Chapter 33 Yue? Love? Demons? (Sakura mini arc 1 part 2 finale)

Where am I and what is this place?

"Yue are you awake," a young man asked me. 

"Whoa who are you?" I asked him. 

"What Yue you don't remember me it is me your 2nd brother Yun," he told me. 

"Wait so is this why that Mae girl told me to be careful of this Alice girl but she was cute both of them were how can she be 15 thousand years old," I asked myself. 

"Mae? Wait do you mean your older sister Mae don't you Yue," He suddenly asked me. 

"Sister? Yes, she did tell me about some past life I had where I was a girl named Yue? But mm Yue is a very calming name because it is the Japanese name for moon a very wonderful name to give a girl even if I came here from 15 thousand years ago, I need to find Mae and get out of here right now," I told him. 

"So, you're not Yue and one of her incarnations okay I believe you and I will take you to her but first I will show you around this place," He answered me. 

"Wait isn't it too early for a crossover" A unknown voice cried out. 

"Crossover? What are you saying girl? This isn't a novel stop saying that," I told the unknown girl in front of me. 

(Actually, yuu this is kind of a crossover between two novels I wrote but it isn't really one at all cause the special will be on the mystery and the sky story after chapter 6 is released) 

The girl then disappeared from my view. 

Who was that? 

She looks like I know her from somewhere ...but I cannot remember where I last seen her. 

"Hah my heart" 


"Is Yue okay brother Yun" 

"Brother Yun she is going to be okay right" 

"Yue be Olay" 

I then woken up on a bed somewhere. 

"Your awake that's good and don't move there is something wrong with your body," A strange woman told me. 


"......water," I tried to form words but the only thing I could say was water was my voice broken or something. 


Is it the seal that is blocking my heart or my memories? 

"It seems there is a seal on your memories Yue," she told me. 


I noticed something the woman looks like one of the girls who is in my class. 


I then kissed her suddenly and everything gone black. 

Back to present day. 

2 weeks later. 

2 days after Hinata moved in. 

"Yuu senpai can I talk to you for a minute in the clubroom," Sakura asked me. 


She then grabbed my arm and dragged me into the empty clubroom. 

"Did you meet Mae two weeks ago," She asked me. 

"Yes, I met her why?" I answered her. 

"Cause when I found you 2 weeks ago you were sweating all crazy and told me you wanted water then Mae noticed something on your body then... t- then y-you k-kissed m-me and after that you told me nothing went wrong," Sakura shouted at me. 

"Sakura sorry—-"I calmed her down. 

Then Sakura pushed me onto the table. 

"Sakura what are you doing," I asked her as she was taking her clothes off and making her pure white skin exposed. 

"Touch my body and tell me how you thin," she asked me. 


I then reached my hand down and touched her body. 

It fells cold for some reason? 

"Are you alive?" I asked her. 

"Yuu I am felling strange," Sakura shouted. 

She then ripped off her bra and now her bare white breasts were exposed. 


I am having a very bad felling about this. 

When I was thinking that I noticed my lower half was sticking out of my pants. 

Well, I cannot believe I have to do this sorry Sakura this is fate. 

I then process to take my pants off reveling my little brother (I cannot say that word and if anyone knows what that means then you know what he is about to do) 

"Is that the "man" you have it is so big how many inches is it," Sakura asked me felling all strange. 

"Ah it is * inches," I told her. 

"Wow so big and is this your first time," she responded to my answer. 


She then grabbed my man and sick it up her censored body part. 

"Hah yuu that fells so good" 

Sakura screamed in pleasure. 

Is she going to do that at all? 

After a while we finished the business. 

I feel so bad I am no longer a virgin and the person who took it away was Sakura a 14-year-old youth but her skin did feel cold is she alive at all? 

"About that question I asked you earlier," I asked her. 

"Mm are you talking about me being alive well give me a minute," she told me. 

She then exited the room. 

A minute later. 


The doors reopened and a young girl with pure white hair walked out into the room and her features are amazing but her chest is about the same as Sakura's flat chest size and her height is around 134 cm a bit taller than Sakura who is 126 cm—-wait don't tell me this girl is a demon. 

"Are you Sakura?," I asked the demon girl in front of me. 

"Mm you found out already senpai well I should probably introduce myself to you not as the creator but as sakuya lunette the demon princess of the demon race and the Sakura or the body I been using she been dead for years so I can leave that body alone for 7 hours   but it will rot if I leave it alone," she formally introduced herself to me and also explained to me why her human body was cold all the time. (She is lying)

I then rushed outside the clubroom and went into the nurse's office. 

"Is there anyone in here," I asked the nurse. 

"Yes, there is she told me that she wasn't feeling well are you someone she knows," the nurse asked me. 


The nurse then left the room. 

And I went over to the bed that the body of Sakura was sleeping in. 

Man, she really is dead but when did she die cause there isn't any wounds. 

(Wait a minute can't the mc read minds then why haven't he told the girls oh right he is trying to act like a regular person and I am the author oops) 

"You are looking at her body and to say this she died about 7 decades ago," she told me. 

Hold it did she just say 7 decades ago that mean she been dead since the late 50s to early 60's crazy right. 

If I do my math correctly, I can sense she died in 1957 by an unknown cause and was healed by someone who allowed her to survive.

"About that were you with Sakura when I went on a date with a while ago," I asked her. 

"Sakura? Yes, I was with her but   I am usually not seen by humans and usually protects her to make sure no one finds out that she had once died in the past and that was me who wanted to do that thing with you since she was sleeping and I lied to you I am not using her for anything she is just a kind hearted girl who I brought back from the dead because of a promise I made with a certain fellow," she told me. 


"Okay," I answered her. 

That means Sakura is way older than me if she didn't die and was brought back to life which made her have a body of a 11-year-old girl for all of eternity and she was lying about her body rotting so that's mean she is only sleeping phew I am so relieved about that. 

Yikes she would be an old woman if that thing never happened then I would never meet her. 

"Yuu senpai are you there," Sakura tiredly asked me yawning. 

"Ah Sakura yes I am here," I responded to her. 

"Did you see a cute little whited haired devil flowing anywhere cos I want to yell at her," Sakura shouted in a quiet voice. 


"Mm I should leave sorry and that thing was good even if I was using her body,"  sakuya told me. 

"Sakuya you over here now," Sakura screamed at her. 

I then grabbed her tail and pulled her down so Sakura could deal with her. 

A while later. 

"Sorry about that senpai she is only a child who only knows how to make trouble for others and I decided to protect her not the other way around and I chose to become immortal after I was raped by my father," she told me. 

"Ah okay," I answered her. 

I then left. 

Man, I cannot believe that she is an undying being this is crazy and I even kept my powers hidden from everyone I know for a certain reason but... I can't seem to recall anything about it was it a childhood promise or something well if it was, I haven't broken that so yeah. 

I then picked up the picture of me Sayuri and two girls I don't even know and started to look it over. 

I wonder who the girl is? 

Mm and there are also two of them never noticed that until someone pointed that out. 

The picture contained me what looks like playing house with three girls Sayuri being one of them and in this case, it looks like this was taken 7-8 years ago. 


Did I know any girl back then? 

Text bling. 

Oh, someone texted me. 

I better answer. 

[~~~ good evening] (I) 

{huh] (???)

[Yukimura San] ???

[....] (I)

[ Shia Hakka?] (I) 

I then realized who I was texting and turned off my phone. 

Then my phone went off again. 

{where are you?} (Sh} 

[I will send you the location}

I then send her the location to my apartment. 


I cannot believe my best friend from my next life is actually here in 2024. 

Well, I better get going back there now? 

I then left the clubroom 

And walked over to my apartment building. 

"Huff finally here," I said breathing heavily from running too much. 

"Kauai San is that you" 

Wait who spoke. 

I then looked behind me and saw Shia Hakka next to the elevator. 


"Hello it been a while?" I greeted her. 

"Yeah, it has been a while Yukimura and why are in in the past did your parents allow you to come here at all," She asked me. 

"Uh— " 

"Yu San why are you standing outside for," Hira asked me. 

"Thank god Hira, you saved me she thinks I am you know that thing I told you last year," I responded to her. 

"Ah so you're the past life of Yukimura the yuu kun I heard people talking about so did the battle against the yasha family happened yet? Well, it should since it was 2022 and it is 2024 right now," She questioned me. 

"About that," I answered her. 

I then explained to her the whole events I gone through in the last two years and how I met all of these girls and stuff. 

I didn't explain the whole truth just part of it like the angels I never dared mentioned that or how I met Mae. 

(He just explained the events from chapter 20 onwards) 

"Ah okay so that's why you look like Yukimura to me while your yuu San and that yasha battle never happened what is going on that is the only thing I cannot finger out," she responded to me. 

I then took her up into my apartment. 

"Here we are it isn't that big but I have a spare bedroom for you," I told her.

"It looks Wonderful but how can you afford this place?" she asked me. 

Should I tell her the reason I got this place at all. 

"A job," I told her. 

It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the full truth because what will happened if I tell her the real reason, I am able to live in this place. 


Hello Saki San here and I hope you enjoy this crazy streak I am doing right now and the next chapter is the last of the streak until the next one and the next arc begins now. 

But first here is an extra chapter. 

(The last one of the streaks. ) 

Chapter 33.5 the warrior girl? 

In third person pov. 

In feudal Japan. 

"Master" A girl called out. 

"Yes" A younger girl responded. 

"Well, someone is waiting to court you lady," the older girl told her master. 

The master is a young female warrior who fights for her freedom and rights. 

And her name is  mai mai. 

After her maid left. 

Okay what should I do today? Mai mai  questioned herself. 

(Don't tell me that yuu will meet this girl in a later chapter) 

Ps this is related to the story so please read it because it is the opening act to the new arc. 

"I know I should go and find some bad people and kill them for the people cause Ya that is what a samurai does," Mai mai told herself. 

She then left the large Japanese style house and went on her way. 

A while later in the village square. 

"Young warrior I am glad you are here," a man greeted her. 

"Yes, chief what is wrong here," she asked him. 

"The Basho family is attacking again I need you to capture the leader alive so keep him alive for now got it," the chief told her. 

"Okay I will try my best chief," mai mai responded to him. 

Mai mai then left the village square in a hurry. 

Mai mai needs to hurry up to the Basho clan right away. 

She then ran as quickly as possible to a rundown manor which was owned by the head of the Basho clan before being killed a few months ago. 

"Wow I haven't been here since I discovered the dead body of the former chief," Mai mai spoken to herself. 

(This isn't a crime novel so don't guess who the killer is). 

But who killed him? 


Mai mai then reached for her sword and pointed it at the person's neck. 

"Who are you?" 

Mai mai asked the person in front of her. 

"Hmm I am ****************** *************** and you are," the man asked her. 

"Ah I am mai mai  mister **********," she told him. 

(There is a reason I am keeping his name a secret) 

Hmmm this man is creepy? 

'Hmm okay so you are trying to look for the one behind the Basho family problem cause that person is me," the man suddenly told her. 

Pov changes 1st person. 

What he is the one who killed the last chief and became the next ruler of the Basho clan no how could he do that to me. 

"So become my slave the chief is on my side because I hired him to be the chief to send you on fake hunting missions while I murder people and with this, I can never be caught ha ha-ha," the man laughed at me. 

Why didn't I realized that earlier that the chief lied to me if only I knew. 

He then put a slave chain around my neck and threw me into a dungeon inside of the Basho family house. 

Back in third person (this is author's pov) 

Soon 500 years pass like nothing and the sleeping body of the young warrior laid still in the empty old Japanese house waiting for the day she can be freed from her prison. 

At the yasha house. 

A young girl who calling someone. 

"Hello nii San" the girl answered the phone. 

"Sayuri good afternoon h-how is school lately," the boy asked his younger sister. 

"Good nii San so is everyone okay over there," the girl answered her older brother. 


"Oh, and brother want to discover treasure in an old Japanese style house this Sunday," she asked him. 


Discovering the treasure arc

And the main girls we are forcing on is mai mai and Sakura and this arc is expecting to be 5 chapters and it wouldn't be in yuu pov at all.