Touching the animal altered your DNA. However, you can now choose whether you actually transform into a humanoid version of that animal, or whether you just obtained powers from it.

As a consequence of this, you can now change into your wolf form at will.

Your newly gained powers changed you, and have completely set you aside from other normal human beings. At the time you were unaware that the same fate had fallen onto many other people around the planet.

A few weeks after you touched the stone the first reports about enhanced humans started arriving from Japan and Korea, and it was the Japanese who first proposed a classification of the different power levels that had been conferred to people by touching the stones. Essentially, it seems that there is some correlation between the size of the stone and the degree of enhancements that are made to human DNA.

The Japanese thus described a yon-kyu (fourth level) as somebody with powers barely greater than those of a typical human. Whoever is attempting to rob the supermarket probably falls into this category, as you guess that otherwise he would have tried to rob a bank.

A san-kyu (third level) is far more powerful, with powers that can easily defeat a handful of normal humans, even if armed. The prospect that the supermarket robber could be a san-kyu fills you with dread, as it would make it a pretty close fight, though you reckon you should still prevail.
