Your own powers are probably equivalent to those of a ni-kyu, though you have never really had the chance to fully test them. At the very top of the categories, the i-kyu (first level) and ni-kyu (second level) enhanced humans can really pack quite a punch, and a fight between a superhero known as Shiroi Yuki and the evil Karasu-Tengu left a large area of central Tokyo in ruins.

Ultimately, Shiroi Yuki managed to prevail, and she has since consolidated herself as the protector of Japan. Considered to be the strongest superhero, her name derives from the snow that falls whenever she uses her powers, blanketing the land white. She appears to have complete control over ice, though she is also super-strong and can fly. Her beautiful crystalline-armored figure has long since become the most recognizable amongst heroes.

However, you are under no illusions that your powers are that strong.