Chapter 5: First Evolution

Location: Navalon's Royal Castle

As baby Khaos slowly awakened from the first half of his evolution, he felt a massive surge of energy coursing throughout his soul, mind, and physical body, completely aligning the three.

In response to Khaos's curious nature as an infant, he reached out blindly, and as he did so, he was surprised to feel something sprout up from underneath him.

As Khaos reached out to touch it, he realized it was stem-like and possessed a rubbery yet firm texture with an earthy smell and a cap-like shape at the top.

Without hesitation, Khaos ate the entire thing without even considering the consequences of his instinctual decision.

Unbeknownst to him, this was a particular type of giant magic fungi known as the fruit of knowledge and consciousness, commonly called magic mushrooms.

After digesting the chemicals entirely, Khaos saw his soul dimension, a place where his vast energy was kept.

However, Khaos felt a sudden disturbance inside his psyche. His sense were temporarily enhanced as he started having intense visual hallucinations of sacred geometrical shapes and entities, along with the distortion of time and identity.

This went on for quite a while until his pineal gland, or third eye, de-crystallized, allowing him to finally see it.

The god particle, also known as the DMT molecule in its energy form, started to be released by Khaos's brain in dense waves, lifting the veil covering his perception of reality.

Khaos's felt liquid rush up his spine and into the back of his neck and brain as his heartbeat started to match the rhythm of divine vibration and frequencies.

While focusing on the frequencies around him, a massive entity surrounded by light and darkness appeared from nothing inside Khaos's soul dimension.

Surrounding the entity, were hundreds of humanoid reptilian beings with horns and wings resembling stars.

The entity blessed by light and darkness then carefully reached out to touch the gray egg, transferring common knowledge of the mortal realm to Khaos's brain and soul without damaging them.

Khaos sensed that he was encased inside a giant egg. He was surprised but not afraid - he instinctively knew this was a natural part of his development, but as his soul became conscious, he realized something was off.

The egg's surface was covered in gray energy particles that seemed to become a sentient life form.

At first, Khaos was confused by how such a thing could be, but as he concentrated, he began to sense a deep connection to the energy surrounding him. It felt like the particles were an extension of his consciousness. And as he focused, they began to shift and change, taking on new shapes and forms at his command.

Khaos experimented with various patterns for several decades. He was fascinated by how the energy responded to his will, so he was determined to test himself for what felt like an eternity. It was an out-of-body experience, and he knew it would likely shape his power for eons to come.

Khaos's essence core is a gray infinity symbol rotating around a purple hourglass at every angle. And somehow, it was able to release a dense violet orb of destruction energy without his consent. "Leviathan, is this the same element mother has?" he asked, wondering what would happen next as he checked for energy loss.

Leviathan hesitated at first but then spoke in a deep, rumbling voice that echoed throughout their soul dimension. 'No. Our mother is the embodiment of a primordial law. Like all embodiments, she was considered a master of her respective element, but her body and soul wasn't able to contain such a powerful force like chaos energy. Only when an element's vessel breaks through the power limit for their species, does the vessel essentially become the element itself. However, most beings will never be able to reach their true peak in one lifetime.'

'Though, you do seem to possess the same element of destruction. However, I cannot sense any creation energy from your soul yet.'

'Now, the orb in front of you… it was created by your subconsciousness. In fact, it just so happens to be the first Dragonoid in existence to possess the element of both chaos and destruction.'

Khaos went silent momentarily, considering the implications of Leviathan's words. "My subconsciousness... why would it prioritize creating another being over helping me evolve?"

'Who knows? It must be for good reason. In your name and by your will, this Dragonoid will harness the potential to destroy entire civilizations with the essence of true destroyers.'

Khaos did feel somewhat intrigued by the thought of having such a powerful creature at his command. "And how do I contact this Dragonoid?" he asked, growing impatient, but his voice and body language didn't show it.

Leviathan's voice grew darker as he spoke. 'It's waiting for your appearance as we speak. My lord, this creature should not be taken lightly. It will not hesitate to turn on us if you can't control it.'

A being of great power was waiting for him to claim his place as its master. The thought filled Khaos with a sense of purpose but also unease. What kind of battles were to come that would require such a powerful subordinate?

Khaos knew that he was born from the union of a god and goddess, but could he truly control such a dangerous entity. Especially one born of pure destruction and chaos, a being meant to serve him but could also turn against him without reason.

"Let's find out," said Khaos, smiling instinctively as he unleashed his full power.

A torrent of energy rippled through the fabric of the universe, albeit on a microscopic scale, even going unnoticed by those with divine senses.

As Khaos continued to let his dormant energy manifest, he felt his consciousness slipping into his soul dimension, where he could speak directly with the Dragonoid that awaited him.

Khaos's' soul dimension was a swirling portal of pure chaos energy, and a dimension of gray miasma that stretched on forever.

Standing dead center of his soul dimension, he could feel the heavy pressure of the Dragonoid's presence.

Khaos stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the dragonoid with unwavering focus. "I am your creator, Dragonoid," he declared, his voice echoing throughout the dimension with an eerie undertone.

The dragonoid's eyes rapidly moved before finally fixing his piercing gaze on Khaos. "That may be true, but don't you want your first creation to have the choice of living a life of servitude, or rebelling against you here and now? What if I wanted to do nothing? Oh my creator, I hope you don't think spewing nonsense about world domination, or the promise of a bright future and peaceful realm will make me follow you. Such claims would never make me respect your authority. Though I'll tell you what, how about we form a mutual pact? I'll handle all the details while you focus on your evolution. As your creation, I would never cause you any harm." it replied, its voice filled with the same intelligence that created it.

Khaos grinned as his power surged even more, and a slight, dense gray aura surrounded him. "Stop it… you know what I am. Serve under me or fuse with my soul for eternity." He responded, his voice emotionless.

The dragonoid chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that shook the very fabric of the soul dimension. "Are you truly so foolish? You only have the element of chaos right now. Do you honestly believe you can control a being like me in your current state?" He asked, grinning widely.

Khaos locked eyes with the Dragonoid before sending a concentrated wave of chaos energy towards him. "I do not seek to control you, Dragonoid. I only wish to command your power. I have no doubts about your strength. It's your personality I have concerns about."

The dragonoid's smile widened, and for a second, he considered Khaos' words, though his eyes still flickered with the same cold and calculated presence.

The dragonoid was indeed a sight to behold, standing at a towering 15 meters tall with shimmering silver and violet-purple scales that gleamed in the light.

The dragonoid's head was adorned with giant black dragon horns, twisting and curling upwards like a crown, and he had lifeless black eyes that could emit purple flames if enraged.

"So be it. Don't blame me if we both end up dying here. I won't give in to your rule so easily." said the dragonoid, revealing a rugged grin that showed three rows of jagged obsidian fangs.

"That's exactly what I've been waiting to hear." Said Khaos, as a grey veil of ash-like energy started to surround him, affecting the entire soul dimension or, in Khaos' case, a soul realm.

The atmosphere was thick with tension, and the ground of Khaos's soul realm shook violently as their first exchange of attacks connected, creating shockwaves around them.

Purple lightning crackled around the chaos dragonoid's body as he used his four wings to move and react efficiently. He dodged most of Khaos's chaos energy-coated claw swipes and tail whips with relative ease, only getting grazed when he was damaged.

The Dragonoid could only prolong the inevitable by using his legendary ability, 'Superior Awareness of The First Disciple of Chaos,' to read Khaos' every movement. He could even see a few minutes into the future while gaining the ability to process information at hundreds of times the speed of light.

The Dragonoid then decided to capitalize on a chink in his creator's scales and felt that he could potentially strike a fatal blow. "Oblivion Nova!" he yelled, as veins started protruding through his entire face, including his maw, when he suddenly released a violet-colored beam of energy at Khaos that turned into multiple separate ones, causing massive explosions around them.

"Truly impressive," Khaos whispered, as suddenly, a gray barrier shaped like an infinity symbol appeared from nothing and protected him from any angle. His smile widened, displaying a maniacal grin, as his diamond-shaped golden eyes glistened behind the clouds of smoke made from an abnormal skill capable of leveling modern cities.

Khaos's visage was eerie, and it seemed that the dark gray smoke from the explosions would take longer to dissipate because of its density.

Regardless, with their draconic senses, they didn't need their vision to fight.

"Shadow walk…" whispered the dragonoid, vanishing into darkness and leaving behind afterimages.

Then, in the blink of an eye, shadow essence started moving fluidly through the air around Khaos several times faster than light. However, it was evident that the shadow essence particles were the dragonoid in his energy form.

Of course, Khaos could still keep up, but he smirked when he saw how fast the Dragonoid was moving.

'I didn't intend to fight my creator… I'd be foolish to think I could win, but I acted on pure instinct.' The Dragonoid flashed a toothy grin before he materialized into his Dragonoid form and considered his following method of attack.

The Dragonoid took about five deep breaths before focusing on the flow of his shadow essence.

With this technique, the dragonoid could use his abnormal skill, 'Shadow Conduit,' which allowed him to create and manipulate shadow essence in any way he fancied, including creating or summoning shadow beings as subordinates.

The Dragonoid stretched out all four of his wings majestically while creating four portals resembling his shadow element.

From the first portal, three beings covered in darkness stepped out while releasing intense spiritual essence.

Then, three more beings emerged from the second portal, with their comrades from the third and fourth portal appearing right behind them.

'Dark matter covers them in a veil of darkness that most species could never perceive. Unfortunately for them, I am able to see through all forms of energy. Their ears and facial features resemble the dark elf race. Most of them seem to have chose the assassin evolution, but a few of them have chosen the ranged and magic evolution phase as well. Their physical and spiritual structure are completely different from dark elves. Yet, they are still communicating in the elven language… how interesting.'

'I can hear them conversing about my element and race. By using their enhanced senses from nature's blessing, I suppose they've already seen my true essence core.'

Although a newborn, Khaos was still around 50 meters in his dragon form. He was much larger than the Dragonoid; however, he didn't have as much mobility due to his size. So, he did something that didn't require any agility.

"Ashen Breath," Khaos said, releasing a massive vortex of chaos energy from his mouth. It negated any element in front of it as long as Khao's energy signature was stronger than his enemy. However, although it had a massive radius, it moved far too slowly for sentient targets, giving the shadow beings ample time to react.

'I have no other option but to use my innate ability, which my creator has granted me,' thought the dragonoid, increasing his energy by focusing and manipulating his shadow essence to flow through his veins and essence core while simultaneously calling the shadow beings back to his soul dimension.

"Desolation," Whispered the dragonoid, making the entire radius of around 5 KM a dimension of nothingness, depriving anything besides him and his shadow beings of their senses and identity, regardless of race or bloodline.

'All his senses are gone, but it didn't even phase him.' Said the dragonoid, who could only shake his head.

Khaos's energy was utterly undisturbed, something the Dragonoid found quite admirable, considering he felt the same.

The Dragonoid didn't think that being naive and content in a realm they have no information or influence in was something his creator would do, but still, knowing was better than assuming. However, he still couldn't overcome his terror when he looked into his creator's eyes.

In a situation like this, all you could do was tip your head to your opponent, but things weren't that simple with beings of the draconic race.

As the Dragonoid caught a glimpse of Khaos, now moving again, he noticed a coldness behind his creator's gaze. From the dragonoid's perspective, he seemed to grow into a colossal dragon god.

The dragonoid could only gaze up at his creator in fear as sweat dripped down his face. He watched Khaos's body become engulfed by a gray and purple energy that spiked around him as if responding to his emotions.

The Dragonoid expected things to escalate slowly, but after fighting using every martial art ever created for seven days straight, fatigue had already run its course, and now he continued fighting with pure instinct and willpower.

The Dragonoid never let his guard down. He smirked as he felt the powerful shockwaves coming from his creator. However, they started to disrupt his essence core, so he jumped back to gain some distance and tried to recover his energy.

The dragonoid gulped as he heard a sizzling sound, but as he looked at Khaos, he found himself face-to-face with his creator.

The massive white fangs in Khaos's mouth grew sharper and now produced a liquid chaos essence.

Before the Dragonoid could even move to defend himself, he felt his throat being crushed, and he immediately stopped breathing. His will was starting to waver, but he knew he couldn't continue living if he submitted or admitted defeat in such a shameful manner.

Khaos, realizing this as well, only raised his giant claw again to stomp on the dragonoid's throat as he infused his attack with chaos essence.

The force of his attack left behind a giant crater in the ground, creating massive shockwaves that erupted throughout the soul realm.

"D-Damn!" The Dragonoid cursed as his body bounced off the solid grey chaos barrier beneath him, causing his eyes to roll back while he coughed up purple blood.

Khaos heard a crunching sound and felt the dragonoid's desperate attempt to escape from his grasp. So he picked up the Dragonoid by his throat and lifted him high into the air using only his pointer claw and thumb before he spoke, "You seem to be getting weaker, Dragonoid. So, have you already reached your limit? Your potential is truly promising… but let's test your pain threshold." He said he started experimenting with his chaos essence again, only using about 25% of Leviathan's energy to create a few techniques and skills using his intelligence and interpretation of the four natural elements, wind, water, earth, and fire.

"A rebellious nature accompanies such talent, determination and willpower… you could be useful if guided correctly. I suppose I should have Leviathan train you then," said Khaos, forming a massive gray flame of concentrated chaos essence at the top of his pointer claw and sending it toward the Dragonoid without hesitation or remorse.

The flames reached the Dragonoid faster than he expected, so he couldn't dodge and had no choice but to face the chaotic flames head-on.

The outcome was obvious. The flames engulfed the Dragonoid in its wrathful blaze. His scales had already wholly melted and reformed several times because of his 'Dragon Regeneration' healing ability.

The dragonoid coughed up blood, but something unexpected happened. "Y-You!! Why would you do this to your creation?!"

The purple blood from the dragonoid started to be devoured by the liquid-like miasma that rose from the ground. It shape-shifted into tendrils with giant suction-cup-shaped mouths lined with hundreds of razor-sharp teeth that emitted an aura of chaos.

The chaos tendrils evenly absorbed the blood, each gaining the same energy while in complete synchronization, but they soon began to shrink before disappearing into the ground from which they rose.

The blood of a destroyer was then consumed by Khaos' soul in an instant, granting him every single ability the Dragonoid had, along with his DNA and bloodline.

"Victim of chaos, huh?" Shadows covered Khaos' eyes, but one could see the golden glow around him and the sinister grin on his face.

"I have my mother to thank for this. Now that I think about it, I feel shame for not being able to achieve it on my own. But who am I to complain? Who would be foolish enough to refuse the chance of acquiring absolute power… am I right, Dragonoid?"

Khaos released his hold on the Dragonoid and turned his back to him indifferently before vanishing from his soul dimension altogether.

The dragonoid got up and started to heal his wounds. But he was still a bit dazed and wondered what would happen next. Who knew his creator would be such a mysterious and unpredictable being?

"Dragonoid…" said Khaos, using telepathy.

"What is it, my lord?" Asked the dragonoid, making sure to show the proper respect to his master now that his strength and willpower had been proven in battle.

"It's time to name you," Khaos responded, and then, after only a few seconds, he came up with a suitable name for his first subordinate.

"You will be my shadow, but your name will go against your true nature. Will there be effects because of it? Probably, but that doesn't matter. No… in all honesty, I know you will have quite a few flaws. But I can't imagine how strong you could be in the future, if you were able to serve as my shadow despite your name… Eos.

"As the first fragment of chaos and my right hand, make sure to serve me well," Said Khaos as they started to evolve immediately after he finished naming him.

Their entire being glowed with a gray light as their bodies and essence cores transformed drastically.

Khaos had become an adolescent chaos dragon. His body was now 100 meters Long, and his once-black scales were shimmering silver, but his horns remained black. His eyes were golden, and now he has cross-shaped pupils that can seal the four natural elements of any being with a lower energy signature.

The Dragonoid, whom Khaos names Eos, had become an adolescent chaos Dragonoid of destruction. His scales still glimmered with the same silver and violet-purple hues, but now they pulsed with an inner light that seemed to shift and change with his every movement. His horns had grown even more prominent, curving upwards like a pair of crescent moons, and his fangs remained a deep, pitch-black color. However, their battle had tempered the aura of destruction that once surrounded him, and Khaos granted him his newfound name.

Leviathan watched the two young dragons with a smirk, his power pulsing in the background. "Well…" he paused; his voice was deep and smooth as silk.

"Looks like you two have come a long way since your battle in the soul dimension," said Leviathan, with a genuine smile on his gray-scaled face.

"Hmph!" Eos grunted in anger but remained silent. His eyes flickered over to Leviathan before settling back on Khaos.

"Khaos, since you won, I'll create a system for you as a small reward. It'll help you keep track of your abilities, elements, and energy." Said Leviathan.

"Sounds good, Leviathan." Replied Khaos, as his once rageful aura returned to being completely calm.

Eos nodded, a slight mischievous grin plastered on his lips. "A system? Whatever that is, I'll need one of those as well when I win next time," his voice steady and unwavering.

Leviathan's smirk grew wider. "It's not entirely impossible, but it's improbable such a thing will ever happen," he whispered before disappearing into the shadows, leaving the two young dragons to evolve.