Chapter 2: Zero’s Revenge

Gadreel smirked as he looked down at his hands, and although they were shaking, it wasn't from fear.

Not only is Gadreel the second-ranked member of the Tainted Survivors, the strongest guild in recorded history, but he's also known as one of the five strongest beings on planet Zadus.

'I hate having to keep my sins and virtues in check. And at times, I find myself turning into something I'm not. Trying to be neutral as a multi-dimensional entity may be far too dangerous. The flow of time that brings about change can never be stopped nor tampered with. So… that means sometimes good and evil can outweigh the other depending on the situation. Like Zero, a former and forgotten human should know exactly what I mean.' Thought Gadreel, snickering to himself while using light energy as a filter for the overwhelming amount of dark energy he possessed.

Gadreel can synchronize his inner life force and the natural energy around him using a forbidden technique.

Why is this important? Essentially, it allows Gadreel to remove any natural blockage, hostile invader, or manipulation throughout his energy network.

Only a select few entities can turn their mana or life force, something every living organism is born with, into chakra. Then, after aligning the seven main chakras, they could even acquire Haki, which acts as an energy multiplier. However, only after being physically and mentally responsible for acting upon their own will and ambition can their energy be converted into ki.

Not to mention that getting rid of parasites, toxins, or curse residue could also increase their energy without the nagging feeling of something limiting the amount they can release.

Gadreel's mind, body, and soul have finally aligned perfectly, granting him a powerful energy signature of light and darkness.

It seemed that since Gadreel raised his soul's frequency while cleansing his mind and body's energy pathways, he could now rid himself of all impurities.

In doing so, Gadreel gained enhanced strength and agility with a much-needed boost to his senses.

However, before either of them could react to the situation, the right side of Gadreel's body started contorting as he let out a deafening scream.


"What's this?" Asked Zero, standing silently as he watched an angelic wing of light tear through Gadreel's right shoulder blade.

Such gruesome scenes were accompanied by the noiseless sight of bloody white feathers descending to the ground.

Zero and Gadreel could feel the suffocating pressure from each other's torus field, and the tension gradually increased as their auras clashed.

While observing the bizarre phenomenon of an angel wing actively protruding through Gadreel's flesh, Zero noticed that it could heal his wound at the speed of light.

In just an instant, it seemed as if it had never happened. Then it went silent, and Zero soon realized what he had been up against this entire time.

Zero's never been intimidated for centuries, no matter who he's faced. His nerves remained invulnerable, and his will was still almighty. But this time, he did happen to take a step back when he noticed that a wing of pure darkness resembling eternal black flames was suddenly manifesting on Gadreel's left shoulder.

"The Survivor of the Fallen… Gadreel." Said Zero, not even breathing, before teleporting in front of Gadreel without making any noise.

Zero casually swung his divine sword at Gadreel's angel wing in one swift motion, severing it completely. He continued to watch as his crescent-shaped energy soared toward the night sky, slicing the full moon in half and making the planet much darker.

Still, Zero could only roll his eyes as both the wing and the blood sprayed from it looked like they were being pulled right back into Gadreel's body.

However, Zero knew that his divine sword, Sun-Gazer, would never genuinely damage light and would always have an advantage in vanquishing the darkness.

"Enochian magic..." Said Zero, now using light energy to fly above Gadreel, who soon followed suit.

Gadreel didn't waste a second. "Spear of Perdition!" He yelled, pulling out a black and white spear from his pocket dimension.

Then, Gadreel immediately launched toward Zero, using light and dark energy to gain momentum.

As Sun-Gazer and Perdition clashed, black-and-white lighting sparks enveloped them. Their wielders felt immediate resistance, causing immense strain on their entire body and soul structure.

The fateful clash shook the entire planet and affected numerous galaxies in the universe.

Zero had already studied Gadreel's lineage. He was given information secretly gathered throughout the years by one of his closest subordinates, a woman Gadreel knew quite well.

This was a miraculous feat for Zero and his subordinate, considering Gadreel is known by many as the most ancient and unpredictable of the five strongest. One whose intelligence and work ethic rival Zero's own. However, he is also a being who reeks of death. Gadreel, the former watcher and protector of Eden, fell from grace. He had already shed the blood of both the wicked and innocent for his mission and, eventually, for his pleasure.

After gaining a name for himself in the political world, he could sway countless mortals to fulfill his desire—and he had lost count of the number of people killed for his ambition. He, too, would give his life for his mission. To him, it's a cause worth sacrificing everything for.

"The guild you formed… has the deadliest adventurers in this world. It's hardly surprising, considering the greatest intellect on planet Zadus created you," Said Gadreel, with a grave expression as if his words held traces of truth.

Zero was a pure being, but he wasn't naive. He knew that enemies would exploit every tactic to gain the upper hand.

"Hmm. It seems I can finally release the part of me that I've trained my soul for so long to contain," Zero whispered ominously. His divine energy surged, and white lightning formed a protective barrier around his body.

However, Zero's energy abruptly ceased, shocking everyone present. It seemed he had blacked out and saw every good memory of his life, indicating that his death was on the horizon.

"I've always wondered why you chose that name for the guild. It's quite fascinating, considering our pasts and backgrounds—tainted survivors. It's a fitting description." Said Gadreel, who had a piercing gaze that could cleave mountains.

"What's happening?" Zero pondered. With blurred vision and ringing ears, he could sense the energy of about five hundred S-Rank adventurers.

The air brimmed with a palpable intent to kill, causing Zero's light energy to stand on end as he felt the suffocating energy signatures closing in on him.

'They're all powerful. They could easily bring entire worlds to their end,' Zero contemplated. "This is unfamiliar," he uttered with a tinge of defeat, attempting to rise, only to discover the energy-consuming chains around his neck, wrists, and ankles.

The S-Rank adventurers of his guild seethed with bloodlust and murderous rage, fixing their gazes upon him like divine lions stalking a herd of demon-horned gazelles.

"Zero! How could you do this?! We were family…" the first member Zero recruited exclaimed, his eyes brimming with unmistakable hatred.

"You know that we all idolized you, right?! What you've done to us... it's unforgivable!" the second guild recruit exclaimed as tears welled in her emerald eyes.

"Guild leader... Why would you do such a thing? You are… you were better than this. How did you sink so low?" questioned the fourth recruit, venom lacing her tone. Her forked, snake-like tongue hissed in disgust as she shook her head, though her crimson hair managed to hide her expression well.

"Pathetic!" yelled one of the S-Rank adventuring groups. Their energy had been combined for a coordinated assault, prompting others to follow suit.

"You're a coward! This is the fate that befalls those who abandon the guild!" another group shouted, assuming their unique battle stances while gathering energy for a combined spell.

"You should be proud of us! You taught us to eliminate traitors by any means, even if they were once kin. Well, you were once family! But now, you'll only die a stranger to us!" Gadreel declared, reclining on a massive obsidian throne crafted from jagged bones and skulls, but his expression now betrayed the confidence he displayed earlier.

The Tainted Survivors guild finally launched at their former leader with only the worst intentions. "Die, Zero!" the most vital adventuring groups of the Tainted Survivors bellowed, charging forth without a hint of hesitation or delay.

"All-Consuming Smite!" their leaders yelled with overwhelming passion as their smiles widened at the sight of Zero's shocked expression.

"How? I could only harness this technique due to my unique physical and spiritual structure. Have I been oblivious to their growth, or did they attain it through artificial methods? I've always wondered about its true strength. Let's find out... together." Zero, as a twisted grin curled upon his lips. He crossed his arms and stood motionless, awaiting the attack without flinching.

'All-Consuming Smite' derived from a force of pure destruction, capable of obliterating mortals and demi-gods alike, eradicating their very souls and erasing them from existence—a fate worse than death. However, it could also harm the caster if their mental, physical, and spiritual fortitude proved inadequate.

The four leaders were focused on drawing out the entirety of their life force to use a single devastating attack. They knew the stakes. There was only one opportunity. If not, their next destination would be the afterlife so that they couldn't falter. The fate of the entire planet depended on this one attack.

The sky darkened, and the hues of numerous auras crackled in the distance.

Then, a screeching resonance permeated the air as the four leaders' auras merged seamlessly. It eventually revealed a pillar-like construct composed of multi-colored energy that descended from the heavens.

A beam-like pillar of divine energy plummeted toward planet Zadus at light speed. It reached Zero instantly as if it had teleported before him. "No way," he whispered.

Even with Zero's heightened senses and reflexes, evading such a swift and precise assault was impossible. So, he resorted to the only action that befitted his battle-hungry nature.

"Finish him!" Gadreel commanded, finally displaying leadership qualities as he protected himself and his followers with his strongest ability.

"Wall of God..." Gadreel whispered as a barrier of light enveloped the entire planet.

The 'All-Consuming Smite' struck the defenseless Zero with godlike fury, displaying neither mercy nor malice, only a relentless desire to erase its chosen target.

The four leaders smirked slightly. They took pride in their training and sacrifices, which they believed their former guild leader had underestimated. However, their new leader, a master manipulator, gave them abundant praise.

"Finally..." Zero sighed. His silver eyes now had violet pyramid-like symbols for pupils that emitted destruction energy.

The captains' trepidation intensified as Zero absorbed an attack capable of simultaneously wiping entire nations off the planet.

When they finally glanced in his direction after the smoke and debris were gone, they saw him standing in a crater thousands of meters deep without the slightest evidence that he had taken any damage.

Gadreel used to be one of the watchers of the Garden of Eden; he finally realized Zero's true origins when he felt his light energy manifest once more. All this time, he had feared a mere human and couldn't understand why. Everything made sense now. The damned mortal somehow possessed his elder brother's angelic grace. Micheal, the strongest archangel who commands the heavenly host… possessed the body of a forsaken mortal. To him, it was downright absurd, disturbing even.

From the corner of his eye, Gadreel witnessed the mana chains on Zero cracking and splintering as the unforeseen realization dawned upon him.

"I can't believe he survived it. If not for my barrier, the energy would've destroyed the planet," Gadreel remarked as he witnessed the sudden transformation of the once kind and complacent individual he called guild leader.

"So, this is what impeded your progress? Is this why I endured your whining and complaints after conquering dungeons? This must be that pain you were referring to. It's invigorating… It's been years since my blood surged like this!" Zero's cursed armor, bound to him for his mortal existence, disintegrated, revealing his pale white skin and granting him the sensation of pain again.

"By attempting to kill me... you inadvertently set me free. And for that, I will give you a swift demise. However... none of you deserve mercy." Zero declared, devoid of remorse or pity for his impending actions.

"SNAP! SNAP!" Zero instantly shattered the chains with an intense surge of light energy, making his long white hair spike up around his body.

Some adventurers immediately dropped to their knees, and while their hope and willpower were fleeting, it also looked as if all life had been drained from their souls.

Those who retained the resolve to fight fared no better. Regardless of experience, every adventurer succumbed to trembling legs and nausea at the sight of Zero overpowering their elemental affinities. No one could comprehend how their former guild leader possessed enough energy to break Mythril chains that had absorbed their energy and element.

"I'll end everything. You understand the implications, don't you?" Zero asserted, still reeling from the energy he had lost. Nevertheless, he retained enough for one final technique.

Upon hearing this, Gadreel grit his teeth in fear as the four captains' faces drained of color. The rest of the tainted survivors saw their leader's energy and body language become submissive, making them collapse to their knees, contemplating life and wondering if they genuinely could face Zero's mightiest ability—a power both feared and coveted.

"Self-Sacrificial Continuum." Said Zero, an eerie calmness laced his voice.

Even amidst his fury, Zero upheld the principles of fairness, believing he should meet his demise alongside them as their leader. He guessed some part of him felt he had failed them, but his vast intelligence, primal instincts, and spiritual intuition told him to think otherwise.

Regardless, Zero knew he had lived long enough with good and bad memories. What was the point of living if he had lost everyone who loved him?

Zero knew he couldn't mend a situation like this, as It was beyond repair. So, he felt he could only make things right by solving the problem he had created.

As Zero increased his energy to its maximum, the light energy oozing from his entire body shook the ground as a distorted sound echoed throughout the planet, alerting every living being in the world of his power.

Then, a bright light encompassed the entire continent. It resembled the pillar of energy created by the four captains' 'All-Consuming Smite.' However, it was much more extensive.

"Just what is this?! You're an abomination to this realm!" Yelled Gadreel, finally losing his calm demeanor as reality had set in.

"He truly is on a completely different level," muttered the first captain, fearful of what he was witnessing.

"Zero. Just like that, huh? It looks like he's going for the kill. I guess we never really stood a chance if he was willing to put his life on the line as well." said the third captain, with shadows covering his eyes and a defeated body posture as if he had already died.

"This can't be... No! We are… disposable?! Why does Zero hate us so much?!" screamed the second captain, breaking down in tears of anger. Hatred started seeping into her soul, making her look at her former guild leader with the eyes of someone seeking vengeance.

Unfortunately for the second guild captain, justice wouldn't come for her or her comrades. The strong kill the weak without consequences, while the less fortunate stay vulnerable because they would be punished if they committed the same atrocities.

"T-This can't be the end! Spare us! Plea....." begged the fourth captain as she fell to her knees in disbelief. She knew she couldn't survive this attack, even if she were willing to take on the entire world herself.

To everyone present, the massive ring of energy closed at unfathomable speeds, and it truly felt like the end of the world.

The strongest adventurers of planet Zadus could only send a prayer to the gods they believed in and clench their eyes tight before activating their most potent spells or techniques to defend against the spiraling wave of energy, which resembled a massive tsunami.

"This is the ultimate price of betrayal," yelled Zero as he flew into the wave of energy headfirst and died with the guild members of the tainted survivors, his family.

Bloodline or rank didn't matter anymore. Every living thing in their universe died at the same time and in the same way... ripped apart, atom by atom, as if they had never even existed in the first place.

[Narrator]: "Who will overcome this when it's all said and done? Of course, the one with such terrifying power. The journey of a true king, both of benevolence and tyranny, will soon begin.