
Main Energy Classifications In Order:

1. Mana

2. Chakra



Energy Types:

1. Foundational Type: This energy type is the most common among species throughout existence and is solely based on the primary element of the user's soul. Vessels of this energy type can manipulate their chosen element to a high degree, often able to summon powerful elemental creatures or cause devastating natural disasters of their own accord. However, overuse of their abilities can lead to them becoming consumed completely by their own element.

2. Augmentation Type: This energy type allows users to enhance their physical or mental capabilities beyond normal limits. This could include enhanced strength, speed, agility, intelligence, stamina, and charisma. When users choose to augment their energy, they know there is always a risk of overexerting themselves and causing permanent damage to their body, mind, or soul.

3. Unification Type: This energy type allows the user to merge their soul with another being or object, granting them powerful abilities and power boosts unique to that object or being. For example, a user could merge their soul with a dragon to gain the ability to transform and breathe fire, grow scales, or wings to fly. However, abusing this energy type can lead to the user losing their identity and becoming consumed by the being or object they have merged with instantly or slightly over time.

4. Precognitive Type: This energy type allows the user to see glimpses into the future and even grants them superior instincts to all other energy types, providing them with invaluable information and strategic advantage. The only drawback of this energy type is pain, as it can be physically, spiritually, and mentally taxing, often causing the user to experience intense pain, trauma, or temporary soul fatigue.

5. Adaption Type: This energy type allows users to adapt to any situation or environment. For example, a user could adapt to a hostile environment by developing immunity to poisons or extreme reactions environments, torture, or any other painful thing you could think of. The only flaw of this energy type is the risk of becoming too arrogant and content. Something that almost always leads to a failure or death.

Phase of Existence/Evolution:

[Normal Entity]: 0/7 stages

[Essence Core Ritual]: 0/7 Stages

[Semi-conscious/Lucid State]: 0/7 stages

[Newly Awakened]: 0/7 stage.

[Conscious/Chosen]: 0/7 Stages

[Lineage Embodiments]: 0/7 Stages.

[Path of Higher Vibrational Souls]: 0/7 Stages

[Guilds + Adventurers] - (F Rank= Copper, D Rank = Silver, C Rank = Gold, B-Rank = Onyx, A Rank = Amethyst, S-Rank = Seraph)

[Warrior/Mage/Assasain/Healer/Hunter/ Sorcerer/Tamer/Tank/Paladin/Knight/Saint/Sage]











[Heavenly Commandment] - Legendary heroes that surpassed their own limits and awakened divinity or have been blessed by heavenly beings. 0/7 Stages

[Mortal-Sovereign Realm] - (False-Sovereign/Sovereign / Great Sovereign/Indomitable Sovereign)

[Divine Species] - Beings that are born from gods… They are born as mortals but can manipulate divine energy at the earliest stages… They also have easier paths to acquiring divinity and becoming gods…

[Superhuman]: Menace-class threat, Fatality-class threat, Calamity-class threat, Catostrophe-class threat

[Supernatural Entity]: Menace-class threat, Fatality-class threat, Calamity-class threat, Catostrophe-class threat

[False Demi-God Realm]: 7 Stages

[Demi-god Realm]: 7 Stages

[Great Demi-God Realm]: 7 stages

[Living Deity Realm]: 7 Stages

[Ego Death]: 0/7 stages

[Rahmestika Realm]: 10 stages (R-Reincarnation, A- Ancestry, H- Heartbeat, M- Memories, E- Emotions, S- Sacrifice, T- Trauma, I- Intelligence, K- Killing Intent, A- Alter-Ego)

[God Realm]: 7 Stages

[Absolute Soul Purification]: 0/1 Stage

[Supreme God Realm]: 7 Stages

[Outer-god Realm]: 7 Stages

[Realm Gods]

[Supreme Realm Gods]

[Primordial Entities]: 4 Types: Divine Entity, Demonic Entity, Void Entity, Superior Entity

[Omnipotent Sovereign Of The Omni verse] - Omni-versal Tribulation


Destruction Levels/ ESO (Essence Signature Output) Essense= (Element+Physical strength+ Energy x Lineage Potential)

-Mortal Level/ 10,000-100,000

-Village Level/ 100,000-200,000

-Town Level/ 200,000- 400,000

-City Level/ 400,000-800,000

-Mountain Level/ 800,000-1,000,000

-Large Island Level/ 1,000,000-10,000,000

-Country Level/ 10,000,000- 20,000,000

-Large Country Level/ 20,000,000-40,000,000

-Continent Level/ 40,000,000- 80,000,000

-Multi-Continent Level/ 1Billion-10 Billion

-Meteor level/ 10 Billion-100 Billion

-Comet Level/ 100 Billion-500 Billion

-Asteroid Level/ 500 Billion- 1 Trillion

-Moon Level/ 10 Trillion- 1 Quadrillion

-Planet Level/ 50 Quintillion - 1 Decillion

-Large Planet Level/ 50 Decillion- 1 Tredecillion

-Star Level/ 500 Tredecillion- 1 Sexdecillion

-Solar System Level/ 1 Octodecillion- 1 vigintillion

-Galaxy Level/ 1 duovigintillion- 1 quattuorvigintillion

-Universal/ 1 quinvigintillion- 1 septenvigintillion

-4D/ 1 trigintillion- 1 duotrigintillion


-5D and so on…

-Infinite Dimensional


-Outerversal +

-Omniversal - [Omniscience,Omnipresence,Omnipotence]


Weapon ranks:

[Common]: +,++, +++

[Scarce]: +,++,+++

[Fabled/Legendary]: +,++,+++

[Mythical]: [Flawed], [Awakened], [conscious]

[World]: [Ancient], [Modern], [Futuristic]

[Cursed]: [Abandoned], [Content], [Forbidden]

[Heavenly]: [Flawed], [Awakened], [Conscious]

[God]: [Flawed], [Awakened], [Conscious], [Embodiment]

[Reality]: [Multiverse Type, Dimensional Type, Universal Type, Galaxy Type]



[Law Attainment]

[Law Comprehension]

[Law Refinement]

[Law Mastery]

[Law Embodiment]

[Natural Laws] - Fire/Water/Wind/Earth Etc.

[Higher Laws] - Blood/War/Wrath/Destruction/lust/Nature/ Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Greed Etc.

[Supreme Laws] - Light/Darkness/Space/Time/Order Etc.

[Primal Laws] - Fate/Life/Death/Chaos/Order

[Almighty Principles] - Infiniteness, Nothingness, Absoluteness



[Natural Elements] - Fire/Wind/Water/Earth

[Superior Elements] - Lightning/Lava/Nature/Sound/ Healing/Shadow/Gravity/Blood/Dream/Light/Darkness Etc.

[Supreme Elements] - Life/Death/Order/Chaos/Space/Time Etc.

[Primordial Elements] - Nothingness/Infiniteness


Essence Cores:













God Fruits:

- Elemental



Ability/skill/technique rarity:

[Common]: D-Tier

[Innate]: C-Tier

[Abnormal]: B-Tier

[Fabled/Legendary]: A-Tier

[World]: S-Tier





[Absolute]: God Tier/ Omnipotence