Chapter 36 the warrior girl named mai mai

'Of course I believe it. I am a magician, so this is all real'.

"Yes, I understand very well, Sakura-sama."

Sakai is the next lord of this manor? ... That's refreshing, and what **** is saying is that it's weird to see a "man" who has gained immortal powers: ... If that was me, I'd be wetting my pants right now. But I have the same powers as 'him', so it's not like I can blame him.

But ...?

There is hope.

'I found the entrance to the dungeon,' Joshua said suddenly.

'Wait, what did you do?' I asked him with a curious look on my face.

I gave him a curious look and followed him.

'I'm not sure what you're talking about,' he said, 'because this manor was built over 500 years ago, shortly before the Edo period, hundreds of years before the revolution that reshaped the Western world.

And if the daughter of the Kauai Clan is the sole heiress to the manor, what is her connection to it?

How could anyone live for 400 years, so it all seems false. ...

Oh, I had forgotten that Lin Mai is thirteen thousand years old and Mei is fifteen thousand years old, but although she never says her real age in public, I don't think people would believe Lin Mai, who looks like a six year old child, so let's call it good.

Well, let's just go into the dungeon now.

The stairs connecting to the dungeon appeared ominous and membranous, while all the walls had cracks and dry red stains, and looked damaged. ...

Wait, don't tell me someone perished here.

"It looked like someone perished here," Joshua questioned himself.

"Actually, I don't think there was just one, there were hundreds, and the shocking thing is that all the victims were girls, and I think all the victims perished after being raped and were thrown in here, and their bodies are under the dungeon," Yuka answered for us.

'Oh, that's a terrible way to break up. Those poor girls, no one saved them, so they all died without mercy or anything.

We descended into the dungeons and were shocked.

Hundreds of skulls and bones were scattered all over the floor, but there was only one fresh corpse among them, and I was shocked all over.

It was someone I had known a while ago, and the last time I saw her was 30 years ago - gulp.

And she' s wearing the same clothes as the last time I saw her: ... In other words, why does the body look freshly dead when apparently she has been dead for 30 years?

'Hero saved me,' the girl exclaimed.

'No way, that senpai is nearby,' I said.

shot..... ... We can't be found in a place like this.

I shouldn't follow him even if I am the first girlfriend.

Sakura, don't hide ... 'I can see you,' an acquaintance's voice called me.

I was afraid of who uttered those words, because it was none other than Yuu himself.

'It's a beautiful day, isn't it?' I answered the question fearfully.

'Why are you here?' he demanded of me.

"I- "

Before I could say anything else, I saw a little girl in a warrior's regalia, with a sword strapped to her back and a chain around her neck.

He helped this girl... Were there slaves in this country?

Who is this young girl," I inquired of him.

"I can't mention that," he told me, "I only met her after she woke up and kissed me, so I can't mention what happened next.

..." I turned to him and asked him, "Senpai, I heard the sound of pleasurable orgasm earlier.


'Shia was thinking about what had happened over the past week.

Just a few moments ago, she had been watching the news to see if anything major had happened in this time period, and suddenly she remembered the weather on this day.

'There's a storm coming today and it's going to start raining in less than two hours, so come home early,' Shar said to himself.

Then she thought of her childhood friend, who was a boy in the present day, and thought about his stunning body.

How could he be so incredibly hot?

Striking her head on the coffee table, in an effort to forget what she had been thinking about, she said, 'I'm not sure.

She was supposed to be pure, not yet exposed to the adult world, and had known nothing about sexual intercourse since her parents had told her she was too young to know about the nightlife.

However, when she saw an AV that her friend had, she imagined that she was the female lead and her friend was the protagonist.

And the kissing scenes were strange, with the female protagonist moaning every time the main protagonist kissed her.

Even when the protagonist took off her clothes and laid his body on top of hers, Shia just kept watching until the film ended.

And there was sex in almost every scene after Ri sun confessed to the nameless protagonist, you know.

And how can Yu own such a pornographic disc when he is only 16 years old?

He is breaking the law by owning this because he is a minor.

She felt that way after watching that pornographic film.

She also looked at the time.

3:50 pm.

Huh. ... It's been almost two hours since I started watching it. ... Oh no, she didn't notice the time at all.

She was so absorbed in watching the film that she was shocked that she didn't know the time that that big storm that took lives was coming in a few minutes.

Ten minutes passed and nothing happened.

Twenty minutes later and the storm still hadn't hit Kyoto?

'It seems that the storm that was supposed to hit Kyoto at 4pm suddenly claimed 20 lives in the Tokyo area.

She was wrong about the storm and confessed about a storm in 2011 that claimed hundreds of lives.

She then asked if she would really like to try it, but would she do it with a partner?

She then began to fondle then groaned as she began to touch herself by playing with the body parts that had been censored.

Yes, she was now pleasuring herself.

And then she tries fingering herself with toys that had fallen on the floor of the girls' room.

One of the toys was in the shape of a " little brother" and she was ....

The same time in Sakura pov outside of the manor. 

The girl explained everything about how she ended up here and even told us her name and all of that took 2.5 hours since it was 4.30 now. 

"Shouldn't we head back to the apartment now cause the others are already gone," I asked the two of them. 

And Sayuri left hours ago and went back to the yasha household. 

"Yeah, let's head—-" 

"Shit, I forgot to bring my phone and have no money left for a cab and the trains aren't running for some reason," He answered me realizing his mistake he made. 

"I have a plan just give me a minute," I told him. 

I lied I have no plan and I only brought enough money for two people for a one-way cab ride to our apartment and now I have to deal with this warrior girl named mai mai. 

"Lady Sakura, I have arrived with my car to pick you up," someone called out to me. 

Oh, that is right my personal driver why didn't I thought of that earlier. 

"Mr. lin can you send us back to ***** drive please," I asked him. 

"Yes, lady Sakura as you wish," Mr. lin respond to my order. 

My driver is an elderly man who have more of sixty years of driving in his homeland of China and met me 2 years ago and been my driver ever since. 

A while later. 

"Sakura the driver is having a heart attack," Yu told me. 

Yu then pulled the brakes by climbing into the driver seat and pulled over. 

"How is he?" I asked him. 

"Dead I can no longer feel a pulse on his body," Yu answered me. 

"What dead then who will replace him as my driver and can you even drive?" I asked him. 

"In fact, I have my driver's id since a month ago and passed the test with the best score," he told me. 

If he could drive then why did he take the train earlier today. 

Oh, right he doesn't own any cars and walks everywhere. 

"Actually, this is my first time driving a limo," He answered me. 

"Just drive already I will pay you when you reach our location," I told him. 

I then calmed myself down and started cultivating. 

And now I was in a world which I haven't entered for years but the green trees and lotus plants still look the same even the cherry blossom was still blooming with pink petals falling onto the ground. 

The eternal spring like land is amazing and one thing is I can bring people with me but they wouldn't be able to see beyond this.

Which is the area where the monster that owns this world lives. 

So why is a monster invading my inner world and took 90% of my world only leaving the tree and the lotus plants alone.

Wait that monster is the reason I had to become a mage in the demon country in the first place because of the fact——

Let's just try to pass the human stage and enter the 1st stage of the hauling stage and to become a true immortal without the pills or cheats I would have to go through 50 more stages of 10 different levels of cultivating in that I am only a beginner compare to lin mai who is a true immortal. 

But the dragon race has a long-life span so it doesn't matter to them. 

But nearly no mortal become a god before not even lin mai who is a true immortal. 

And with my life span I can live to be 3000 years old. 

Well, I do have 50% of dragon blood inside of my body so I have half the life span of a dragon. 

But should I really be staying in this inner world for too long cause wouldn't senpai and the others be worried and wonder why I am sitting in a meditating state. 

The stage I am currently at is the 1st stage of the hauling which is the 3rd rank after human and beginner rank and if Yu started to cultivated, I wonder what rank he would be at right now. 

And the rank that someone can become a true immortal isn't the highest anyone can reach because that is only the 7th rank of the realm of cultivating. 

And the training to pass this stage was hard damn I even had to climb a mountain and gotten struck by lightning 81 times. 

Plus, all of that happened 11 years ago when I suddenly returned to Japan after leaving the nation more than 50 years ago. 

Wait should I tell Yu my true identity at all. 

N- no he isn't ready to know the truth about us yet. 

I will tell him once he reached the Miyan stage or the 6th rank. 

(The protagonist's powers is currently unknown) 

I then studied the area around the Sakura tree and punched it about 500 times. 

Wow as a girl I don't have any matters cause why would a young girl just punch a tree 500 times without any scars on her body that is just crazy. 

"Sakura we are almost there," Yuka called my name pulling me out of my inner world. 

Phew now that was a close call cause the monster almost fingered out that I was in the world. 


Somewhere on the other side of the world. 

"Boss what are you doing," the worker asked his employer. 

"Just going to see what my future husband is all about why are you asking me Joe,"  kizuna Amy told the older worker Joe. 

Kizuna Amy is from a Japanese family who decided to move to a nameless town close to the capital of Canada shortly before she was born. 

Due to her father's power as mayor, she easily became the boss of a small part of a huge company which was run by her grandfather. 

But she had to lie about one thing and that is her age. 

"Amy are you sure about this how about your grandfather did he allow you to leave this place," he asked Amy. 

"Yes, grandfather allowed me because it is good for my education plus, you're the only one who knows my actual age Joe," Amy responded to him. 

author note: Chapter 38 is the last chapter of this arc and the next chapter will be in Amy  pov. For a bit