Chapter 7/ Part Two

Lines of Love; Chapter 7 / Part 2


After spending time with Joy and Gina I feel a little lighter lately. Victoria and I have been building the tavern ever since the first reveal which Gina and Joy agreed to bring them both next time. Nothing was set in stone but I wanted a haven for us to remember the life we built together. Victoria wanted to do the catering personally which Gina was ecstatic to hear, everything was being done in-house. It wasn't much longer till we had everyone but Jean and Dan here to see this beautiful place. The night before Victoria wanted to talk about everything after dinner which I was anxious for.

" Hey, Cait. Ready to talk?"

" Yeah of course, just hope it's good news."

" of course it is... We'll I hope t is at least, I mean we don't move like Gina and Astra but I was curious..."

" About marriage and the kid's thing?"

" Yeah... You and I are like the cautious type so I was wondering if you ever thought about the future."

" Hmm... Honestly, I have, it's strange honestly. I was thinking about it since long ago wondering if it would work out. Wondering if I could pull a family off you know... But I often came to the same conclusion."

" Which was?"

" I have you... It sounds selfish and terrible how I always lean on you to cover my lacking abilities... But it's what I always believed, it's one of the reasons I can love you so openly. I don't feel judged at all for anything I do."

" When did you learn to speak so well, you don't have to win a heart you already have dear."

Her kiss was passionate but slower than time trying to stop, I couldn't help being consumed by it. I wanna give things to her on our time because for me time always feels slower when I'm near her. This is what I cherish most and I want her to accept our future properly without feeling rushed. When morning came I got the texts that they were ready for this surprise. I ended up peppering her with kisses till she woke up which she didn't hesitate to give me a groggy kiss. She wasn't a morning person at first but she wakes up faster than anyone else I know. We decided to move around the house to get ready for our family gathering. I could only hope they loved it as well.

We arrived a few hours before the time we agreed to meet and even prepared a picnic. Today was gonna be a great day I can feel it no matter what I'm gonna make sure of it. When we did arrive it was mostly cleaning up and organizing a few things. The main room even had proper lighting and seating now so we could truly enjoy this place. I was nervous meeting Ash again but I needed to fix this properly either way and I had Victoria next to me. I was confident I could fix this between us and that's when the message came they had nearly arrived. My excitement was bursting freely so I decided to wait outside for them, impatiently waiting. I'm still amazed at how many people gravitate around Astra she's like a guiding light that everyone's looking for.

The cars began rolling up and the moment Astra got out I was speeding towards her unable to contain myself. I hugged her as if the world was ending because to me that is how it's felt lately I just hope this is enough. She was the first one through the doors and I couldn't help explain everything me and Victoria did here. She genuinely was wearing her smile and looked happy at everything we did which made me happy. We decided to settle down for a picnic but first I wanted to pull Ash aside for a chat hoping for the best outcome of today.

" Hey... I hope this is okay, I tried my best to fill this place up for everyone."

" You did good Cait... But what's this about?"

" I felt left behind, I felt like I was losing you... It just sucked you know. So I wanted to do anything to keep you close to me."

" Cait no matter what we fight about, you are my best friend ultimately. I can't live this life without you beside me, I'm sorry about what I said. I know it hurt but I was in my feelings, you know."

" I'm glad you told me, I needed to know after all."

She hugged me and I felt everything melt away from me, I felt feather-light after so long and it's a great feeling. We all gathered outside for the picnic as a family and I'm happy to be a part of It. Cassie was just as stunned as Joy about everything but I heard her whispering about possible marriage plans. I don't think Joy ever blushed or grinned so hard in her life. All that's left is the actual wedding now.