Chapter 4: True Origins

"Can you hear me, little one?" A majestic yet warm and maternal voice reached the baby dragon's ears, instantly filling him with a sense of safety and security.

Looking up for what seemed like centuries… the baby dragon found himself gazing up at a being more extensive than the vast galaxies surrounding them.

This dragon was unbelievably massive, stretching over a hundred billion light-years long, with a majestic golden-speared tail crafted from her divine essence. A halo made from light essence adorned her head, giving her a regal presence. And her cosmic horns and scales resembled galaxies, captivating all who had ever seen her. One white eye sat deep inside her skull, but the other was black. Her white eye shone brighter than one thousand suns, and the black one exuded immense chaos and dark energy.

The baby dragon also saw the dragon's white, black, and purple aura manifest around her. Her gaze held immense power, impossible to escape. It was akin to the gravitational pull of a black hole. It completely absorbed the galaxies around it like small planets, leaving the baby dragon awe-struck.

In the presence of this destructive and chaotic goddess, the baby dragon was rendered speechless and inexplicably drawn to her power. He even managed to stammer, "Greetings, Your Majesty," bowing slightly before her with no blow to his pride or ego, which he did not possess yet.

'My voice is deeper than expected... intimidating for just an infant, but why can I speak here?' The baby dragon pondered briefly, before the fear of the dragoness's judgment compelled him to close his eyes.

"No need for formalities... you are my child," said the dragoness, gazing down at the baby dragon with affectionate eyes. "You are a divine prince and my oldest heir. I am your mother, Asherah… also known as the goddess of creation and chaos." She said, revealing a warm smile as she dissipated into violet smoke, before transforming into a form with better mobility. She then flew over to him and cuddled against his draconic body, brushing her cheek against his scales.

"My mother... the Goddess of creation and chaos? So, this is not a dream?" the baby dragon asked, his voice filled with admiration and a hint of irritation. However, he still allowed his mother to indulge in her affections.

"No... not at all. This is your reality. Well... kinda. Anyway, I'm your mother, and you are my child," she told him sincerely, holding him firmly to prevent any escape attempts.

"I understand. Does that mean I have a father, too?"Asked the baby dragon, curiosity lacing his voice.

"Of course. However, I have been trapped inside a time loop by outer gods, continuously teleporting to different sealed dimensions, unable to escape and incapable of sensing him," his mother responded, sounding upset, which immediately changed the baby dragon's expression.

"My son, you must not make the same mistakes that we made in the past. You are very special to existence. You possess superior potential for creation and destruction," Said Asherah, revealing a secret about his true nature as if it were a casual conversation.

The baby dragon was baffled by what he just heard, but his mother spoke again before he could even process the information given to him.

"Listen, my child. I know this may sound selfish, but hear me out. Please..." His mother lowered her head onto her massive paws. Then she nudged him gently with her snout, offering him a soothing touch that didn't hurt, which made him sigh in relief.

"Okay," the baby dragon responded without hesitation.

"I want you to restore the power and unity of the proud dragon race, as it once was long ago!" Her voice thundered with pride, snapping him out of his daze.

"I know that we are more than just mere dragons, but in this dormant state, I have experienced countless horrifying wars. You see, dragons are being hunted throughout the multiverse of Zadus for simply wanting to exist," Asherah explained, closing her eyes and shaking her head as her emotions suddenly shifted, catching the baby dragon's attention.

"I am a primordial entity, damn it all! Those accursed human gods have gone way too far this time. They should've known better than to exploit my sincerity and kindness!" His mother's fierce roar shook the realm, distorting its very fabric.

"I understand now..." The baby dragon spoke quietly and timidly. When angry, his mother was genuinely terrifying; he made a mental note never to provoke her.

"I assume you want to know why all of this is happening. Well, I'll tell you," his mother quickly added, recapturing his attention.

'I definitely need to know. After all, it's my life to live. I will act as I see fit.' Determined to hear her explanation, the baby dragon replied, "Okay, that would be nice."

"Very well. First, you should understand that dragons possess incredible healing abilities because of our blood and tears, which contain the very essence of our soul. Even a newborn dragon isn't off-limits for them."

"Also, those born in a royal lineage of their species are known as lineage embodiments. They are able to evolve endlessly by harnessing the power of spirit magic, allowing them to pierce the veil of the lucid state and become conscious of the spiritual world around them."

"The less fortunate of the humans, called adventures, usually take part in hunting down rogue dragons to harvest their blood and scales. Then they craft weapons and armor for life-saving sums of money in the black markets that usually end up being sold across the seven continents."

"Okay, that's enough. However, I'm still perplexed. Aren't dragons superior to humans? I fail to comprehend why such a dominant race would be enslaved by them so easily."

"Well, you see... my descendants suffer persecution at the hands of humans due to their sheer numbers and intelligence. Demons and hybrids also play their part because they have significantly more essence and knowledge than humans but are far less populated."

"The remaining dragons are proud and powerful beings who refuse to gather information or mobilize their forces, believing they are invincible."

"It pains me to admit as one of their ancestors, but they show little concern for their fallen kin, thus lacking the motivation to resist the oppression they are facing."

"There are but a few thousand dragons left in Zadus. All of this is due to humans and their sins of tribute to the seven deadly sins!"

"They are tortured and sacrificed year-round... then their tears and blood are collected to cure the repugnant diseases spread by humans, demons, and hybrids."

'I see...,' the baby dragon thought to himself, a mixture of disgust and hatred etching his face. This even startled his mother, a primordial entity herself.

"Listen closely, my child. When you arrive, you must do whatever it takes to survive. I will send your consciousness into the mythical dragon's egg in Navalon, the dragon continent. It won't hatch for another millennium, granting you ample time to complete your evolution," said Asherah, her voice filled with a noticeable sadness, yet she decided to mask it with a bright smile.

"Very well, mother. I now understand your pain all too well. There will be severe consequences for those who dare to harm us and our allies. Being used like mere objects is truly a fate worse than death. My people don't deserve such treatment. So I'll fulfill your wish. Even if it costs me my life and sanity."

"That's my child! You're already so mature and truly befitting of being cosmic royalty."

"However, the royal dragons won't be pushovers. Establishing dominance over the clans without resorting to over-the-top cruelty or dishonor would be best."

"They'll only respect your authority if you prove your strength through your power alone. Their moral code differs from that of other species. They value strength, independence, courage, and dignity above all else."

"You must grow strong enough to fight for your rightful place. Unite them all, my son! If necessary, you can even marry the princess of Navalon to create an heir and prevent conflict from arising in the future. Do whatever it takes, ~fufufu!"

"What do you mean?" the baby dragon questioned. His emotionless expression embarrassed Asherah, but again, she regained her composure before he could realize what her face looked like.

"N-Nothing! Regardless, they need guidance and motivation. With your leadership, they can stand up for their enslaved kin, who are suffering at this very moment. They are lost and hopeless, distrusting and isolating themselves from every other race in the multiverse." The baby dragon's mother flashed a bright smile brimming with pride and affection. He could feel her love and had no reason to doubt her intentions.

"Do everything possible to become a great leader and fulfill your destiny. I have no doubt you will excel in life, my child!" his mother declared, gazing at him.

"I will," responded the baby dragon, his mother's eyes fixed upon him as she nodded. She sighed softly as if finding relief and comfort for the first time.

"I have awaited this day for so long. Though our time was short, I wanted to bless and encourage you to lead a long and fulfilling life. Let us embrace the new era, my child! I am certain that legends of your existence will echo through generations. I can't wait to witness it!"

The baby dragon bowed his head, sensing his mother's pride-filled gaze.

"I'll now give you my blessing and grant you three powers of your choosing," his mother declared with a smile, her body radiating divine energy.

The baby dragon was still in awe of his mother's immense size and power. Everything around him still seemed surreal, and he couldn't understand why he was chosen.

Gathering his courage, he finally spoke up, eager to find answers. "Mother... I believe I was nothing special in my past life. How can I even be considered your child?" he asked, seeking his true purpose.

"Live your life as you please, my firstborn. In time, you will uncover the answers you seek," his mother replied reassuringly. "But first, I will give you a name and fulfill your three wishes before moving on to the next dimension."

After silence, she continued, "The name I bestow upon you today will be etched into your soul for eternity. In return, you'll receive my divine protection. You may also use this power to grant your family and followers names, guiding them towards divine paths based on their potential, talent, resources, and work ethic. Henceforth, you shall be known as Khaos. Now, tell me your wishes."

As soon as Khaos received his new name, a radiant glow enveloped him, and he felt his very soul reborn and bathed in energy. He marveled at the overwhelming power surging throughout his soul, coursing throughout every cell in his body. It was a gratifying experience, albeit one that would take time to become accustomed to.

"Mother, I'm unaware of the limitations on the powers you can grant me. Therefore, I'll only request what's necessary for my survival. To start, I wish for an eternal body and consciousness," Khaos said, his lips crossing with a devilish smirk.

His mother blinked in confusion before nodding. "You are truly adorable, Khaos, and your choice is brilliant. Such a gift will serve you well, and it is within my power to grant."

"Can you also grant me a skill that allows me to steal the abilities of others? A means to absorb their powers or devour them, perhaps?" Khaos asked, his eyes filled with greed. Yet, instead of reprimanding him, the goddess of chaos found his behavior endearing.

"Why settle for one when you can have both?" she replied, charmed by her precious Khaos. "I'll grant you whatever you desire. Now, what will be your final wish, my son?" Caught in his charm's sway, his mother licked him affectionately with her forked tongue.

At that moment, Khaos realized that attaining an infinite energy supply would improve his mastery of magic and skills without the concern of fatigue. Thus, he decided to make it his last wish. "Thank you, mother. Can you grant me infinite energy?" he asked, clueless to the power his essence held.

"You have a soul born from chaos and order. This means that you'll possess infinite energy at the peak of your journey as a deity," Asherah chuckled before reclining in front of Khaos.

"Oh, I see... In that case, can you grant me the ability to create and summon beings from all known species in this realm?" Khaos inquired with curiosity, snuggling up to his mother, cherishing the warmth and connection he felt.

Surprised, his mother's eyes sparkled like stars. "That is one of the most coveted abilities you could have asked for. I foresee a bright future for you. Although it pains me to bid farewell so soon after our reunion, I must depart. I wish you boundless happiness in your new life, my child!"

"I won't disappoint you. I'll embrace this new life and never forget my promise. I will grow stronger to meet you in person someday," Khaos replied. His smile was filled with affection as he slowly drifted into the true realm of dreams. His mother's genuine smile adorned her face, a sight reserved only for her children.

Lost in her thoughts, her consciousness replayed the memories she had with her creations, but the searing pain within her soul proved unbearable even for the fearsome goddess who'd once overturned the entire realm of Genesis with her absolute power.

The wave of nostalgia overwhelmed her one last time before she gradually faded away, becoming energy particles of white, black, and purple.

"I hope we can reunite someday, my beautiful child. But not too soon... this is your time now!"

The Primordial Entity, Asherah, transformed into energy particles and passed on to the next dimension, which may very well be the last one she teleports to.

Khaos absorbed her energy, experiencing a tremendous surge of power, but soon became overwhelmed. He fell into a deep slumber, allowing his body and energy to evolve.

The silver egg he resided in suddenly teleported at an astonishing speed, reaching its destination within weeks, unscathed as if forged from a durable mythical substance.

Leaving a trail of silver energy in its wake as it traversed space, the egg dispersed essence throughout the universe.

Finally, it approached a massive planet, decelerating as if guided by its intelligence, ensuring the host's survival during the evolutionary phase.

Descending slowly, it suddenly changed course towards a continent floating high above the planet's clouds.

Enormous ethereal gates bearing the emblem of a giant white dragon encircled the landmass, seemingly connected by mystical forces.

As the egg neared the continent, it adapted to the atmosphere and environment, mirroring the various natural disasters experienced by the lands beneath it.

Towering green vines emerged from the continent, parting the jungle region and allowing the egg to advance unhindered by predators.

In a matter of days, it reached the fortress of the royal dragons.

Within the throne room of the Royal Castle, a sacred space reserved solely for the next dragon god, Khaos' silver-gray egg rested upon the colossal throne, shrouded in absolute darkness.

The fact that Mother Nature had placed Khaos in the throne room could have hinted at his destiny as the next dragon god. Or perhaps her fear of his existence led her to mark him as a target, a challenge not evaded by those with a strong will. So, was she testing him, or did her intentions hold a different purpose altogether?