enough time for everything. Despite everything, I still continued to earn a reputation at the faculty, communicate with girls and start all sorts of different rumors about Potter. It was simply impossible to refuse such cases so easily. And I didn't really want to give it all up, to be honest. I also needed a rest between workouts…

Although it was getting easier for me every day. Not in the sense that there were more forces left, no. Despite the ever-growing reserve, I continued to empty it to zero with amazing method. Unless by the beginning of winter I could afford a little more wandless magic in the classroom, no more.

The reason why it became easier for me was banal – I was just used to this pace of life. And the success in the magical field definitely pleased me. Tom, as far as I remember, was developing ten times slower. And here we are talking about the reserve of magic and the general adaptability of my soul. The loads that Tom had been getting used to for months became tolerable for me after ten days. And after another week, I could safely move on to a new training program.

But I could even find time for physical training by simply combining those with classes on metamorphism. I just noticed that after serious physical exertion, when the muscles are actively recovering, it is much easier for me to improve these very muscles, as if the body itself helps me determine the direction of development.

And it was wonderful! Even if not without difficulties, but I was working out my physical form at a wild pace, but I just couldn't do it more than three times a week. But even with such a schedule, I very confidently brought my body to the condition of an ideal magician. That is, to a flexible, fast and surprisingly accurate person in his movements. But I felt that the "ideal magician" was far from the limit of my development.

Metamorphism, in a couple of months, promised to take me beyond the line that young Tom Riedel could not cross. And this is already, no matter what, but an advantage. Although I know that most combat mages, and even Aurors, go through potion upgrades. Still, magicians have been looking for strength in themselves for a long time, it is not at all surprising that they have come up with something for the development of their body.

It's a pity, though, for me the above potions are still useless and even harmful. I'm still a child, my body is growing. And if I now take the risk to take a standard course of potions for aurors, then there will be no special effect, all the power of the potion will go into growth. And serious health problems can arise if at least something goes wrong.

And I wasn't going to use potions. It is unknown how my gift of metamorphism will react to them. In addition, as practice has shown, I myself do an excellent job with a set of necessary conditions. Even though I had problems with reaction at the beginning, the acceleration of consciousness based on mental magic heavily loaded my nervous system, but at some point this problem simply disappeared. Apparently, metamorphism again succumbed to my desire, making life easier, but confusing.

I just couldn't figure out how to consciously use this power. And it infuriated me, even though I tried to restrain myself. Still, I didn't want to ruin my mask with constant outbursts of anger. Even though the mask itself has changed dramatically since the beginning of the school year, it is beginning to resemble me more and more, which makes my life much easier. And then I'm already tired of making it unclear who.

It's just a pity that for the sake of such an adjustment of my mask, I had to spend extra time. It was necessary for others, including godfather, to get used to one change so that I could make new ones…

In general, yes, the whole of November and most of October somehow flew past me. I was too busy with myself to keep a close eye on anything else. And Snape took me seriously, teaching duelling and dark magic. How about dark magic? Those areas that are now officially banned by the Ministry. Also, actually, not bad, but I already knew a lot of this, and even managed to work out.

But he was not very indignant. Anyway, the training took place right after the couples, when the dean had free time and there was no queue for working out. I just managed to come to lunch after these classes, and then relax for a couple of hours in my company. Well, at the same time, I learned about the most important events at school, and the world in general. Pansy consistently supplied me with information, and Daphne did not stay away.

Astoria alone continued to fool around, arranging a traditional tea party from our meetings. How did you just find out about the location of the kitchen? I didn't find it myself, obviously someone suggested it! Although I don't care, it was just stupid to be angry at the girl for such a farce. Even though I didn't really like it, the others seemed to have fun. Even my squires had fun gorging on cupcakes. Tolerable, in general.

Although sometimes I wanted to replace these tea parties with a real vacation. Lately, I've been missing simple solitude and quiet relaxation more and more. You know, no matter what, I still consider myself to be exactly the category of people who can really relax only in the company of themselves. Well, or a good book, at least.

There is also the truth of sex. It's also a great way to relax and unwind, but I didn't really get to do it every day. Even though Xiao Ning tried to give me as much time as possible, the girl herself was carried away by our love games in "a young maiden sold into slavery and a tyrant master." But life makes its own adjustments. Every Friday, Wednesday and Monday, the girl had classes in the evening, and therefore we could not see each other.

Yes, I myself sometimes missed our meetings, getting too carried away with something magical. Basically, of course, this happened during the calculations of the ritual necessary for the safe absorption of the horcrux. I had already figured out exactly how to get rid of the adult Tom's personality matrix, leaving only pure knowledge in the crucible, but the implementation of my plan promised to be delayed.

The ritual required too complicated calculations from me, so maybe I'll have to wait for the next Halloween as well. On some other day, the ritual may not work at all… But I still need to take care of the safety of the Ravenclaw diadem. I really didn't want to lose such a valuable artifact.

Eh, and all this required calculations from me. Both numerological and runic. Still, I also needed to create a very difficult rune chain. That should be intertwined with the charms of the diadem itself, so that it survives after the ritual… Well, at least no one is threatening the tiara itself now. No one has found it for more than twenty years, so I was calm for the safety of my future feed.

But it's still not worth delaying the calculations. Maybe it will be possible to adjust the ritual to the day of the summer solstice. The twenty–second of June is also a good day of strength for conducting complex and precise rituals…