Chapter 34 going treasure hunting

(This time we are back in yuu pov for now) 


Huh she wants me to go treasure hunting with her. 

Now what am I supposed to tell Sayuri that I am too busy with stuff to do that type of stuff so I will tell her no. 

"Okay I will do it," I told her. 

Crap why did I agree to do it. 

And I still need to introduce Shia San to the other girls who are staying here. 

I then ended the call. 

"Wow that was one long call Yukimura—— I mean yuu kun," Shia told me. 

".... yeah, it was Hakka San," I responded to her. 

"Um okay," she answered me. 

After a while the girls came inside of the apartment. 

"Yuu kun,"  Yuki said hugging me around my lower half (not his *****)

"Yuki you are glad to see me today now aren't you," I answered her. 

"Uh yeah the club room was covered in this strange stuff this afternoon and Sakura was in the nurse's office did you do anything to her," she questioned me. 


I couldn't say another word wait there isn't any way I can say I had sex with Sakura no well my fate does say I will have my first child in a year from now but Mae haven't told me the mom of the first child I will have. 

Then Hira and the others started introducing themselves to her. 

(Most of this story arc will be Sakura pov) 

I then gotten ready for the treasure hunting this Sunday.

The following Sunday. 

"Shh Sayuri the girls are still sleeping," I said getting my stuff ready. 

"Ah sorry," she whispered to me. 

We then booth left the house. 


Huh what time is it and I am certain I heard someone talking. 

Even after what I did with Him seems so good sadly, we been avoiding each other ever since then. 

"Yu senpai" 

"Are you worried about losing him or something Sakura," sakuya asked me while floating in the air. 

"Hey your mom told me to watch you this week again so don't do anything bad like you did on Monday," I told her in an upset way. 

"Ha okay but you haven't told him how you fully became immortal or the actual way you died for a bit why is that...?" she asked me. 

"Wait I never told you that did I eh who told you that," I questioned her. 

"My mom" 

Her mom told her damn it that vampire told her youngest daughter everything. 

Sayuka then disappeared from my sight of view. 

I then climbed out of bed and grabbed the stood inside my room and opened my closet. 

Inside were dresses and clothing that little girl usually wear well I cannot wear the clothes the others wear because I am short so these are my clothing. 

And I am the shortest member of the household after moving in 3 months ago for a personal reason. 

Well Yu senpai discovered that I was living in the club room so he told me to live with him. 

"Good morning, Sakura chan,"  Hinata said hugging me. 

"Umm Hinata San stop hugging me too hard," I greeted her. 

"Sorry Sakura chan," she responded to me. 

"Umm aren't you usually sleeping with senpai," I asked her. 

"Huh no I would never sleep in the same bed as him Sakura chan and I am an idol I cannot date a boy cause people would think that I am gay," she told me blushing all red. 

I knew it she is in love with him. 

Don't worry I will not tell him anything but I will slowly get these two together with my newest plan.  

I then continued to get dress into a pretty dress with a cute look on it and let my room. 

Oh, right senpai told everyone that he was going treasure hunting today now that is a bummer. 

"Sakura chan? What are you looking at desu," remia asked me.

"Ah nothing remia chan it wasn't anything at all," I told her. 

The truth was I was thinking about how to get senpai and Hinata together but I need to plan things out carefully to not hurt anyone's feelings. 

(Sorry Sakura your plan of getting yuu and Hinata together won't happen until the next arc) 

But I should go somewhere but what is a good place mmm. 

I know! 

I can go treasure hunting on my own and not get in senpai's way now that is a genius idea right there. 

I then left the apartment. 

A couple minutes later. 

Mm okay the train station should be over there. 

Mm is that senpai and that girl Sayuri boarding a train now this is odd?

"Uh what are you doing," Hira called out to me. 

"Huh Fukuhara chan  wait you're not sakuya pretending again, are you?" I asked her. 

"No why would I let her pretend to be me and we are the same well we aren't twins so forget it and I am 313 so don't pair me up with my no-good younger sister," she told me. 

"Eh so you're talking about that girl aren't you need San," Erika said appearing from nowhere. 

Good thing Fukuhara and the three other sisters aren't a problem to deal with since Erika is my classmate and Hira is my roommate but she is also one of the future wives of senpai and I feel bad for you senpai you don't know that Hira is the crown princess of the demon nation. 

Oh, wait remia is a human but it is too hard to explain right now. 

"So, what are you up to Sakura," she asked me. 

"Going treasure hunting want to come with me," I asked her. 

"No than—-" 

"Look there is Fukuhara chan and she is with a friend let's invite that friend of Her's to our class trip tomorrow and too our secret base with lots of treasure," a little boy shouted with joy. 

"Did he just say treasure Hira let's go with them," I begged her. 

"But don't you have school tomorrow," she asked me. 

"Don't worry I took 2 weeks off after Monday's deal," I whispered it into her ear. 

She then allowed me to come with them. 

A while later. 

"Huh this isn't the way to the station?" I asked one of Hira's friends. 

"Oh, this way is faster and more fun and only us local kids know about this path and it is way more fun than sitting on a train for 45 minutes isn't that right Fukuhara chan," the boy remarked. 

"Yes, that is right cause not far from here is where I met Joshua a couple summers ago," she told me. 

"Is that the little boy's name? Wait does he know your true identity at all," I asked her. 

"Yes, I know her true identity as a vampire so don't worry and Fukuhara chan told me everything about you even about you being a high school student and your first time even wow," Joshua responded to me. 

Why did she have to tell all of her friends about that shameful act. 

  "So, you know that I was born in 1945 and became this way in 1957," I asked him. 

"Yes and the fact being you were born on December 29th 1945 and became that way on January 2nd 1957 shortly after your 11th birthday you even pretended to be older than your real age by changing your height with magic you even told your lover that you were 14 then on that day he found out that you became this way in 1957 but you never told him your true age or when you were born is that right Sakura chan," He answered me. 

"Uh yes, it is true," I told him. 

But I cannot say that 30 + years ago I started a business which became so successful I got billions of dollars so now everyone wants me as part of their job front with that I even got senpai a lifetime free pass on every train in Japan. 

"We are here—huh did someone already enter this place now this is odd this hideout is an old abandoned Japanese style house so it isn't unusable to see people who want to look around for the treasure," he said. 

(So that is the reason why Sakura is so rich but doesn't she have a lot of homes why did she sleep in the clubroom back then and now she is in the same place as yuu but don't worry they won't see each other for 2 more chapters) 

We then entered the base. 

Huh there is a bag here. 

I then checked the contents of the bag and saw some swimsuit mags. 

Okay so that is senpai's bag and I should hide from him and secretly follow him. 

I then hid in a great spot. 

"Huh that is strange was someone in my bag," he asked Sayuri. 

"Eh no there wasn't anyone looking in your bag nii San," she told him while winking at me. 

Shot she noticed me but is allowing me to follow them. 

Now this is great news for me. 


Huh is a girl crying somewhere?